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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Is that a Steven Jobs quote?
  2. AD? Did you have an argumentative post up and then delete it? If so, you've shamed all of Rich Stadium. If you ever think you might get one just give me a pm before hand and I'll help you through it.
  3. Don't let the door hit your walker on the way out.
  4. Judging from what I wrote I'd say pretty poor.
  5. You'll have no problems jailbreaking it yourself. A monkey could do it. Carrier is more the issue, if you're Rogers or Fido then get a GSM iPhone. You'll have it jailbroken in about three mouse clicks. The bottom has dropped on the 16gig 3g now that the 3gs is out. I bought mine used over a year ago and it's going strong (though battery life on the iPhone isn't amazing if you're constantly screwing around on it but that's to be expected, you're running a pretty decent screen). If you're on Bell I'm assuming you can get a Bell iPhone these days though there are probably less of them and they won't be as cheap because they're newer. I really don't know much about them but I'm sure someone on here may. At one point I heard something about Bell going GSM but I could be wrong.
  6. You're on a roll today. Sigh, no, if everyone took the the elevator all the time we wouldn't lose the ability to go up stairs. Not unless we flattened the entire planet and even then, no, we wouldn't. Your above example regarding the change isn't a mental math error, they did actually perform the correct calculation for the figures they had, they just weren't paying attention, with or without too much reliance on calcalators they would have blown it....I think humans have been spacing on shit since the beginnnig of time.
  7. My extended family used to have round robin followed by knockout round tournaments during the summer at the cottage.
  8. You keep saying this as if its a bad thing! I'm just jealous.
  9. Nom de plume at the very least.
  10. So don't. Buy one off ebay, they're getting cheaper by the minute and jailbreak then unlock. If you can hack your Wii you can handle the iPhone. They're both valid. Now go back to drinking rum and eating lobsters.
  11. The point I was attempting to make for you was there was definitely a point in time most people thought vinyl was dead and at this moment it's definitely experiencing a resurgence. Will everything you want to listen to be released on vinyl? No, but I'm pretty surprised by how much I want to listen to is. I was just going by your own pathetically over blown, exaggerated statement (judging by your music reviews I'll just have to accept that this is now your "style") and pointed out a perfect example of why this will not be the case. You will be a able to buy a book in the future.......gramps. Head-to-head football was unbelievable.
  12. Exactly! Just like the kill blow that compact discs dealt to vinyl. You never see anyone releasing shit in vinyl anymore....oh wait. There will always be books, at least in our lifetimes, now go back to fluffing bad bands Please note I love my iPhone with the passion of a thousand burning suns but I'm pretty meh! about the tablet.
  13. I was cringing when I clicked on this because I was certain it was Arsenal related. First time the number one seeds have met since 1993 and it's featuring some exciting defences and even better offences, what a marquee matchup. I'm a little jealous.
  14. Richie Hawtin....awesome.
  15. I can't believe I just read that. I can't believe you can't believe it. How long were last nights hockey game broadcasts: 60 minutes or more like 3 hours? Gotta do better than that guys.....the stats on the first post include 60 minutes of commercials. I can't believe that you can't believe that he can't believe it.
  16. You lost all credibility when you spelled Peyton wrong. Go back to drinking rum and eating lobsters!
  17. In my opinion Joe Montana is still the best QB ever but simply because of playoff performances. Montana statistically regular season is eclipsed by Peyton but playoffs......... Montana 460 of 734 with 5772 yards and 45 TDs with 21 Ints, QB rating 95.3 and 3, yes 3 Super Bowl MVPs and won all 4 Super Bowls he played in. vs Peyton (not including this Sunday) 348 of 565 with 4207 yards and 22 TD with 17 Ints, QB rating 84.8 and 1 Super Bowl MVP (that really should have been awarded to his running backs) Montana was soooo clutch, Peyton still has time though.
  18. I'm having a hard time picking who I'd rather see win the NFC. Both stories are so good but Brett somehow pulling it off would be a hilarious fuck you to the world and I love that kind of crap. I don't think the Vikings will be the same without Ray Edwards (any word on his injury?) and all advanatages in regard to line play that they enjoyed at home will now be the Saints. Too many weapons, the dome is too loud, the Saints are taking this one.
  19. At this point I'm patiently waiting for you to jump off the Patriots bandwagon as well. I'm assuming your Saints jersey is in the mail The Vikings humiliating the Cowboys was my SuperBowl, it's all gravy from here. That game was pure joy. Brooking's temper tantrum at the end will sustain me for months. Anyone but the Jets at this point (for some reason I just don't hate Peyton as much as I used too, maybe Eli is just too good of a lightning rod for me)
  20. aaaaaw all the Vonnegut talk warms my heart, my absolute favorite. I got "Look at the Birdie", the new book of unpublished shorts for xmas. Haven't startet it yet. Here's a very cool link to the letter Kurt wrote home after surviving prison camp in Dresden (ie Slaughterhouse-Five)
  21. Yeah, I've got the Safety Dance in wide release and I'm taking full credit for the find cuz that's how I roll.
  22. Who coaches Halak during the summer? We should hire that guy.
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