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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Alright then ... I tend to agree with Alabama Man. A pattern of behaviour has been established that appears to set out an acquiescence by all involved to allow final arbitration to be done by MarcO, when all other avenues for resolution have been unsuccessful. In my submissions, I suggest that there is no evidence of any other system in place, and no rule to account for this particular situation, and on that basis, by default and established prior practice, MarcO should be deemed final arbiter of all such disputes. ALL OF WHICH IS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, THIS 6th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2007.
  2. Actually, with all charges in, Livenation charged me $41.50 per ticket.
  3. Oh, sure. Now that I already look dumb you throw me a typo in a subsequent post .... lol
  4. No doubt, this should be cool. I actually got to see The Crickets (without Buddy of course) at a "Rock 'n' Roll Show" in 1983 (I believe). That was awesome, but I think I was too young to understand how awesome. (Chuck Berry was there, too, and a bunch of other old greats.)
  5. Ah! And here I was being all sarcastic, with poor Basher. (Actually, I thought the "e" at the beginning of "email" was just a typo, and I was just bugging you. Boy, do I look dumb.)
  6. That seemed to be the clear meaning of this theme to me, as well. Anyone could look up what was played there, but you had to be at CTMF to participate in this theme. I predict the demise of this "Legendary" game.
  7. Nice, Brad! They put on a great show in Whistler a year or two ago. It was a nice surprise, as I knew nothing of them before. Right now? Listening to: Hari Prasad Chaurasia - "Sangeet Sartaj"
  8. I wouldn't be too worried about it at all. Just like Basher, though, my opinion is based on pretty much nothing, other than having seen Ween many times and never having had any trouble getting tickets.
  9. Woo hoo! Well done, my friend. (Given your nature, this will be one lucky, well-fed child, I suspect.)
  10. I think the bigger problem is that, even if you know the songs played there, you're excluded from this theme if you weren't at CTMF to hear any songs that weekend. This theme may take a while.
  11. Nice! Thanks elemeno. Got some tickets.
  12. I'll be in touch, YATS. My mother lives on Lake Muskoka. I need an ally out there! Good luck with the move.
  13. I've gotta say, CJ, I'm a little disappointed. Given my last post in this thread, when I saw your name attached to the next post after that, I thought, "Okay, I'm not surprised that she'd have a reply to that one. This should be something delightfully crude and sexual." ... but alas, a simple birthday wish and inquiry into my and Vanessa's well-being was all that was posted. Tsk tsk. Don't be going and getting all decent and proper on me now.
  14. Ween's opening for the Dalai Lama. Arlo's MCing.
  15. Somehow that sounds far more salacious than I think it was intended. Sounds fun though.
  16. No. Sorry. I do appreciate the invite, though. With the new member of the family, I must be very selective about when I can go out, and I already have the Dalai Lama, Ween, and Arlo lined up for the near future.
  17. Never seen him. Never heard him. He's been on my list to see, though, because he comes highly recommended by friends whose musical taste I trust. I've heard he is a wailing guitarist, and really fun to see.
  18. I'm sort of jealous. EDIT TO ADD: I was actually spit upon by John Lydon (formerly Johnny Rotten) during a Public Image Ltd. show. He was really spitting on all of us on the floor, because someone kept spitting at him, and then he gave us all the finger and told us to "Fuck off" and left. Good times.
  19. Yes! That was the dive in question. Thank you, my friend.
  20. Well, I just received my birthday present from my wife, and it is awesome. She bought me a new kite-trainer for kite-boarding! Woo hoo!
  21. I've heard a few legends about Dave Matthews ... at least I hope they're just legends. Yuck...
  22. Ya! That was totally weird, eh? I think it was at a Four Way Street gig at that dive in the west end (which name I can't remember). This drunk comes up to us, and starts slobberingly talking about how you two look so much a like, blah, blah, blah ... and Velvet and I were well aware that our girlfriends looked like sisters, and are like "I know, we've heard it all before, they're not related ... just a coincidence ..." until we figured out he was talking about the two of us! I was pretty much looking for the hidden camera at that point. (After that I considered getting a face transplant, but no one ever mistook me for Velvet again, so I so far haven't done it.)
  23. I still turn a bit red when I think of that moment of inserting-foot-in-mouth (asshole).
  24. This is probably a fact rather than legend, but... A friend of mine once had an affair with the drummer from the Dayglos' wife. They lived next door to my friend in Vancouver, I think. Apparently the drummer was pretty cool with it.
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