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Posts posted by TheGoodRev

  1. We left our front door unlocked last night, by accident of course. Woke up this morning and some pretty valuable, not to mention sentimentally valuable, stuff was gone. I don't know how often y'all visit the pawn shops and whatnot, just thought it would be best to get the word out to as many places as possible. If you notice any friends of friends with some fancy new shit...or hear some drunk bragging about it...you know where to find me. The po's are on their way, so hopefully this stuff will end up in the pawn shop report this week. First up:

    Epiphone Firebird electric guitar w/ Seymour Duncan pickups

    [<-- as pictured in avatar]


    ^ Looks pretty close to this

    -> Pickups show "SD logo" on face

    -> Slight paint chipping/exposed wood around input jack

    Next we have:

    Simon & Patrick Luthiers Rosewood/Cedar model acoustic guitar


    In hardshell case

    Small gouge on upper left bout of guitar (see picture)

    The three bridge pegs for lower strings are cream with a black dot; the three for the upper are cream with no dot

    Cort Acoustic/Electric guitar


    In hardshell case

    One tuning machine missing a washer

    Giant Rainer Bicycle, Blue


    Serial # GL273206

    SHITTY! Just spreading the word y'all, thanks. Oh, and I could do with some of this board's famous vibes for return of some or all of this stuff, or at the very least, some sort of resolution here.

  2. The essence of Christianity is told us in the Garden of Eden story. The fruit that was forbidden was on the tree of knowledge. The subtext is, "All the suffering you have is because you wanted to find out what was going on. You could be in the Garden of Eden if you had just kept your fucking mouth shut and hadn't asked any questions." ... Anybody who wants religion is welcome to it, as far as I'm concerned — I support your right to enjoy it. However, I would appreciate it if you exhibited more respect for the rights of those people who do not wish to share your dogma, rapture or necrodestination.

    - Frank Zappa

    That's awesome, StoneMtn. Thanks for sharing, I had never read that.

  3. You all have some crazy stories. I've got one of my own brewing as we speak.

    I live in a 3-storey house. The 3rd storey is a finished attic with an A-frame ceiling. We packed it full of instruments and used to jam regularly up there. One day in September, literally a week after we moved in, the cops were at the door at 7pm on a Sunday because somebody had called in a noise complaint. Granted, we had the windows open, but I live in a busy main street, and I find it hard to believe that the noise was keeping anybody from sleeping. Both houses to the right of us are vacant, and we know most of the other close neighbours, and it wasn't them who called. Anyway this has been going on since September; anytime we play music, the phantom neighbour calls the cops. They must have walked over that one day in September, figured out which house the noise was coming from, and now they don't even have to move, they just call. Before moving to Hamilton, I had never lived anywhere else but Toronto, where the noise by-law takes effect at 11pm. In Hamilton (like KW evidently) they can get you at any time. Last time they came (they don't even send real cops anymore, just by-law police) we were told that the criterion for complaints is if noise originating from one dwelling can be heard in another dwelling. They only write you a ticket, though, if the offense is still occuring when the officers arrive at your door. We have managed to avoid fines so far, but we've sort of relocated a bunch of the instruments, too.

    Anyway none of that really matters, what I mean to say is that if Toronto is 11pm, I can't imagine that Montreal wouldn't be the same or later. Forget moving, you just operate within your rights and if the crazy lady can't take it, SHE can move.

  4. I'm all for a healthy mix of the standards and the lesser-heards, would love to see some of the standards switched up from the last show. I'd be willing to give up hearing, say, Touch of Grey and Casey Jones, in exchange for a solid Jack Straw or Ramble on Rose...Tennessee Jed...Brown-Eyed Women...you get the idea.

    I also second Kenny's recommendation of BfA, the whole first side would be a big undertaking but a lot of fun. Whatever you play, though, it'll be a good time I'm sure.

  5. Yes! Nick Hilyard! When I first saw you guys at the Phoenix, Mike, I clearly remember Nick having some sort of on-stage epiphany during Lovelight...it was hilarious and fitting at the same time. I get the impression he was never really a fan, but appreciated the Dead. Once he got to play a night of Dead, though, he saw the light or something. Good times.

    It's funny, my brother was visiting from Kingston a couple weeks ago. We fought a lot as kids, but no more than your average brothers who are close in age. We were sitting around digging some Dead, and I said to him, "You know, I don't think we were as close until we both realized that the other was into the Dead," and he says, "I can't be sure, but I wouldn't put that past the Dead." Yes indeedy.

    Looking forward to the gig Mike!

  6. Count me in plus 11 or so hangers-on. Marco I can't say yay or nay for sure at this point, but I bet we could get you back to Hamilton on Monday. Will have a better idea tomorrow, if you PM to remind me I can work it out.


    McArthur Court, U. of Oregon

    Eugene, Oregon

    January 22 1978

    Discs 1 & 3: sbd>??>cd>eac>shn

    Disc 2: Source: Audience FOB Sony TC-640 reel to reel > TCD-D8

    Transfer: TCD-D8 > Delta DiO 2496 > Samplitude 2496 > CDWAV > SHNv3

    >mkw>wav>mkw appended w/seek files>shn

    Disk 1

    1. Minglewood Blues

    2. Dire Wolf

    3. Cassidy

    4. Peggy-O

    5. El Paso

    6. Tennessee Jed

    7. Jack Straw

    8. Row Jimmy

    9. The Music Never Stopped

    Disc 2

    1. Bertha>

    2. Good Lovin

    3 .Ship Of Fools

    4. Samson and Delilah

    Disk 3

    1. Terrapin Station

    2. Drums

    3. The Other One

    4. Jerry Solo (Close Encounters)

    5. St. Stephen

    6. Not Fade Away

    7. Around & Around

    8. US Blues

    This source is different than the audience that has been in circulation, though I personally have had this new source for a few years, might have gotten it from Furthurnet but don't remember. In any case, a fantastic and energetic late-70's show. Hot setlist, hot playing, Bobby in tune and Donna on-key most of the time :D:D:D


  8. I'm such a greedy boob. I needed 6 tickets, so I had two windows open: the plan was to search for 6 together and, if they weren't great seats, to use the other window to immediately find four, and then a pair. I choose '6' from the list and hit 'submit' in the first window; I type in the secret work thing, and wait; I get impatient so I select '4' in the next window. As the first window is loading I hit 'submit' in the second window. First window gives me Sec 102, Row J, six in a row. FUCKING BEAUTY. Choose my delivery method, hit submit and...SYSTEM ERROR, CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE. I hit continue and I'm at Ticketmaster front page. Fucking ballsack. I couldn't leave well enough alone! At first I was angry at Ticketmaster for their system hiccup causing me to lose my good tickets, but I then find out it's my own damn fault for jockeying two windows.

    Anyway I ended up with Sec 201, Row J...not awful, but nothing compared to what I had. Still excited for the show!

  9. Man I have lots of favourite buskers. Anybody who grew up in Toronto and/or went to a few Jays games as a kid has to remember the drummer who would set up in that big circle on Blue Jay Way and start drumming. People would gather around him in a 360 degree circle, everybody about 20 feet away from him on all sides. People would run up and put money in his bucket and he'd stop the beat and go "Thank you!" along with the rhythm and then keep playing. When two people came up at once it would be like "Thank you and you! And thank you too!". Good times.

    I saw a guy on Queen West once, out if front of the Rivoli. He had a ukelele strapped to himself and was wearing a monkey mask. He had a boom box with a mix tape in it that was all Ozzy solo material from the 80's, and he was air-uking along to the songs and being very intense about it. It was hilarious.

  10. I totally agree Bri, and I've got a trusty map to illustrate...:D

    edited out...

    My place is considered on the edge of Westdale I guess. On my bike I'm at campus in about 7 or 8 minutes, walking it's less than 20. Westdale is great because you can live in a big old house and, as long as you're sharing it, make away with pretty cheap rent. I'm sharing a 6 br house with 3 other people (so lots of extra space), we each pay $330 a month. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT TORONTO?! When I lived on Queen W in Toronto last year, I shared a dirty hole of an apartment with a friend, we each paid $475, and that's CHEAP for Toronto.

    On the map, I put a blue line around the area that is highly concentrated with students...although we're outside of that area, I'm a student (my roomates aren't though) and most of my neighbours are students too. There are also lots of students in the neighbourhood south of Main, West of the area shown on the map. In fact it's probably more concentrated than in Westdale, but I think the living space in Westdale is generally less "student ghetto". As for Locke Street, it runs parallel to Dundurn, one block East (not shown).

    Anyway, alls I'm saying is, Hamilton is the place to be in my mind. The cost of living is remarkably cheaper than Toronto, but it's not like moving to London or Kingston where sometimes you feel like the only fun people around are there to go to school and then leave. The city has a personality of its own, and the live music scene is positively thriving. Plus it's close enough to Toronto (40 minutes and $8.60 on the GO bus) that getting there is no problem for shows, friends, whatever. I have to say, Hamilton is quite a town.

  11. I have to say, the musician in me is about 45% drummer, and I was not looking forward to the day when I'd have to decide whether this new guy could measure up to the last guy. Granted, I didn't even know Paul Christian's name until it was announced he was leaving, but I knew that anytime Jimmy Swift was in town I had to come see that drummer again. Something of a combination of the fact that he was doing so much with an average-sized kit, his damned quick wrists on the hats, and overall his impeccable timing.

    From the onset, the new drummer is almost definately coming from a more 'rock' place than Christian, but he makes it work. By the fourth tune at the latest, I was completely convinced that they had chosen a worthy successor. I get a sort of progressive roots rock vibe from the new guy, like he's coming from a place between the Chad Smith camp and the first I Mother Earth record. It works well, looking forward to catching the band again next time they're through.

  12. Thanks Basher.

    Just checked on the Q107 presale, the password is 'ALLMAN'

    Like I said, I'll see what it gives me when I tell it 'best available'; if they're not up close, I'll wait till Friday morning. Two summers ago I lined up for the public onsale and ended up sitting in the 100's, row M I think, seats were great. There was probably a pre-sale then too that I didn't know about so I'm not too worried. I'm a sucker for Trucks and his golden tone, I need to watch that guy up close. Woo hoo!

  13. Has anybody ever bought tickets through a Q107 presale? I'm looking to get the best seats that I can, but I've heard that through a Q107 pre-sale, the ticket selection is often a random block and not neccesarily the best available. I bought my Crowes tickets through a HOB presale, but that was a GA show so you never know. I figure I'll log on tomorrow morning, see what it gives me, and if they're not in the 100's I'll line up on Friday morning.

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