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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Whatever it takes to get you through the night I made a half assed effort to find 2nd half of the season point totals but only found up to March 18 2009.... Ottawa G:28 W:15 L:9 OTL:4 PTS:34 Montreal G:29 W:11 L:15 OTL:3 PTS:25 We should buy plane tickets to the land of MakeShitUp for the Habs vs Sens Seven game series. I'd put 100 bucks on the Sens. (and yeah I know, the Sens played the second half with absoultely no pressure on them)
  2. I'm really not so sure about that. At the very least the Habs aren't miles ahead
  3. Yeah, Boston played a great third. Habs just aren't good enough. I really thought a few of them outright sucked tonight. Koivu and Komisarek come to mind.
  4. So is that officially one or two dives for Kovalev that period?
  5. That should make you feel better Booche. The best thing about Price right now is with every shot Boston dumps on him I expect a crushing let in. Makes it fun to watch.
  6. At least Cherry has Komisarek's back, I don't agree (as always with that boring sack of shit). Ron didn't look like he was on board. I'm glad Cherry took another moment out of my life to point out the stick on the ice goal.
  7. He should focus on his strong suit, face washes.
  8. Or maybe the big leaguers just haven't seen much of these guys yet and they will eventually get crushed.
  9. "Canada's a little disappointed tonight." "Why?" Awesome.
  10. I really hope you enjoy the phone call I've been saving for you when the Habs finally get bounced. I'm not, he's fucking pathetic and his antics on the bench showed what a fucking punk ass he is, though it did make me laugh. Honestly, he really isn't the kid I thought he was. The Annointed One stinks of Theodore. Let's see what Halak can do, can't be any worse.
  11. I'd like nothing more than for the Habs to go down in four with the final game having Price openly weeping on the ice with the rest of his team shunning him but Tanguay missing that gaping cage made me feel ill. I guess there's some part of me that still feels the need to cheer for any canadian team but the Leaves....I guess I'll have to drink until I destroy that area of the brain.
  12. Thanks for the great timing Timouse. This is Day One of my very serious attempt to quit (survived my first waiting for the bus smoke urge and my first coffee in the morning smoke break - not so bad really). I will start reading the book when I get home from work.
  13. I hear you, the knock on wood is of upmost importance during these very jinxable times but I still have a lot of faith in the Spiteful Ones' powers. Nothing like a good smiting.
  14. Paging the Hockey Gods. (cmon Hockey Gods, smite them)
  15. I'm not sure they'll even make it past Michigan State....I hope so because I'd much rather see that match up. For a team that doesn't come off that massive Michigan State rebounds like crazy and will probably out rebound UConn (which says a lot). UConn vs UNC would be the shit.
  16. That Kansas game was a heart breaker. Didn't get a chance to watch as much as I wanted this weekend but at least I caught UNC taking care of business. Tar Heels all the way. I hate Michigan State.
  17. I'm just trying to get their hopes up so when the Penguins knock them out last game of the season it will sting extra hard.
  18. That's pretty funny. Miller is back for the Sabres but I still think the Habs will win. They've got the tie breaker on Florida, 2 points and a game in hand so I'm feeling they are going to pull it off. Well assuming the Bruins hang on (5 points might be too much for the Devils) that's not the worst matchup. Les Brahs should bring Chris Nilan out of retirement.
  19. Booche likes the boyish men. Confirmed. While watching the ticker during Bball, I had my fingers crossed for the Price shutout in hopes of a few "He's Back!" posts. Didn't watch the game or see the highlights, how'd they play?
  20. Mizzou was crazy last night. They keep playing like that and they might make it to the finals. That Evans kid from Memphis is amazing though, I wonder if he'll play past his sophmore year in the NCAA, I doubt it. Xavier almost pulled it off - gritty game to watch. Thank you Villanova. The Big East is really flexing it's muscle. Duke sucks.
  21. This should make you happy Booche.... Mangini invites Brett Favre to camp .....but it's not how it looks. Guess Mangini doesn't hate him that much after all (I still hate Mangini though, for those keeping score).
  22. Yeah, Arizona seems to gotten their ship in order but I like Rick Patino, their 12 game winning streak, their full court press and they survived their scare. Looking forward to things starting up again tomorrow.
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