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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Yeah but Ottawa's had it's financial struggles that all it's fans have had to deal with, a few times fingers crossed the team wasn't folding, so it still irks me to see this fucker (who we plucked out of hell) pocket 4 large. Like I said I'd like to see him taken off the ice on a stretcher, no lie, absolute heart felt opinion.
  2. That's all I was really getting at. Like you said, it worked out but I really don't think what happened was great for the sport.
  3. Yet somehow I think if it happened to the Habs you wouldn't be so I'm just kind of taking what you're saying as complete crap, but hey I could be wrong, I often am.
  4. I think the issue that's pissing off not just Sens fans and that you're missing (I'm assuming on purpose) is the 4 million dollar signing bonus Heatley kept. Players that get traded (whether they want to or not) still get all the bucks agreed to them. When Heatley held them hostage, vetoed a trade pre July 1st, thereby forcing the Sens to pay the 4 million that really was intended to be a bonus for siging and staying in Ottawa, rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I really don't understand why you're confused a non Sens fan would think it sucks. I didn't like the Nordiques but I thought what Lindros did was bullshit.
  5. Jesus Christ Roller, are you on meds or something? I'm agreeing with you all the over place, spooky.
  6. that is exactly why you get a NTC so you dont end up in atlanta after signing a deal like Hossa.. shitty things happen both ways. accept the trade to edmonton or wait for murray to deal with san jose.. hmm tough one. ottawa >>> :surprise: <<< Heater Though really what Heatley did is fairly unprecedented but well within his rights by the terms laid out which is why things may change. The mere fact that you accurately used a banana fucking another banana as a visual aid to describe the scenario is proof enough that Heately is douche (for me at least).
  7. Saying the case is closed doesn't make the case closed, there's quite a few angles on this issue and the Heatley thing may lead to a change in how signing bonuses are treated. It's similar to issues that involve of the letter of the law versus the spirit of the law, shit like this happens all time in various aspects of life, sometimes the law gets changed so the letter fits the spirit, sometimes it doesn't.
  8. Speaking as a Habs fan' date=' that was the single greatest moment in their 100 year history. Number 2 was him skipping Spezza`s wedding. I love Heatley. editted[/quote'] So what you're saying is your opinion regarding the Sens isn't worth the shit that's currently staining the underwear you've been sporting all week.
  9. Yeah that made me laugh as well. I was the opposite. Loved Gretz. There's been cases where I've looked back and had a little regret for the hate, Lemieux would be an example, maybe I should have enjoyed his chase of the scoring record more, but only because we might not see such lofty totals again. There's some I'll never regret....Elway, Emmitt Smith, Heatley, Eli Manning, Brett Hull, Roenick....so many, so little time.
  10. I find it silly that you find Crosby hate silly. And when I say silly I could mean either understandable, stupid or blindly patriotic (which I also find stupid). What's wrong with hating on Crosby? Have you, from the inception of your enjoyment of sports, loved the 3-5 players that were at the top of their game at their respective position, in their respective era? If so, you're pretty rare, if not unique, in the spectrum of sports fans but I understand your statement. But Christ, my list is a mile long of great players that I absolutely fucking loathed while they played. Crosby, in fact, does jaw, a lot by some people's standards, and there are people that just don't like him for it not matter how well he plays, I'm one of them. I appreciate what he can do but I love hating on him, that's such a great element of sport in my opinion, when some player/team/fan base's style or personality just doesn't jive with you and your own personal vendetta begins. Nothing like seeing a hated rival crushed. If you've openly hated on some great in the past then your statement is fucking stupid. That simple. If you're going along the lines of "Well it's the Olympics, this is Canada's team and we should support them all" (which i truly doubt you are, but hey it's friday, it's lunch, and I'm just bullshitting anyway) and being blindly patriotic then I find that statement stupid as well, but only because I despise blind patriotism. I hate Dany Heatley so much that every time he has the puck I hope that someone knee on knees him so hard his knee cap pops out of his mouth. The only way it would be more enjoyable is if Pronger and Heatley somehow did it too each other. I'm not sure, I'd have to look pretty deep, but there's a chance I'd like see that happen more than Canada winning the gold.
  11. Speeeezzzzzer is pouring them in. I'm guessing during his knee rehab stint he found the time to bump into some crazy hook ups, good on him.
  12. Uuuuuh that's awesome and yeah, the bird with the stick is killing it.
  13. Agreed, but the fact is starting your peak at the 35 game left point isn't the preferred peaking time. I'll fucking take it though and be happy we're heathly but a lull is coming.
  14. I fucking love you. I swear to god almighty I was just logging in to say that. I love the streak and glad we are getting solidly into playoff position but I've seen teams peak too early before....fingers crossed.
  15. Par for the course for this Arsenal team. They score tons on lesserlings and get on scored tons by quality teams.
  16. Yeah, watching yet another non-playoff calibre permutation of the Habs must be pretty nauseating.
  17. I don't have the time to get him through a twelve step program.
  18. Now that the Sens have taken the season series you'll all be enjoying photos of Booche wearing one of my Sens jerseys soon enough. The night has yet to be determined.
  19. Not at all, I was just going to argue that some are just exercising their minds differently (TV vs video games, internet vs newspaper) but physically all the same shit is available yadda yadda. Just don't have the time to get into it.
  20. DELETED because that was the beginning of another massive philosophical debate and my lunch is over and I've got too much work to do.
  21. That's a horrible misquote Bouchetard. I'm of the opinion that most people can do basic math and usually assume if there's a mistake it's because they don't give a fuck, maybe I'm giving my fellow human too much credit but I don't think so.
  22. To be fair, I was in and out of this crashing webinar at work, which is the only reason I had the time to debate, and miss read his post, under his hypothetical premise he was right, the cashier was bad at math. I still disagree with the whole premise that most cashiers are bad at math because they use a cash register as a tool because I'm often in some scenario where the cashier has already rung up $10.63, I've handed them a twenty, they punch it in and then my girlfriend whips out her change purse and hands them 13 cents after the fact and the cashier correctly hands me $9.50 back. That happens far, far, far more often than his scenario. Anyway Velvet and I have argued this one more than a few times and probably will again, the good thing is that I know he's off snowboarding today so he won't be around to defend his point.
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