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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. [color:purple]I recently came across an amazing internet search tool, it's called Google and it directs you to almost anything you're looking for on the internet!

    Just yankin your chain buddy. A couple clicks got me to this page, scroll down a wee bit and you'll see their latest record for sale.

    Edit to add: looks like their first is there too, a little further down.

  2. Yeah man! Roxy & Elsewhere is what made me do the Zappa avatar. I have a pristine vinyl copy (might be a later pressing though) that makes it onto the turntable quite often. Probably should have added that to my list. Note my signature...

    The name of this song is Penguin in Bondage,

    And it's a song that ah, deals with the possible variations on a basic theme which is...well,

    You understand what a basic theme is.

    And then the variations include ah, manoeuvres that might be executed with the aid of ah, extra-terrestrial gratification and devices which might or might not be supplied in a local department store or perhaps a drugstore but at very least in

    one of those fancy new shops that they advertise in the back-pages of the free press.

    This song suggests to the suggestible listener that the ordinary procedure ah,

    That I am circumlocuting at this present time in order to get this text on television,

    Is that ah, if you wanna do something other than what you thought you were gonna do when you first took your clothes off and you just happened to have some DEVICES around...

    Then it's, it's not only okay to get into the

    PARAPHERNALIA of it all but...Hey!

    What did he say? Ready?

    She's just like a penguin in bondage boyoyoyoyoyooyoy

  3. Ok, a few more than five because I've been switching it up a lot lately...

    Matt Mays & El Torpedo - Matt Mays & El Torpedo [2005]

    Grand Funk Railroad - Closer to Home [1970]

    Burt Neilson Band - 2004-11-20 Marquee, Halifax, NS Disc 1 (holy jam into Yellow Pants)

    The JB's - Pass the Peas: Best of the JB's [2000]

    Derek Trucks Band - 2003-10-04 HoB, Lake Buena Vista, FL

    Screamin Cheetah Wheelies - Screamin Cheetah Wheelies [1994]

    The Band - 1976-08-16 King Biscuit Flower Hour Broadcast

  4. Thing about the Dead is that there are so many different aspects to them. I mean, how many Dead cover bands have you seen (good ones, I mean) that sound completely different but still sound like the Dead? My brother loves the Dead as much as I do, but he's all about the folky, rootsy, Southern fried aspect of the Dead. Of course he appreciates the other aspects too, but he's more about the songwriting. On any given day he might just as easily throw on Workingman's or AB over any boot in his collection.

    So what I'm trying to say is, one man's trash etc. Too bad he had to be a jerk and cut it off mid-jam though, I'm sure you wouldn't cut off Cosmic Charlie or Attics or something in the middle if somebody was digging on it.

  5. So this song sort of wrote itself in my head last night while I was somewhat stoned. I mean, it's pretty derivative, but an original nonetheless. We've got all our instruments crammed into our A-frame attic - two drumkits; my guitars, amp and effects; an old crappy bass (nobody here is exclusively a bass player) and an old Traynor Bassmaster head and massive 2x15 cabinet; few crappy keyboards and my computer equipped with Acid 4.0 multitracking software. I don't really like Acid but it does the job for our purposes. Anyway since I moved to Hamilton in September and I've had the time and space to really start making my own recordings, the creative juices have been flowing like never before.

    So like I said, this song was just in my head last night. I didn't want to go to sleep until I recorded it so I wouldn't forget it, so I quietly tracked a skeletal version late last night, playing a rhythm and then a lead track into a microphone without plugging in the guitar. Woke up this morning and decided to do it right. I usually play all the instruments when I record in the attic, but roommate Sean had called in sick to work so I had him cut the drums. Then I laid bass, rhythm guitar, and two leads.

    The tune is 100% straight surf. I mean, I love surf but I've never really played it before, odd that this should just come out of me. Anyway I thought I would shamelessly share the recording, cause I'm sort of proud of it in a nerdy schoolboyish way. If anybody digs this, I have tons more in varying styles. Please excuse the shoddy production and the few mistakes I was too lazy to fix.


  6. I'd go and see them, but not in Toronto. I'm sick of the "stand still, hey you're touching my arm, you're too tall, hey stop dancing!" crowds in the big city. Not to mention the 6$ beers and no naked ladies! It seems like people are there to be seen rather than to have fun at a concert.

    I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here, but T.O. shows are less fun than anywhere else.

    2 cents.

    I hear you 100%. I grew up in Toronto and lived downtown last year; there are many people who go out to shows to be seen. I mean, it doesn't happen at every show, but it happens alot. I don't think it's venue-specific either.

    The Kool Haus is a cavernous hole worthy of being filled with cement and pushed into the lake. The only time you'll ever enjoy seeing a show there IMHO is when it's not close to sold out. Stage is nice and high, and wide, but when they fill that place it's pretty annoying to navigate. That said, I'm still going to see the Crowes there, I just plan to arrive as early as possible.

    I used to love the Opera House, because when I was in high school I went to see moe. there almost every year, they would put on an all ages show. Then I saw a few shows there that were outside of the 'jam scene' and realized that the OH sucks when full, too. The sightlines are sh!t, they've got those little staircases on either side to get down to the floor. Saw my first Mule show there; loved it but had to watch from the back like a sucker.

    I really like Lee's Palace, because it seems to me that no matter how full it is, you can get yourself to the middle level (between the floor and the bar) and since they renovated and raised the stage, the sightlines are great. I was out at the Docks to see a show and thought it was alright, a nicer, newer alternative to the Opera House, but it's way the fu©k out in industrial land, not really accessible by TTC, which is a pain.

    Anyway, I could go on, but I'd be highjacking this thread. Marky I still listen to BT, I would see them in Toronto, but not for 50 clams. I know to bring an American act up here these days you're usually going to have to charge 40 a piece, though. I would definately be there for 25, as the price rises I'd have to consider it. Poor student here, dough for shows runs low sometimes. :D

  7. Hey Dave,

    A friend of mine at Dalhousie has a paper to write for his History and Technique of Guitar course. He is to choose a guitar player and write 2000 words with the following breakdown:

    Biography (20%)

    Musical Style (30%)

    Guitar description as well as other equipment (Amplifiers, effects pedals, strings, etc.) (30%)

    Your personal feelings about the guitarist (20%)

    He's a huge nero fan and, coupled with the fact that he wanted to choose somebody that nobody else would choose, he is writing his paper on, well, you. I told him that I've seen you post here before; I was wondering, if you have a chance, if you could give some insight into some of the intricacies of your gear, how you feel your playing style developed, and who some of your influences are. I think he's got a pretty solid base to write the paper, but of course input from the subject would benefit greatly.

    Thanks in advance man.

  8. Matt Mays & El Torpedo - 'ST'

    That is nuts, I just logged in to reply to the "Favourite songs by Canadian artists" thread and talk about Matt Mays et al. His own s/t disc is fantastic, and this new one with the band is incredible (any more adjectives? awesome? stellar?). I really get the feeling that this is a group of guys that will continue to keep it real and make great records for years to come. That, and I love when a band is so proud of their gear that they include a picture of all of it in the album insert. I've seen them live at least 10 times, for a band from NS they've been to Toronto a lot in the past 2-3 years. I kept missing them at the Casbah though; I went twice only to find out that they were playing the early show and had finished or almost finished by the time I got there.

    Anyway, I recognize a lot of the tunes on this new record from having heard them live, so it's clear that they really saved up a bunch of winners and slowly made the best album they could, and it shows. My favourites are "Travellin'" and "What Are We Gonna Do Come The Month of September", but I'm sure as I keep listening I'll develop new favourites.

    Some great choices Shain. The new Kathleen Edwards is also kick-ass, I think she's awesome. Haven't gotten myself a copy yet but I've heard it a bunch of times down at CFMU, I've been spinning "Independant Thief" on my show.

  9. Show to be up on archive soon.....

    Great to connect,chill & talk with you guys, Nicole,Scott,Yo & the other fine folks at Paisley's after the show(sorry I forget your names at the moment).

    Anyone got a setlist for me?

    Dude I went over to the archive and didn't see the WC even registered there. I'd love to DL a copy, if you could post a link when it's up that would be great.

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