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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. Nice! Fianlly. They had been teasing me with single tracks for months! Bring it on...
  2. People, People!!! Please!! This is not the place for Trey hate! This is a place for Cougar love! Back to the oldeers sexy women please!
  3. OK I stumbled across this classic Burt Renoylds centerfold on the web, and I was in awe! Look at him. So hairy, confident, on a bear skin rug and smoking a cigarette in a holder! WOW....that's a look.. More proof the 70s ruled!
  4. I feel excatly the same way. The Kyoto thing and the Afgahn debacle really makes me ebarassed by Canada's foreign policy of late. Stephen Harper is hurting Canada's stellar reputation every day he is in power.
  5. Wow Jazzmatazz. Git outta here! No way! That's a line up. Ima try and make fo' sho'
  6. Cougars are great! They are more mature so they don't paly stupid "little girl" attentiuon head games. They are independent and confident so they are easier to hang out with. And even more importantly they know what they want and live in "reality", not "little girl" fantasy.. Three cheers for sexxxxy cougars!!! And FYI the age bracket breaks down like this: 30-40 Puma (the nomaclature for Cougar in training) 40-50 Cougar 50+ Silver Fox (very rare, yet elegant and prized) **Not if she has kids and is int he 30-40 zone she is immediately elevated to MILF. Hey Livingstoned if you aspire to be a COugar you may want to pick up this guide: Cougar Guide
  7. I totally agree. I think when they were bluegrassy they were in thier element. Then they seemed to kinda half play other generes. P.S. No way in hell would Bobby ever join Cheese that would be step down for him. That is obviouslya joke.
  8. SCI certainly did have thier legions of fans and did nuch for the scene. However musically they never really engaged me and I personally felt thier improvisations "aimless" at times. They never ever really dug in either. So perhaps it was time.
  9. I was very impressed with the game last night. That is the way we need to play. Stong on offense and defense. The CB4 3 pointer was insane. If he can hit those regularly, watch out.... ...hoping this keeps up....
  10. I thought someone just sold Britney Spears or JLO. [color:purple]Confusing post title. Don't get my hopes up!
  11. Impeach Bush?! Hmmmm, you're right America doesn't need that now. Can't we just tar &_ feather him and cut his balls off? Or is that outta line?
  12. Cool. I really wish Streetsville had a place when I lived there say in '97. I would have saved me from going to Toronto everyday! Can't wait to get the Chameleon Project a gig there. Finally a show in the town I grew up in. Sweet.
  13. The Streetsville sound bar? For real! Where the fuck is that in Streetswille I used tolive there for like 20yrs. Crazy! Good work on all the touring.
  14. Remember boys..... P.S. The Dead really could have played the Bob Wier solo tune "Salt Lake City" and soul classic "Take me to the River" much more...
  15. Rumsfeld quittingis 2yrs overdue. This is a huge victory and one to celebrate. I for one would love to kick him when he is down without remorse. Or waterboard him in guantanamo, that seems to be more his style. So how long until someone brings this assclown up on war crimes charges. Can we hang him with Saddam?
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