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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. I have seen moe 6 times now, and that Phoenix show was by far the worst, followed closely by that awful Phil & Friends fiasco. But I say this every time I play a moe tune on my radio show, and I'll say it again now: those other four shows blew me away to such a degree that moe is one of very few touring bands that will consistantly have my money whenever they come through town. The chance at seeing them do even a 'pretty good' pair of sets makes them worth checking out, because when they start a-cookin they can really put on a show. I was worried after that Phoenix show, but went to see them at the Opera House when they came through again a few months ago, and they totally redeemed themselves. They took a couple tunes to warm up, but once they got going, like I said, they were great.

  2. Thanks for tuning in y'all! I was a little tired this morning, usually Capt. Isaac is on with me so there's more conversation and good times. Happy to have played a good selection of music this morning though, and a brief interview with Chris and Craig from Whitey and the Caucasians about their CD release tonight at the Phoenix on campus at Mac.

    Kooky you crazy Canuck, when are you moving to Hamilton?? You can tune in on an old-fashioned radio then.

    As for timeslot for the summer, nothing is in stone yet, but I am looking at keeping two Fridays a month and then moving into Kenny's slot on Tuesday nights permanently. I've got some pretty big shoes to fill, I know, but I'll keep the spirit of the show. Again, nothing concrete, but I'll update in this thread once I know.

    Cheers everybody


  3. I'm Jewish, and I follow a bunch of the customs and agree with a good number of the more contemporary, secular beliefs. The whole point I was trying to make with my answers, though, is that organized religion in its modern forms don't really appeal to me because they often dictate how we should act in order to attain something, be it a place in heaven or spiritual enlightenment or whatever. What we call "religion" should be everybody's individual set of beliefs regarding everything from the idea of God, to how human beings interact with each other in a social and political context. Once you've decided how you feel about all of that, your actions should then easily result from being who you are, and you shouldn't be concerned with "committing sins" or "trangressions" or whatever, because you avoid those things as part of your nature. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this list now...become a Quaker :D?

    1. Liberal Quakers (100%)

    2. Mahayana Buddhism (95%)

    3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (92%)

    4. Theravada Buddhism (91%)

    5. Unitarian Universalism (91%)

    6. Neo-Pagan (85%)

    7. Taoism (82%)

    8. Jainism (80%)

    9. New Age (78%)

    10. Orthodox Quaker (73%)

    11. Secular Humanism (73%)

    12. Hinduism (71%)

    13. Sikhism (70%)

    14. Reform Judaism (68%)

    15. New Thought (66%)

    16. Bahá'í Faith (62%)

    17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (59%)

    18. Nontheist (56%)

    19. Scientology (55%)

    20. Orthodox Judaism (53%)

    21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (52%)

    22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (49%)

    23. Islam (45%)

    24. Seventh Day Adventist (45%)

    25. Jehovah's Witness (38%)

    26. Eastern Orthodox (32%)

    27. Roman Catholic (32%)

    EDIT: Where's Paan? I'm waiting for you to turn up 100% Pagan buddy :D.

  4. I wasn't trying to single anyone out about the Umphrey's... Just a vibe I've been feeling from a lot of people and places lately... I'm excited about seeing them, I just don't think they're quite as good as some people do.

    No, I know man, no offense taken. I think if people are looking at them as a Phish descendant, though, they're missing the band's point.

    If YMSB doesn't make the Toronto stop, that would be noooooo good. Hopefully that's just a webmaster oversight.

  5. Hey man, I put no stock in Umphrey's as the next anything. I mean of course I'm excited about SCI and Yonder Mountain, and Keller too (though I've never seen him and don't really know what he's about, aside from the fact that he's a one-man band and an exemplary musician). I'm much more interested in Umphrey's as a prog act rather than a jam act. Granted, I haven't heard a LOT of their stuff, but on the whole there seems to be a lot more rehearsed cool shit than imporvised cool shit.

    Anyway, should be a good show. The site says the acts will be rotating slots on the tour, that should make for some very distinct shows. Any idea what we're looking to pay Marky?

  6. YES


    I didn't realize that I hadn't even posted comments here. First of all, I had a rough couple days leading up to the show. Woke up early Thursday to study for my 2pm exam. Had to be at work at 4 down the street from the school (they knew I had the exam though and didn't mind that I was a little late), finished up at 9, went home and ate dinner and pretty much crashed. Woke Friday at 5:30 to be on the air at 6, radio show until 9, over to work for 9:30, worked until 6 to make up for taking Saturday off. Got home, crashed again. Woke at 9:45, we slowly got our shit together and headed to L-town at about 10:30. Clearly, I am an old man who needs his sleep stuck in the body of a 22-year-old party animal.

    My buddy Sean brought his taping gear but by the time we rolled up to the venue it was 11:30, so we left it in the car. Show had just started, and it was great. I really, really don't see this band enough. I agree, jam into Yellow Pants was rocking, Holes in second set was also a highlight, as was a sprited In the Belly to close the second set. Encore of Shine on you Crazy Diamond was great too. Of course hearing more originals when you don't get to see the band that often is nice, but as they played the tune I couldn't help but think "Where else am I going to go to hear this song played so well, and so true to the original where it's called for, and so loose and interpreted where that is called for?" Good times. Met StuDog after the show, don't know if you remember though dude. Nice to have met you. Guigsy sorry we didn't get it together, would've been cool, like I said though I didn't check my PMs before I left so didn't know who I was looking for. We'll do it another time, for sure.

    Backbacon I'd be happy to throw it onto the archive, I'm ecstatic to hear the show was taped in the first place. Let me know if you need me to do it for you, you can just throw em in the mail or something.

  7. Awesome news, thanks Basher. Looking more and more forward to this one, especially Umphrey's McGee. Never seen these guys, but have been digging on their Local Band Does OK live record for a month or two...

    Came across an awesome show on the archive (there are so many). Feb 7 2004 at Fox Theatre in Boulder. Streaming the sucker right now, and it's kicking my ass.


  8. Has anybody ever been to a show on Olympic Island? I know there was a big thing there last summer with Sloan and a bunch of other Canrock bands but I didn't go. Any idea what the venue is like? A band shell and open field? An enclosed building? They have a website but it's down at the moment. I'm just wondering about the capacity, and if it's general addmission. I assume that if I'm not waiting at the computer for the on-sale tomorrow that I'll still be able to get tickets.

  9. wish i could have informed you guys a little earlier but you know how it is.... Can't wait for this one, this is going to be a great day on the island....

    Haha right on Marky! When I saw the tour announcement I was going to ask if any Toronto promoters were looking at bringing the show up here, but figured by the time the tour was announced somebody was either on it or had looked into it and couldn't do it. Right on, can't wait for this one.

    Anybody ever been to a show on the Island? What's the venue like?

  10. Yeah I guess not, I don't know if that's a permanent thing or what. I was told he was partially blind, but definately needed helped getting to the stage etc. The guy is a veteran, really knows what's what on the keys. New guy was good though, did the job in style.

  11. Just wanted to say, this was a fantastic show. I've seen just about every Truths and Rights lineup since they started it back up in 2001 or whenever, once they got warmed up last night they were unstoppable. Wondering what happened to Bernie Pitters on the keys, but the new guy knew what he was doing too. Happy to see these guys coming back to Hamilton again and again, good on ya briguy and kc.

    My buddy Sean taped the show, got everthing except the first tune. I'll post a torrent link if it goes up.

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