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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. I'll be there, hope to make it for Slowcoaster as well, they were awesome last time.

    And Shain, my roomates and I had a conversation about pick up hockey and such the other night...I guess when they were kids they divied up the teams according to circs and skins, if you catch my drift. I had no frame of reference, there were no 'skins' that I knew of at Associated Hebrew School.

  2. Oh man.

    This board has proven itself fantastic for music-related discussion, but the one aspect that has turned me off since the very day I found this place is the personal shit that get aired out in the public forum. I've been posting on another forum for more than three years, and in that time I have seen boyfriends/girlfriends get together and break up, people cheating on their spouses with other board members, longtime friends no longer speaking to each other over petty arguments, lots of stuff. Amongst the massive group of people who met through this other board and continue to hang out and stay in touch, sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who still speaks to everybody. Even they have managed to keep their shit off the message board, though.

    To be honest, I try not to pass judgement on anybody, but especially on people whom I have only "met" online. We all agree that to understand exactly what somebody is saying through a message board post can be difficult, hence the introduction of purple text for sarcasm to convey the point a little better. Point is, whatever this argument - or any argument - is about, is between the people involved. If this message board was a big room, and to log onto the board meant walking into the room, you wouldn't have a massive screaming match while everybody was sipping their drinks and having a good time, you'd take it elsewhere or walk away. True, nobody would be forcing me to walk over to the corner of the room where the fight was, same as nobody is forcing me to open this thread, but the fact that it's happening can make things pretty uncomfortable.

    I have no comment about the argument simply because it's none of my business, but why don't we all just chill out a little bit, keep the room for light-hearted discussion and take the grievances outside?

  3. First of all...5-8-77 in DTS? That's nuts, where'd you find it?

    Second, we were able to download and enjoy (immensely) a DTS version of Dark Side of the Moon. It was actually the Quadraphonic mix, but encoded to DTS with the centre and sub channels blank. As far as I know, we just burned the flacs to an audio CD and it worked great. Make sure your player is connected to the receiver optically, as opposed to the analog RCA connections. That's about all I can offer. Hope it works out, and let us know how it sounds!

  4. Superstack, at least the two times I saw them, are more akin to C'Mon than Bullmoose. " Stack " are dirtier and less polished than those two band.

    Man I've been spinning that C'mon disc as often as I can on my show...love the Blurton. One of my most favourite rock and roll memories involves a 1:00am Blurtonia set at the Rivoli one NxNE...the placed was packed like I'd never seen before or since.

    I think Bullmoose are great too, but I think you have to see them live to appreciate it. Jaimoe I assume you've seen them and that's how you know of them. The disc is really good, but it presents them as a little more polished than they are, but I don't mean to say that the fact that they are unpolished live is bad. Their raw live sound suits their style 100%, they really know what they're doing. Plus they've got the balls to load themselves and their gear into a van and drive across the country and back. I know other bands have done that, but not many. A quick look at their site puts them in Nelson, BC tonight, at 'The Royal on Baker'. I'm sure they're tearing it up.

  5. Thanks Jaimoe. I find that many artists are in that same boat of 'not wanting to be labelled a jamband'. It's too bad, because I think when most contemporary artists think 'jamband', they think of Dave Matthews, or Phish, or maybe the Dead, but likely more the first two. I'm not a huge Dave fan, I dig Phish and I love the Dead, but that style of music - basically folky, centred around songwriting considered to be of high quality, and embellished with extensive instrumental improvisation - does not our entire scene make. We on the board all know this, but many don't. Too bad, because there is a place for a band like Clutch as much as a group like Thievery Corp within this community. Shame the human instinct is to categorize.

    Oh well, I like rock and roll. If this band is a good rock and roll band, I will like them. Would like to have them on the radio show if they're infact any good. Thanks for the infor Jaimoe.

  6. Hey, just wondering if anybody has ever heard/heard of this trio from Sudbury? A friend told me a couple months ago that he knows one of the fellows in the band, and to watch out for them because I would love them. I just saw that they've been added to the Come Together lineup. Any sort of website or contact info? Jaydawg maybe? I'd appreciate it, thanks.

  7. Bumpity-bump


    I must say, I've constructed quite the playlist so far this morning. Crudely copied-and-pasted from the database, artist-album-song, first song at the end:

    Jimi Hendrix & Band of Gypsies - At Fillmore East (special edition) - Hear My Train a-Comin'

    North Mississippi Allstars - Shake Hands with Shorty - Drop Down Mama

    Grateful Dead - Workingmans Dead - Dire Wolf

    Mississippi John Hurt - Legend - Monday Morning Blues

    The Beatles - Let It Be...Naked - Two of Us

    Neil Young - Harvest Moon - From Hank to Hendrix

    Brothers Creeggan - Sleepyhead - You Will Be Adored

    Paul Simon - Graceland - Crazy Love, Vol 2

    Peter Green - In the Skies - Slabo Day

    ...and still on for another two hours plus! Tune in!

  8. speaking of amps, look what came in the mail....


    Good work BK. Did you buy the cab too? This guy's site intrigues me, but I've never heard of him. Did you play one at a dealer in Ontario first, or buy it sound unheard?

  9. Kev you and I are going to take a few trips to Mountain Music, where we will sit and you will make a lot of bass noise, on several occasions, until we have found a great sound for you while utilizing as much of the gear that you already own as possible. I can't wait, gear shopping is my favourite thing ever.

  10. I love the Thievery Corporation on CD, but I don't know what I'll gain by seeing them live that I won't be able to do by sitting on my couch. Given that I haven't investigated the situation, you say they're playing with a band. I suspect that means two keyboard players, a keytar player, a horn section and two DJs. I'd love to see them with a live drummer, but somehow I don't think that's going to happen. I'll stand corrected if they are bringing a drummer on the road, but like I say, I doubt it.

    EDIT: Closest I found was this, but it doesn't specify anything.

  11. We've only met the one time (outside the Pepper Jack at nero's last Hamilton show) but I thought I'd use this opportunity to tell you Velvet:

    (1) That's awesome about the sleep. I need me some of that rest action.

    (2) I saw a guy the other day who looked like you. Not to the point that I actually thought he was you, but enough that I thought to myself "I WISH that was Todd, so I could say hello."

    I like saying hello. Get better dude!


  12. Roomie Sean's recording came out real nice too, and he's got the whole thing. I think he's going to throw up a torrent in the next few days, I'll link it in this thread. Was going to e-mail you for your recording, Willy, and attempt a matrix match-up in CoolEdit, the audience recording turned out pretty nicely on its own. Could use a little more guitar, would be interesting to mix the two just as an experiment.

  13. Maybe fiasco was the wrong word. You're right, it wasn't a TERRIBLE set, I was disappointed though. Their set was also in broad daylight, and I wasn't digging that so much...I prefer to see them in the club with the lights and the hey-hey m'glaben. I also have to say, I don't think I caught the whole set. We're talking almost three years ago now, but I think I only caught the last two tunes.

    Can't reiterate enough though, I love the band and am looking forward to seeing them.

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