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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. Another issue for Hockey Night is the quality of the Leafs' team. Insiders suggest there's a concern about the limited success the team is likely to achieve in the next several years. Most hockey experts rank the Leafs as the weakest among the six Canadian NHL teams. The probability of the Leafs making the playoffs any time soon is questionable at best. Hockey Night will seek to showcase Canadian teams with a better chance of advancing to the postseason.
  3. I've been zinged around here pretty good lately...I must be retarded!
  4. 11:45...elgin and sparks...I'll see what I can do!
  5. I'll be going for pulled pork demain around nooner...who's going to join me?
  6. I'm not surprised...are you retarded? Sorry that was the booche in me coming out...
  7. so they had discussions about Muckler staying on but Mucks decided to move on...
  8. Murray "Maybe a little bigger..." He's gonna make us a winner!!!!!!!
  9. I'm sure that he'll let Murray run things...
  10. I'm not worried Andre...It sounds like Melnyk wants someone who'll make riskier moves...
  11. Melnyk had a Succession Plan.
  12. No coach appointed yet...not Murray
  13. I changed it to Paddock....but I loved Pat Burns in Montreal!
  14. I'm sure Mucks will step aside, Murray moves in, and John Paddock coaches.
  15. “No decision on John’s (future) has yet to be decided .... by any of the parties,†said Mlakar. “And, decisions on multiple fronts, WON’T (his emphasis) be decided until the end of the weekend.â€
  16. Body slammed to many times...
  17. Too bad they have a half decent pizza.
  18. Potatoes-rubber. Eggs-overcooked. Sausage-hard. Bacon-Blech. Fuck You Newport Restaurant and the Elvis Sighting Society... I paid 10 bucks for that...man I was not impressed. You reading this Earl McRae.
  19. nice shots....Notice...he's got the titties, but he ain't drinkin any beer...
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