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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Today, I was driving north on a street in Toronto. A group of ducks was crossing the road, with the mother leading about 8 ducklings. The ducks passed my side of the road easily enough and waddled over an island and onto the southbound side. I saw a car coming south, and the driver had to have seen this crowd of ducks, unless his/her eyes were closed. The driver did not swerve, didn't slow down, and I suspect sped up. The car missed the final duckling by an inch (and I am saying that optimistically, because the last duck teetered, but got back up and made it across the road, so I think it was just the wind from the car that did it, as I can't imagine that a duckling could be hit by a tire and then get back up). I almost did a U-Turn (which I couldn't do, because of the island) and was thinking of what I was going to do to this person when I caught them and made them pull over, and I considered whether I was prepared to be criminally charged as a result of what I was going to do. I was prepared for that, but I then realized that the car had gotten far enough away by the time I reached the end of the island that I couldn't actually tell which car it was anymore. I am so angry. I hate people.
  2. I'd say that either one would qualify.
  3. That's right, but I believe he left just before that tour Jackfruit did, which brought them out here. They had a new keyboardist with them. (He does appear on Jackfruit's CD, though.)
  4. This is a disc that SNA used to have available for free on their own website, and is a couple years old, so I can't imagine they'd mind if it were shared. (The lead singer is also in Jackfruit, so perhaps listening to this will get you interested in that band.) Anyway, if you want it, here's Slow Nerve Action's - .....the soap of beautiful women .
  5. #239 Songs with lyrics that are complete nonsense 1. Dayglo Abortions - Argh Fuck Kill 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  6. #237 - Songs YOU played that drove your house nutzzzzz 1. Metallica - Ride the Lightning 2. Alice In Chains - Rooster 3. Huey Lewis and the News- I wanna new drug 4. Led Zeppelin - Dazed And Confused (live version from The Song Remains The Same) 5. Nine Inch Nails - Head Like a Hole 6. Paula Abdul - Cold Hearted (haha) 7. PJ Harvey - Down By The Water 8. Chaos UK - Hope You Got A fuÇking Headache 9. Phish - Contact 10. The Crucifucks - Go Bankrupt and Die (Actually, pretty much anything by that band tended to drive anyone within earshot nuts, including my fellow punk-rockers at the time.) 11. 12.
  7. Actually, I only heard it reported once, so it may be untrue, but I heard that she applied for and was approved to be housed in a special incarceration-unit set up for people in need of protection from the regular prison populace. Normally, that would be former prison-guards, cops, and others like that. In her case (if this is true) she is getting approved, literally, because she is famous. Oh, and she is also getting considerable credit and time off of her sentence for "good behaviour", which she apparently exhibited before she even entered prison. Somehow, I suspect that a few strings were pulled here and there.
  8. I sure do love Baked Potato! I would love to see Spudly take that act on the road; but I'm not holding my breath. (Are these dates loaded onto the calendar? If not, I think they should be. BP is one of the West Coast's greatest secrets, and the news needs to be spread.)
  9. The last time friends of mine dropped by, there was a Rasta living there. He knew little to nothing about the history of the place, apart from the fact that he seemed to be pleasantly rewarded whenever people came to his door and asked if they could take a tour and he would agree. He made it his policy to agree.
  10. Out of curiosity, where is 'Mount Ian' located, anyway?
  11. Happy Birthday, brother. I think I already owe you a John Prine DVD. I don't remember if I have your address. PT it to me, and I'll throw in some other birthday-DVDs too. Enjoy your guaranteed, impending hangover tomorrow...
  12. Maybe this belongs in the YouTube forum, but whatever. It's too good not to be offered to a wider audience...
  13. Dima: You just don't get it. This is not some huge festival full of international artists. It is a small festival, with a few big names, and all the musicians do deserve a paycheque at the end of the day, which will only come from the relatively small number of tickets sold. This fest has hundreds of attendees, not tens of thousands. Also, I wouldn't be inclined to say that RAQ is the top draw at this one, given that Garaj Mahal will be there. I think Keither is right that you need to spend some time in BC; not to fish, but to get a different perspective. (I am not saying this as a criticism. I just think that your worldview is very limited, and spending some time on the west coast would probably widen it. I may be wrong, but I believe you've only lived and spent time on the eastern seaboard.)
  14. I'll see you in '08 Keither. I'm sickened by the fact that I can't do it this year, but such is life. In case anyone cares, in my opinion, this is THE festival to make every effort to get to. Greatest vibe I've experienced in years. Beautiful venue. Beautiful clear lake nearby. Go west; everyone!
  15. Songs about a shitty Job or Asshole Boss 1. Beck- Soul Suckin Jerk 2. Blotto - You Can't Fire Me, I Quit 3. Johnny Paycheck - Take This Job and Shove It 4. Lou Reed - Don't Talk To Me About Work 5. Grateful Dead - Big Boss Man 6. The Who - The Dirty Jobs 7. Bob Dylan - Maggie's Farm 8. Loverboy - Working for the Weekend 9. Elvis Costello - Welcome To The Working Week 10.Jimmy Reed- Big bossman 11. Ween - Pumpin' for the Man 12.
  16. Well, that was a little more interesting than anyting I've yet heard, but I'm still not feeling it. I think it's just one of those things - some people dig some music and some don't and it's no reflection on the artist. She is talented enough, but just doesn't grab me. I always love attending the Orpheum, of course, though. I've seen dozens of shows there, for sure, and I think it had to be one of the strangest environments in which to see Ween. lol Thanks for the clip. I do appreciate it.
  17. I've never gotten the Feist-craze. Her music sounds *fine* to me, but that's about it. It seems just like regular, straight-ahead rock, without anything to make it interesting. (I've never been to one of her shows, though.)
  18. I am really getting into these guys, lately. They've been around for 30-odd years, and their lead singer is clearly a very cool freak. They post some of their music online, too. Seriously, check out their website. I'm digging these guys more and more.
  19. I am sure I still have an analog recording of Ratdog, but it is on cassette and currently with LeshLush in Alberta, in a long queue of tapes to be digitized. Feel free to PT him and convince him to move those tapes to the front of the line. If you're successful, and he sends me my tape on a disc, I'll send you copies.
  20. Agreed. It was really not a Grateful Dead experience at all. It was more like the antithesis to a Grateful Dead experience. (I remember feeling a little sick to my stomach at all the shows I saw in 96, reeling from the loss of the GD.) And, ya, Mickey learned his lesson in 96, I think, but I actually had a recording of that weird rappy Fire On The Mountain from many years before that, so it wasn't anything new. The recording ended with an old man saying, "Do you remember that old band we were in called the Dreadful Great? Something like that." I think Furthur 96 may have been the first time he tried it on a live GD crowd, though; and last.
  21. That was the second Furthur tour right? I remember it quite well. Bobby was there with Ratdog (and yes including Wasserman) and he did a song or two with the Black Crowes, and I remember he looked a bit irritated with the lead singer throwing his arm around Bobby. Arlo did MC. I think Jorma played with Electric Hot Tuna (if I remember right)? The first Furthur tour was even worse for everyone just missing Jerry. It was weird, because you got down to whatever American city you were in (I don't think that one came to Toronto as I recall) and saw all these deadheads and familiarity, and got all pumped for the show ... and went inside and no Grateful Dead. It was just weird and depressing. The second one was less so, but similar. Those tours were necessary transitional stuff, but just weird and somewhat depressing at the time. Overall, I remember it being bitter-sweet, to the point that I can't say I have the best of memories of those two tours. I think I was hanging out with Weirdness, recording that show in 1997.
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