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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Remember when you were jumping from bench to bench at Shoreline with perfect balance? Mad respect Guy.
  2. I wasn't at the game but I brought out the boo-birds in my living room, does that count.
  3. If there's some local biker gang in your hood maybe you can drop by and get Jose Theodore's number and discuss the matter further with him. I'm sure he'll have some insight into the matter. Grab me some blow while you're there.
  4. That's the Montreal championship spirit from the fans of the most respected franchise in hockey that I've come to expect.....good on ya' punkie. I suggest if you feel those two playoff losses didn't fill the coffers and they need more 'barrels of money' look no further than Las Vegas where Celine is chilling. Mystery solved.
  5. God, have the Caps ever disappointed me.
  6. Savour the flavour Roller, it's going to be a while before they hoist another. Wow, did Ryder ever bite them in the ass.
  7. Luckily he hasn't had to go sleepless beyond game 5 of the East conference's semis since 1993.
  8. Agreed, go down like the dogs you are and get hammered by 8. I really enjoyed the Van series despite the 4-0 finish. Sadly my dish has been fritzing out on tsn2 for some reason and haven't caught much NJ-CAR.
  9. Aaaaaaaaaah well. To good to be true probably.
  10. If The Jam are actually playing I'm going to shit. Wow, dust off my bowling shoes and commence stretching out a Fred Perry or Lonsdale. Awesome. I'm stunned.
  11. That's awesome! At the 1:40 mark it looks like someone may be handing Peyton Manning some nugs.
  12. Is is? Boom! Ollie is dropping philosophical bombs today. Moving on.... Is the depth to which this debate has dropped as embarassing as the Habs getting crushed in four by their hated rivals, the Bruins? I'll say no.
  13. I think Booche may have been using the land of MakeShitUp reference as a launching point for his use of the word abstract as defined by being considered apart from concrete existence in his posts and then continued the use for his comedic flow. At least that's how I analyse it.
  14. Fuck guy, give other people some credit, I'd like to think Dinghy, AD and I do are part in making Sens fan look bad as well.
  15. Ollie, just buy your ticket to the land of MakeShitUp and watch the series for yourself. Sens in 7 (of course they've got the home ice advantage because all of the citizens of the land of MakeShitUp are die-hard Sens fans). But I do disagree with Dave-O's comment about the debate on Sens or Habs being irrelevant and idiotic. It's a discussion board, hypothetical situations get discussed constantly. There's enough info out there to at least form an opinion and give a reasonable explanation as to why you feel that way. I also disagree with... But only because I really don't remember it being repeated "over and over" and Rich Stadium hasn't really been around that long. He's bang on about being 1 winner....a wry and deep obversation about how a sports championship work....I'll have to ponder it further. And yes, I'm desperately trying to kill a slow day at the office. Thanks for the fun guys.
  16. Strangely enough I'm developing a similiar wish in regards to you.
  17. Hey don't play nice when I'm working under the delusion I'm actually getting under your skin. Way to ruin it, you suck Andre. And yeah, I hear you. Sigh, funs over.
  18. Lang's a top-notch all-star? We're talking about two different players dumb ass and my all star remark narrowed it down to Markov dip shit. I was going on the fact that Markov is so fucking obviously their MVP....which I just assumed we agreed he was. It never even occured you to me you'd be pathetic enough to whine about a player that's been missing since february in which Gainey could have easily addressed the loss of a fucking 30 goal scorer. My mistake in giving you too much credit.
  19. They played the same number of games you moronic limp dick. How fucking stupid are you?
  20. Karey Krice with the shutout. Ronaldo.....I mean Louganis....I mean Kovalev was their top scorer you fucking idiot. What other top notch all-stars were hurt for Habs? The stench in your basement must be overwhelming
  21. Well Roller, the good news is free agency is going to give Gainey a helping hand, be happy for that. The other good news is Les Brahs laid out the silk sheets that are reserved for guests and proceeded to shit the bad so badly in the second half of the season and in the playoffs that they probably won't get poached too badly and might sign a majority of the players they want. Who they actually want is another question. Hopefully they sign all the K's. Komisarek to 6mil a year over five. Same for that piece of shit, diving floater Kovalev - 6 over five. Little Tits deserves his share of the pie, hes got to keep those mobsters at bay. It goes without saying that Koivu should be given a long deal because I really think he has a bunch of years left in him. Koivu! Koivu! Koivu! Koivu! Koivu! (that's what you guys do around here, right?) Tanguay should change his name to Kanguay and hop on board.
  22. I'll just let you nurse this lose.
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