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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. .... examples of "common sense"? From this board? I think you're confusing us with some other board.
  2. Although I suggested it may be otherwise (in another thread) I'm officially out; being dragged to a "dinner party" tonight against my will. :mad:
  3. I would call it a " trade ".
  4. Someone drank my wine I stand on the welfare line Tape's stuck in the VCR And someone stole my car My computer's obsolete My girlfriend has webbed feet My radio won't work My friends are jerks Life sucks, life sucks, life sucks Dunkin' Donuts closed I got fungus on my toes My girlfriend tried to strangle me With her pantyhose The train it smells like shit There ain't nowhere to sit My radio won't work My friends are jerks Life sucks, life sucks, life sucks, Life sucks, life sucks Every time So what you wanna do? You can't stand bein' you Just kill yourself, just kill yourself I'll leave a loaded gun for you I'll leave a loaded gun for you, for you I'll leave a loaded gun for you Someone drank my wine I stand on the welfare line Tape's stuck in the VCR And someone stole my car The train it smells like shit There ain't nowhere to sit My radio won't work My friends are jerks Life sucks, life sucks, life sucks, Life sucks, life sucks Every time Life sucks, life sucks Every time
  5. I was just thinking it's beginning to look a lot like Chanukah, actually. Do they look similar?
  6. No argument here. That is what intrigued me the most. In fact, if what I'm told is true, this guy was asked by a relatively famous Toronto musician to give up his GD tribute band and come work for him as a drummer. Chris apparently plays every instrument. The relatively famous guy was not so relatively famous back then, and I am told that Chris turned him down, although he is now somewhat regretting that decision.
  7. A friend of mine is in a band (several, really) and he plays with many musicians. One guy who stops by now and then is named "Chris Kane", and apparently he was in a Grateful Dead tribute band in the late '80s in Toronto. If the story I hear is true, they were playing like four nights per week at $1500 per gig, so I would think I must have seen this guy play. Anyone know who this band was? I know the drummer was named "Chris Oluchuck" or something similar. Kane would be about 40 years old, now, and lives half in Toronto, half in L.A. Anyone?
  8. I deal with angry people.
  9. Geez, Tim, where is your sense of political correctness? "Bifurcatedly-challenged".
  10. Thank you Burnt. Those are some helpful comments. From what I understand, the car is safe and handles well, but the two problems are that it is a bit loud and the stereo isn't so great so ... solution ... buy a kick-ass after-market stereo and crank it up so that it's louder than the engine, and that should take care of both problems. I'm quite certain I'm buying one of these, very soon.
  11. Sorry about that Hart. I think I read too much into your post. My apologies for the tone of my reply. (I'd see Keller with you any day. )
  12. One further request... Cryptical Other One
  13. I take your points. I am still unafraid of driving a Smart Car. Call me "stupid". I do agree with Birdy, however, that in any collision, it is always best to be the driver of the Hummer, or even the transport truck. (I spent years defending negligent drivers who caused accidents, and must say that Birdy is correct that the bigger car usually wins.) I still don't plan on buying a Hummer, though.
  14. Thanks livingstoned, for that reminder. I was already considering the Hamilton show some time ago, but never did come to a final decision. Good chance I'll go to that one. Meeting Lazlo, in itself, could be worth the drive to Hamilton.
  15. Why do you say Smart Cars are dangerous and not good for highway driving? I have no personal experience, but anyone in Whistler who I know who had one drove up and down the Sea-to-Sky Highway with it all the time, and that is one crazy highway. Given that they are designed with roll cages like race cars, I'm not too concerned, but I'm interested in why you think they are dangerous, because I might change my mind. As far as only being able to put two people and a bit of luggage in the back, that's no problem for me. I'm aware of that and have considered it. I can always use my wife's car on days that I need to transport more people or my dog or something. I am very curious about the danger-factor you mentioned, though. That could concern me.
  16. Well, while we're on the topic, I am also about to buy an enviro-vehicle, and I expect it will be a Smart Car. I've heard that the hybrids have their own environmental concerns, because there is some sort of "battery" or something that must eventually be discarded. Anyone know the real deal on Smarts or hybrids? I am pretty sure I'm getting a Smart, unless someone convinces me otherwise.
  17. These guys are amazing live. Their disc is fantastic, too. I won't be driving to Guelph, being a weeknight and all, but I know this show will be fantastic. I encourage you all to attend. Who knows when Jackfruit will make it this far east again?
  18. To me, the difference is that Keller puts on a very entertaining and interesting show. Xavier puts on a mildly entertaining, adequate show. Maybe the problem, though, is that I have not been to enough shows; unlike you who has. That must be it.
  19. Did you get her number for me?
  20. I am pleased to see there are two possible takers for this little guy. My reasons? Just two days ago, I was told that there is a small black and white cat near a friend's house that does not have a home. I expect my friend to capture the little guy and bring him to me. She cannot keep him because her husband is allergic, and I have made a promise to my wife that I will keep the number of animals in our home to a minimum. (Right now, I have a very rowdy dog, and a 19-year-old cat who does not take kindly to young felines.) In anticipation of this captured stray, can I interest katlady or the Scullys (Scullies? Do you add "ie" to pluralize that one?) in a very sweet, homeless, black and white guy? (If you're into the ska scene, especially the second-wave in Britain, his colouring will go very well with your lifestyle and wardrobe.)
  21. Exactly; especially if you've ever seen Keller.
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