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Everything posted by Hux

  1. China cracked the whip.....
  2. Happy Birthday Myrna, you are one of a kind! (in a good way)
  3. There have been some interesting ideas bandied about on women's participation in politics in the Liberal Leadership race. I actually like Joe Volpe's idea that every local nomination meeting should be required to have a female candidate. Interesting. The Conservatives have the fewest women MP's. I'm amazed that they choose to muzzle even the talented women they have in Cabinet. Obviously they should be doing some reaching out in this area. I mean, while I'm not a fan, I'm sure Rona Ambrose can defend herself, yet at the big environmental annoucement in BC you had Harper doing the talking, and the Ministers standing behind him not saying a word. The PM is clearly the boss. This would cause a caucus revolt in the Liberal Party.
  4. The Bloc is eager to get those seats back.... I think they see the writing on the wall, ie. numerous Conservative policies have seriously driven away support in Quebec - likely for good. These guys are their own opposition - it's hilarious.
  5. Well, women are indeed a big (the biggest?) demographic out there, but there are still opinion trends/issues that can be indentified as more important to women (childcare, abortion to name a couple) than men, less so the environment, gay rights. I'm not going to go into why, or if that is even right, but there are issues that if a party is not attending to (see Conservatives right now) support among women will go down.
  6. Believe me - I'm with you there. I guess I should've put it in purple....
  7. Steve! Steve! Steve! Steve! Updated Sat. Oct. 21 2006 8:13 AM ET Canadian Press OTTAWA -- Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay apparently isn't the only Conservative with woman troubles. A new poll suggests a chill has set in among some female voters toward the Conservative party, with the Liberals reaping the rewards. The numbers suggest that overall the two parties are running neck and neck nationally. The Decima Research survey, released Friday to The Canadian Press, points to a decline in Tory support by women voters since mid-July. The Tories had led the Liberals among women since the January election, but that changed in late summer when the Liberals overtook them. A rolling three-week average between Sept. 28-Oct. 16 suggested 34 per cent of female voters supported the Liberals, 28 per cent the Tories, and 16 per cent the NDP. The numbers come just as the party is facing harsh criticism by the opposition for cuts to women's advocacy groups and an alleged sexist slur by MacKay against Liberal MP Belinda Stronach, a former girlfriend. Pollster Bruce Anderson speculates the dip in support is linked to a variety of issues, among them the government's positions on the Middle East and broad social issues. "Anytime there's speculation about same-sex marriage being put on the agenda, speculation they're not going to have a very progressive environmental policy, the Conservatives are going to pay a bigger price among women _ and among young people and urban voters _ for that kind of situation than they would among any other voter group,'' Anderson said. Overall, the poll echoed another released earlier this week that suggests the governing Conservatives and the Liberals are in a dead heat nationally. Among decided and leaning voters, 32 per cent said they would vote Conservative, compared to 30 per cent for the Liberals, 15 per cent for the NDP, 11 per cent for the Bloc Quebecois and 10 per cent for the Greens. The Decima poll also suggested that the Conservatives are losing ground to the leaderless Liberals among voters 18-34 and among urban voters. The Liberals have also surpassed the Conservatives in the key electoral battlegrounds of Ontario and Quebec. Anderson says the numbers immediately following the election suggested the Conservatives had managed to build a broader support base by convincing women, urban and younger voters to give them a shot. That's apparently changed, at least for the moment. "They're now struggling to maintain an attachment with those voter groups,'' Anderson said. The Decima Poll was conducted between October 12 and October 16. Results were based on a sample of 1,038 Canadians, with a margin of error of 3.1 per cent, 19 times out of 20.
  8. Hux

    woof woof!

    What an idiot, MacKay said it, I just heard it on the tape, by ducking and bobbing he's just hurting himself and his not-progressive party.
  9. Expediency trumped a lot of comparison shopping unfortunately, I went to Henry's and got a Sony DSC-W30 for $259.99. Hopefully I didn't get rammed. Thanks again for the tips gang.
  10. Thanks everybody - off to Bank St.!
  11. Today is the day I have to buy one. I'd like to keep it in the $300ish ballpark, does anyone have any tips on minimum features I should look for? brand? where I should buy? (in Ottawa) Thanks skanks.
  12. You find that: ? Puh-lease. People in Bush's own Party have said that. And if you think a few comments by an MP have any effect on the trading relationship, you underestimate that strength of the relationship. You're anti-Liberal bias is shining through again. Well, at least that explains a few things.
  13. I'd love 'em - what do we do again?
  14. It's a nice part of the country - enjoy the sailing!
  15. Well, change for the sake of change ain't always for the best. These polls show that some people seem to have backed off that approach lately.
  16. So, using that reasoning, you really shouldn't object to anyone pegging the entire CPC under the hard-right-wing-religious-conservatve umbrella.
  17. Scandal....pfft.....see my post above (snake oil, etc.). You are either forgetful or ignorant of the facts. Or both I suppose. In October 2004, a few months after the June election, the Martin Gov't almost fell after the CPC threatened to vote against the Speech from the Throne, unless amendments were made. They were. Harper would've voted down the Gov't. Then.....oh yeah....MAY OF LAST YEAR!?! (11 months after the 2004 election) Remember that minor news story....confidence vote....Stronach.....Cadman.....Speaker breaks tie vote.... Yeeeesh.....
  18. Just to clarify for you Debt-heads, the previous 2 Liberal Govt's paid down more Debt than any Gov't in Canadian history.
  19. ....and won the 2004 election. I'm sure you didn't vote for "Team Martin", but enough of your neighbours did: Chatham-Kent-Essex 2004 Election Results (Lib) Jerry Pickard - 17435 (CPC) Dave Van Kesteren -17028 (NDP) Kathleen Kevany - 7538 And I agree with Booche, I'd say the CPC have tipped their hand... Birdy I challenge you to find a political commentator in Canada would would say the Conservatives haven't staked out a pretty clear approach and vision of where they're going.
  20. Wrong. Do your homework. It was the Chretien Gov't. Or are we all crooks? I'd say the Conservative camp did a good job selling that snake oil. So kudos to them for getting you. What was that about: It goes both ways and you are as guilty as those you criticize.
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