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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. re the whole Penner thing.... If Edmonton had say, 3 1st round picks. 2 in the 2nd and 4 in the third, due to trades, would Anahiem get all 9 of the picks? Also, what if Edmonton didn't have any 1st round picks...would they be allowed to make and offer sheet?
  2. Ah-Ha!!! was wondering the origins of that place....I've heard poor reviews though.... Broadway's is also pretty decent...and large!
  3. You'd think a good rocket appliance would be able to figure it out! Yeah, it's probably not too funny, but I laughed out loud...just proving how simple I can be!
  4. Sign a petition for your city to recieve 1 cent on every dollar from the Federal Gov't, from the GST. Ottawa could recieve approx 140 million dollars, and could use the money for repairing our city's infrastructure. Many other municipalities have online petitions as well. One Cent NOW! Toronto's One Cent NOW!
  5. Good Lord....I love the collapsing buildings....
  6. It's a Giant Rincon Mountain bike (3 years old)....I use it quite a bit for transportation, so good quality parts are what I'm looking for...I won't be going to the dump, I have been there before and it is quite awesome!
  7. You think I could make it any worse by riding it? (It's currently sitting at work waiting for me to drive it home)
  8. That's what I'm worried about...a big repair... It's about 3 years old and has gone through some heavy use...(distance & my size, both factors )
  9. We're not talking about me here. Derailer seems fine... It must be a loose crank...I assume you'd need special tools to tighten it...this ain't no supercycle I'm talking about...
  10. Anyone well versed in this trade? My bike is making a horrible click, crunk, kinda sound from the crank area, when I'm pedaling....The crank also seems to lean a bit, side to side, when force is applied to the pedals, then you get that click sound.
  11. Bramasole's...best homies IMO, however, it's not too nice.
  12. yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! time to pop my Ryan Adams cherry......... Wait a sec!!! TAYLOR, I thought this was BRYAN ADAMS!!! I was hoping for a Sporty Spice surprise...No summer of 69 for this guy I guess! I will not make any stupid comments at the show! I swear!
  13. Unfortunatly, my bro is a no go.....
  14. Hey skanks...I've got some family in town from Scotland and my 12 year old cousin is looking to play some ball........ If interested 7pm Fisher Park.......bring gloves, balls, bats....
  15. I guess, but it would be nice to shed some cash thier and pick up another forward...
  16. Another good pre-arbitration signing IMO
  17. Why would they do that? They just signed him to a pretty decent deal in my eyes. If he turns into the goalie that they have been projecting it will look like an excellent deal in the near future. While I am not enamoured with him as a starter yet it certainly would appear to me to hold onto him. Then again' date=' who knows which GM may offer too much to turn down.[/quote'] I'm just wondering....if they can't unload gerber you think they really want to carry 7 mill in the goalie dept.
  18. I think it's just about right...but if they can't unload Gerber, you think they may unload Emery?
  19. I'm allergic to peaches, and anything grown on trees...It sucks
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