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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. Yeah well that's not really 3 years then and it looks like he made the right decision. I'm still of the school of what's the issue with having a hard time trying to decide whether to retire or not. It's a tough choice and I'm pretty sure what Favre gave the Packers at least gave him the right to struggle with it. My dad was a fucking civil servant and he had a hard time with the decision. I personally will not, let me out now! But I think a lot of people would. MJ and Favre were both megastars in their respective sports and both have substanstial career numbers so it's a valid comparison and they're the two most recent stars I can think of that came out of retire when they probably shouldn't have. I don't think there are too many people who wouldn't say there's only one MJ, no one is going to argue that.
  2. I don't really think going 13-3 in his last year with Green Bay and leading them to the NFC Conference championship and losing to the Super Bowl champs (where granted he put out the silk sheets that are saved for guests and shat the bed) qualifies as holding them hostage. From 2005-2007 he threw way to many int's but he still put up crazy yardage and started every game. His departure wasn't pretty but christ watching MJ play baseball (so awesome) and then seeing him in a Wizzzzzz uniform wasn't pretty either. It's hard to walk away when it's all you've known for most of your life. This sure as fuck wasn't the first time it happened and it sure as fuck won't be the last.
  3. Seems like he's calling it quits. Is that an echo? He'll always be one of my favorite quarterbacks.
  4. I was going to go on about the "ain't"'s in your previous post and some sort of Southern Belle thing but we've had our laughs for the day. Until tomorrow when this is way more fun when you're getting paid to do it at the office.
  5. Is your pajama top tied too tight? I was kind of hoping you had even the remotest chance of understanding that I was using slang, my mistake. I can neither confirm nor deny my scat inclinings - that's between me, my girlfriend and my dry cleaner. For some reason I pictured you curled into fetal position, holding a box of kleenex in one hand and keyboard in the other while weeping when you typed that. I'm going with 50/50 odds that's how it went down. Seriously, that sounded like something my girlfriend in high school would have stammered out.
  6. Straight up, are you fucking retarded? Faceless internet mud-slingling? Typo aside, we know each other, well I might add. I could pick you out in a crowd of thousands. Faceless? What the hell are you on? You know Ollie pretty well also, but I’ll let Ollie decide for himself if he’d like to admit it because at this point I’m not sure I want to admit it. Exactly how stupid are you? What the hell do the Sens have to do with your dubious, unfounded, moronic and ridiculous claim that the Habs are miles ahead of all the other Canadian clubs. You do understand what I’m talking about? Just to get you up to speed, it’s the Flames. At this point the only thing I want to channel is an interpreter for the gibberish and bizarrely tangential shit that just that you just laid down. Pajama Boy, I think a sane person might have just said “You got me. The Flames are playing decent this year and yes they just crushed my team†but honestly, kudos for being so doggedly stupid, shit like that brings a smile to my face.
  7. I got on my bus today and said hello to the bus driver and he didn't say anything back. Aaaaaaaw, just like old times.
  8. Everywhere being in the Habs thread? So if the Flames are on a sh!t streak (which they are) and they crushed Les Brahs exactly how does that put the Habs miles ahead of them? Just curious? Do you even think about what you write before you post? I hope you're wearing long sleaves today because I think you'll be needing something to mop up all those tears.
  9. Florida or Tampa should pick him up. That's where the blow is at it's highest quality - he'll post huge numbers.
  10. Roller, did you a grow a pair since the last time I saw you? I think the point I was trying to make was maybe you should shut the fuck up before posting something that stupid. The fact your boys got fucking owned by the team I was talking about and you obviously had no clue how they were playing all but illustrates my point. Or you'll what? Either post something in the Sens threads that's either funny and I'll laugh at or lame which I'll ignore. We're shaking in fear over in the Sens thread.
  11. I'm sorry but I found that statement so particularly ignorant and brutal that it bears repeating. Halak had a 0.842 SV% - woof! We'll see what Price can do next game - we'll take him on the Sens.
  12. Potentially, hope you still love me though.
  13. Did the 1607 folks who should have been in attendance each individually put a grain of sand in your vagina or did they send an emissary?
  14. Uuuh, you kind of killed my momentum there Dave, thanks.
  15. Pffffffttt. 30 Rock and the Office were on last night dipshit, get real. Ottawa is still 7th overall for league attendence so get over it, but I imagine numbers will still slip. Hell if they averaged 17,297 for the season (which they won't and I'll take the over on that next year if you want to put 20 on it) they'd still be better than half the league.
  16. Dana White addresses the controversy. VaselineGate
  17. A little more whining bitchness from Penn that I hadn't heard about.... Wah!
  18. Here's a link. VaselineGate Guess something took place mid-fight. Honestly let them rematch, another ass wiping and another pay day for GSP before he has to face Thiago Alveres.
  19. Wow, so BJ is a little bitch. Don't refs pat down the fighters before the match. I seriously think Herb Dean would have caught something like that.
  20. Oh yeah, UFC 97 ticket prices....... Tickets for UFC 97 will go on sale Saturday, February 14 at noon ET and will be priced at $550, $400, $225, $150, $100 and $50 I imagine the 100's and 50's are complete shit. I was seriously considering going but now I don't think I will. I'd love to see Anderson Silva.
  21. I finally got around to watching UFC 94. GSP crushed him. BJ was taken down at will, couldn't get into rubber guard, was passed constantly and got fucking pounded. I would have liked to have seen some more of knees from GSP similar to the ones he buried into Matt Serra but wow did he ever beat his ass. Machida is amazing. Love watching him. Clay Guida is rapidly becoming one of my least favorite fighters in UFC, really starting to hate on him for some reason (well one of the reasons is I find him boring, that and his hair).
  22. I just read a Kaberle+Blake to the Flyers for Lupul+Coburn rumour. I highly doubt it.
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