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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Weathernetwork has thunderstorms Friday POP 70%, isolated showers Saturday POP 40% but only 1mm and Sunday looks all good. Yahoo has rain and thunderstorms Friday and Saturday but Yahoo weather is almost always wrong.
  2. I kind of like the bullshit drama this is creating and I can't wait for the Packers vs Vikings games. Shit, if they can limit Brett's throwing, have Peterson stay healthy, let that defence do their job and crush people inside the dome.....this might actually work out for them.
  3. Well the goals weren't pretty but Arsenal was the better team, good stuff.
  4. Uuuuh yeah, I don't think I'm even remotely saying it's too much work. The fairly simple point I'm makng is it's generally advantageous to be on top of your team, which I'll be on top of for about 6 weeks before my interest crumbles and my team sags. I'm more of a weekly proline gambler. Really I was just wishing you good luck with the pool.
  5. Peace, love and understanding.
  6. Beautiful goal by Gallas. Spectacular. Not really but I`ll take it.
  7. Hey I love football with all my heart but I suck at these kind of pools. Anything where I have to constantly be modifying my team is good for the first few weeks and then I eventually shit the bed and blow it off. Good luck though.
  8. You're lucky this isn't Friday.
  9. Can't for wait for Celtic vs Arsenal at Parkhead.
  10. Thanks Punk, the Vernon Wells section made me feel better.
  11. Except Vernon's on pace for more of a 17HR 68RBI season while probably having 600+ ABs (if he stays healthy). That's awful. Shit, he's not even a tier 2 hitter at this point. His slugging percentage is pathetic, so is his OBP...actually it all is. But yeah Mammoth I see your point, my hate would probably just be disappointment if it wasn't for the big bucks.
  12. I'll toss in Vernon's stats just so I can close filled with hate. Wells AB 437 HR 12 RBIs 47 AVG .259 OBP .305 SLG .412 (wow, just wow) Hey at least he's staying in the lineup and getting his ABs.
  13. I find so many of the Blue Jays contracts and moves inexplicable in recent years (well actually the GM is the explanation but still....). Christ why didn't they trade Halladay for something decent when they had a chance, Rios for a few minor league average prospects, you never know. Rolen goes for minor leaguers (not the worst move if you're rebuilding), Rios goes for nothing (uuuh okay, big contract but you could have gotten something), Doc stays but is as good as gone (Remember Rolen? Kind of looked like you were rebuilding). For fucks sake, this organization couldn't even throw in the towel properly.
  14. You know how I feel I about Friday Rich Stadium action, no better way to get through the day and into the weekend (and the typing noises provide cover in the office).
  15. I'm still kind of trying to decipher this first sentence LongBalls but if you call rage sitting in my chair at work, drinking coffee and laughing at you rage then what would you consider 99% of your posts? Catastrophic wingding fury? Jesus, you, Angre, the biggest bitch around, telling someone to put their rage away? Try a different angle that doesn't make you out to be complete douche and hypocrite all in one go. Come on, let's be serious now...Is this Roller posting as Booche because I've never seen anyone else take a smackdown like that and continue to post drivel.
  16. Are you getting senile in your old age LongBalls? Do you understand what the word fan and fandom even means you stupid fuck? Chumpelstilskin you even used it yourself.... Even though you spelled don't it incorrectly I just assumed you knew what "fan" meant (my mistake) and it sure as hell doesn't mean you have to have attended a game for a team that plays across a thing called an ocean in a land called England (look it up because I doubt you've ever been outiside North America) or even seen a show for that matter you arrogant, self righteous turd to be considered a fan. Really, just enjoying something makes you a fan. Now that you know that, take the time to update your understanding of the word, I’ll give you a week. Yeah I know you think you're all dope because you put on some retarded looking hat, drive two whole fucking hours (wow) to watch hockey, get drunk and then high five your friends at the rippers and that makes you fan #1 but guess what? Reading message boards, setting the alarm Sunday morning and getting up to watch football makes you a fan. We all do it. Hardcore probably not but who the fuck is saying they're hardcore? (and DaveyBoy is pretty fucking hardcore) Maybe you have issue with the word Pool. Do you have a problem with a person calling the Canadiens the Habs if they don't give a fuck about them? If so I'll deal with that aspect of your stupidity in another post. Look I've had beers with you so I know how stupid you are, I was just trying to point out that you reposted the exact same shit and really aren’t dealing with your teams loss well.
  17. Wow, did you ever not get the point I was trying to make you dumb ass. I'll try to make it simpler for you because you're a ManU fan and I realize the majority of you are abysmally stupid. Here it goes ...... if it wasn't funny or interesting the first time around, then it's probably not going to be that great the second time around. To compound your idiocy you're still barking about the point you failed at making humorous (twice). Recycling a jab and continued chirping and gloating about a rival losing a great player after your very own team lost two great players (yeah that's right, I just called Divenaldo a great player, an absolute piece of shit but a great player) is fucking lame. Just try and deal with your own loses chump. As far as Pool fandom goes, ask DaveyBoy or TissueMan about it if you're curious. All I can say is they have a lot of hardware and they played and won the best championship game I've ever watched in any sport.
  18. For christ's sake, you posted the exact same shit in the other thread two days ago and no one bit or gave a crap. Seriously, is this how you're dealing with the loss of that fucktard Ronaldo and that stone age throwback Tevez that the New York Yankees of the EPL just experienced? For shame Booche. Do me a favour and just cry in your basement instead of recycling failed jabs. (I'm really looking forward to the start of football)
  19. Only if you want to get shaken down by security.
  20. Puuuuleeaaaassse. A yellow nylon rope with a green mesh top? Your dog obviously has no fashion sense, you should be ashamed.
  21. Unless you have two dogs like that Jakis you've totally misrepresented yourself, I call shenanigans. Gratz on the cat Heather.
  22. He's nineteen pounds of raw animal. There isn't a purse in the world that could contain that monster.
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