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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. FUCKING GLORIOUS. 4-0 so far. You can all suck my dick (except for Davey Boy, who in general, is pretty decent about Arsenal)
  2. Arshavin just danced through about four Porto players for a beautiful setup.
  3. That was some great hockey. Very enjoyable. Crosby adds to the legend........ah well, what can you do
  4. I actually agree with Booche but I couldn't resist.
  5. Slovakia has the number one PP, the number one PK and a hot goaltender, you may not have to feel sorry them (........I think Canada is going to crush them but I've been wrong all tournament)
  6. I went on this huge rant via email to Booche about how the Russians have Olympic hockey in their blood yadda yadda and that I was worried Canada would be holding their sticks too tight....wow was I ever miles off course.
  7. As the game approached I got more worried that Canada would be the team on it's heels and Russia pouring it on, I had figured they just had to survive the first ...... yeah complete opposite, I'm hung over.
  8. Same way you stop any talented Russian, Bobby Clarke the guy.
  9. Hey Sloth' date=' wanna join me? [/quote'] I'll be at your place by 6pm for share-sies, I'm clean, I promise.
  10. I let the first go but I've got to respond..........JINX! (no, not really)
  11. So what you're saying is you expect Canada to make the finals?
  12. That's it Ollie, bring the fire. Things were getting a litte too friendly around here with those last couple of posts.
  13. I think hating on preliminary rounds is silly.
  14. I'm guessing you're orgasmic over the play of Russians and the Swedes then (I'm also guessing you're full of shit). But like i said, there's plenty to be positive about and I still think they can win. I think this guy already has your dick in his mouth so I'll pass on your wagging slong. Thanks anyway.
  15. Define extremely pleased and overall play because I think we've got different opinions on what those words mean. The only way I can accept that statement as anything other than dick wagging bullshit is if extremely pleased means "There's plenty of positives" and goaltending isn't part of overall play. And hussle. Don't get me wrong, I still think they can win and they played great at times against the US, but I'm not extremely pleased with their overall play, I wasn't extremely pleased with the Swiss game in the slightest and they had their their costly breakdowns with the US.
  16. I'm not sure what I just accomplished but I'm sure I'll drunkenly bore Mel tonight with the details.
  17. But did you, in fact, think that, or were you lying and deep down think Lindros would have saved the franchise?
  18. That would be two facts, wouldn't it?
  19. Maybe not though, that was the begining of the 65cent Canadian dollar era, tough times. You know what, I take that back, I'm just going to agree with you all day Roller.
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