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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. One of the only decent pics we got.... Notice the lawn chairs...where they should be
  2. Heads up folks....I got a wicked flu, don't know if I spread it too anyone...
  3. Petrie Island is VERY nice....but can be VERY busy! Phillipe is nice and so is Constance Bay, got to the beach right behind the Point restaurant, you can walk out to some beautiful sand-dunes
  4. Double Cheesesteak.... AWESOME!
  5. Thank you Jakis, for the invention of the word, "labtop" Makes me laugh, everytime.
  6. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Me want to go to Bell Centre, after Ryan Adams....and the Habs/Penguins game the day before!!!
  7. the one I drove past...division st...didn't look like it was closed for good...just today
  8. a-ha...flying V productions worked.... Lets see what happens, I'll let you guys know!
  9. I got myspace...now what do i do....JEEZ!
  10. man, I don't have myspace.... AND FACEBOOK IS DOWN....what is this world coming to today!
  12. FUCK ME! I just drove all the way to KINGSTON for nothing...NOBODY SEEMS TO KNOW ANYTHING! This is so frustrating... Jakis...I'm assuming camping tix were only available online and looks like they are sold out...I emailed MapleMusic and have yet to respond... I also called the St. Lawrence Univ contact number, machine...which directed me to call the Wolfe Island Tourism board, spoke to a really nice woman, who didn't know anything, she gave me another number to a woman in which there is no answer... IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT A VENDOR, PLEASE, MAKE SURE YOU GIVE THE VENDOR ALL THE INFORMATION! I wasted a half a day, and half a tank of gas for NOTHING!
  13. Does anyone know any rules about this festival?
  14. camping tickets have been acquired
  15. Sorry I wasn't that clear Brad....you are correct, fuel cell shouldn't have been the word used.
  16. Yep....there is no such thing as a "clean" fuel. Our only hope is that someone can invent a hydrogen producing electrolysis machine, that would be efficient enough to power a fuel cell in a car.
  17. So...It seems I may be out of luck camping, Maple Music's site now says camping tickets unavailable.... Anybody got some extras?
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