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Everything posted by Ms.Huxtable

  1. Thanks everyone. I have to say the the best things in my world are having such terrific friends and being a part of the Bouchard family. Headymama Myrna spoiled me with the most luxurious blanket I've ever had. Abbey and I have been under it every possible second since it arrived home. Douglas, Booche and LJFH put so much effort into a surprise for me that I am so grateful for. You are such incredible people and I thank you for your enthusiasm surrounding my 30th. Thanks also to Hux and SugarMegs. I love you guys! Thanks to Inglewood Jack. It was fun for me to have an excuse to get all dressed up and grab a mic again. Finally, thank you to my bouchey moustache boy. I love you more than words could ever say. Thank you for spoiling me. It was a wonderful weekend. 30 feels good!
  2. bouche took me to Kinki for my birthday dinner. It was the most incredible sushi experience of my life, and I'm a huge fan. I got the 22 piece sushimi (just fish no rice or wrappings) platter. I was so shocked at the size of the pieces! They were the largest, freshest pieces of fish I've ever had. It had 6 different kinds of fish and each had it's own flavor, meaning it was stored well and the flavors didn't mix together like most restaraunts I've been to. Great martinis and warm sake as well. Highly recommended if you have time to spend on a nice dinner. It took almost and hour and a half to get our food, but the drinks and occassion made it tolerable.
  3. I'm in and FINALLY got a frickin' costume. It was tough this year.
  4. If One of Us made me cry this morning. It was beautiful. It's a great sounding CD to these ears.
  5. Terrific Luke! IT's tough to pack a lot of info into 800 words. Nice job.
  6. True dat! It's also where the bouche and Ms.Huxtable romance began. What a great night of friends and music (and excessive consumption of everything under the sun).
  7. Stu Dog! How nice to "see" you! I was thinking about you the other day as I was walking down my stairs and admiring the picture you gave to us. I hope your ball sack heals up nicely. Ouch. Oh and Greg, these giveaways are SO kind of you.
  8. I'm pretty sure we'll be going for some dim sum this weekend, either Saturday or Sunday are good for me. Anyone want to join us? I think it's better with more people because you can try a larger variety of things. We usually end up there around noon but we can work timing out based on who's coming. Let's Skank up the place!
  9. You know what else is funny? When we went to that very same market, we had the very same tent collapsing in the wind experience.
  10. Ms.Huxtable


    Oh yeah baby. That's a great style of eatting and perfect for parties. Giddy up!
  11. I haven't been out for dim sum since I lived in Toronto but on Saturday bouche and I went to Chu Shing (691 Somerset Street) for dim sum. It was so good we went back on Sunday as well. Does anyone know of any other good dim sum places in Ottawa?
  12. The bike at Meggo's used to be mine and it came from the Bike Dump. I bet they'd take it back.
  13. I'm giggling picturing all the Hamilton peeps trying to move a piano down a flight of stairs. My advise? Look up "Piano Movers" in the yellow pages. Good luck!
  14. Um how the hell do you cross Canada without stopping in Ontario you jackass? My feelings are hurt. And to think, I've kept your stanky underwear on a nice neat hanger in my closet this entire time. They are trash to me now.
  15. Jesus Christ Dave. That's scary shit especially with a baby in the house. There's nothing as dangerous as a scorned drunk woman. I'm glad things turned out okay. I lock the doors even in the daytime. Then again, I live in Hull.
  16. I frickin' LOVE watching Planet Earth. Either my jaw is open, my head is shaking or I'm saying "Wow" for most of the episodes. And beautiful, damn it's beautiful.
  17. So Hux, can we please get an update on how Taj is doing?
  18. YAY! Topic previews! And they stay up as long as I need them to, nice!
  19. Thanks for letting us know Hux and thanks also for taking care of his food requirements, you're a great guy. Send him my wishes. I'm glad to hear this is finally happening.
  20. Now you all know what he looks like without the beard.
  21. Ummm, yeah, that dust didn't come from my house.
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