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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. Very true, however force and the "bigger ball game", is the only thing the US respects/understands. And you are right we are all losers in the end. But now that north Korea has a nuke they will not be the first to lose at the hands of the US. And to steal someone elses line: "Never bring a knife to gunfight". I think Kim Jong Eel saw that movie (the untouchables) and took it to heart.
  2. I pose this question: "Is democracy right for every part of the world?" It seems the American ethos perscribed this. It is a noble and lofty ideal, but in my view perhaps unrealistsic. Seems everytime some nation/insurgent tries to shove democracy downt he throats of a nation that has never had it, tonnes of poeple die, the quality of life goes down, people get poorer and starve and the country ends up destroyed. Even more telling is the suicide bombing aspect of many conflicts. Suicide bombings are directly related to insugancy by outside countries. Basically the people of the nation (that is apprently being helped), feel they are being invaded and they have no where to go, so they resort to drastic measures. If an invading nation leaves the suide bombing stop. I point to Afagahnistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and Korea etc... I am inclined to beleive that in some parts of the world democracy is not relevant, when one takes into account centuries of communism, dictatorships, fuedalism or any other form of governance. It seems in many of these countries the oppressed simply want to be the oppressors, they do not invision an equal society, rather just thier social/religious groups on top. It would seem to me that if the people of a nation want democracy then they and they alone must change it, through revolution. If outside nations go in an prop up phony leaders, figure heads, and spearhead the majority of military action, then there is no ownership by the people, and when the outsiders leave, the whole house of cards falls. I wonder if the US and it's accomplises should simply stop forcing democracy and focus on offering humanitarian aid and improving the quality of life in these regions. Your thoughts........
  3. No no in the slightest. I am not for arming the world, rather disarming it. All I was saying is that right now the US is the biggest nuclear armed agressor in the world and it seems to be that only nations with nukes are the ones they respect, and due to that fear/respect they don't invade. If you read my post carefully I said I was not for more nukes, but it was a smart tactical move ont he part of North Korea. And I also think handguns should be outlawed. Handguns are only for killing people.
  4. While I am not in favour of any country developing nukes as weapons, I think this was a very smart move on the part of North Korea. And ultimately it will make them secure from American invasion. Why? See when a country has nukers the others nations in the world just don't go in an occupy, rape, kill and pillage as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Due to the fact of a real threat, they (the attacking nations, usually the US)negotiate, in act sanctions and respect the nations borders. I think Kim Jogn Eel (sp?) knows this and he realizes with all the saber rattling in the US, unless he gets nukes they would perhaps go after him next. Now that he has nukes and a huge army the US is not going to "cowboy ride" in thier and set up 7-11s. No they will have to deal. Smart move. Furthermore I find it laughable that the US is all "talking tough" about nations not developing nukes, or certain nations getting ride of nukes, when the US has more nukes than anyone. What's more the US has a more agrerssive history of late than North Korea. North Korea may raise tensions and be a isolated totalianary state, but they haven't really done anything. If the US wants people to get rid of nukes then they should start, they have the most and they are the ones running around the world invading countires at thier own choosing UN be damned. Seems the US wants a double standard, they want the nukes and want to choose who else in the world gets to have them. What a load of Yankee bullshit. Frankly if I was an independant state that did not have a great relation with the US, I'd think about developing nukes too, to protect my nation against the US. So nukes, yes they are bad, but North Korea developing them was a smart move. Sad but true.
  5. Here is a picture of the Foltx supplimetn Buffett has on him.... I can kida see how you may think these pills look like "e", especially the backside with the heart on it. (It has a heart as it is a suppliment to help with pulminanry circulation.) Question though, wouldn't you have to test a pill before you knew it contained MDMA? How can you tell by picking it up if it is a narcotic? LAME.
  6. I'm glad Buffett shot back. Good for him. Although I'm sure he still smokes weed. Let's be real.
  7. I agree with Hamilton, I detected no saracism here. I truly hope I am wrongand that Trey was joking and he is not freebasing coke. Nothing would make me happier. However sadly, I am not that nieve.
  8. Hahahaha! That is a great slogan! Another slogan he is using is "How hard can it be". In his speaches he states that if Geroge W Bush could be the governor of Texaz then "How hard could it be". And of course he's right. Kinky in 2006! Wish I could vote for him.
  9. That's my point Zero. Freedman actually has a good chance. He is a true blue Texan and has friends in many high profile places campaigning for him, like Jimmy Buffett and Willie Nelson. Bill Clinton is also a close personal friend of Kinky's. He is also gaining a following among some republicans in Texans who hate what the Bush's have done to the state . So even republicans that do not see eye to eye with Freedman's democrat ways are still with him, because they are embarassed by Bush and want Texas's priode restored and Kinky is certainly all for that. I think he really has a good shot and is a threat to the staus quo in Texas. Hence the busts of those that support him. I'm gonna find out who else is on board with Freedman and see if they run into legal trouble. And besides if Jesse the body Ventura and Arnold Swartzenegger can become govenor, whu not Kinky?
  10. Threre are those who "get it" anf those who don't. That will never change.
  11. You know what is also really wierd. Both Buffett and Willie Nelson were recently busted and bith of the are pro-drug performers that are campainging for Kinky Freedman. Kinky Freedman is a local texas musician and celeb, who is a democrate and wants to take Texas back from the bush era. He has a lot of support and famous friends and is proving to be a real contender. Isin't it odd that Nelson was busted leaving a Kinky Freedman fundraiser and Buffett had recently played a show to raise money for him. I smell the bush's at work. The US is a worlwide facist state! [color:red]LEAVE BUFFETT ALONE YOU FUCKS!!!
  12. Keep Buffett free! I love that guy! Even if it is ectasy whatever! His music is tropical ectasy! First Willie Nelson and now Buffett! Is there a war on feel good music?
  13. Hey y'all, [color:black]I just got word that one of the vendors is a new clothing co. from Ktichener called [color:magenta]Brave Star. [color:magenta]Brave Star specializes in making dreads hats, hippie toys, (like poi etc.) and they are expanding into stylish threads as well. All items are handsewn, super durable and made with funky reclaimed fabric. Check them out at the show in the vendors area...
  14. That's crazy he looks like black Jerry from say 72-74ish. Wierd. I always knew Jerry had too much soul for a white guy.
  15. Not quite. Your knowledge is second-hand' date=' and, in legal terms, your story would be hearsay, in that you're not telling something that happened to your person, but something that happened to some other person and was told to you. (I'm not calling you or your fiend a liar, and if you meant "personal" as in your have a close personal relationship with someone who hooked them up with E, then I apologize for misunderstanding you.) Aloha, Brad[/quote'] Let me clarify Bradm. I was indeed saying I have a close personal friendship with a person that hooked up the band with e in Amsterdamn, and saw them consume it. But you are also correct my verbage was misleading as I personally was not present.
  16. A couple of times! Whatever! I actually have personal knowledge of this one. During the European shows a good friend of mine was at the Paradiso show in Holland. He's a freaky looking dude who lives there some of the time and is very connected and speaks dutch. He was appraoched by someone in the "Phish Crew Family" and was asked to score around 200 pills. He did and for his troubles was given backstage passes for that show and a couple others. He said he persoanlly saw everyone backstage chewing e's like sweetarts. He said he say Trey and Fishman eat like 4-5 by setbreak, and probably another 3-4 before the show was done. A couple of times, yeah sure. I find it interesting that Trey would come clean about the freebase thing but gloss over the E thing. Wierd, party on..................psychedelics!
  17. I am impressed that Trey is willing to face what he does and not try to hide it. I am a little suprised he's freebasing cocaine at 41! I mean he just does seem like the smokin' coke type, and he's got a daughter. Haven't we learned from the trials of Richard Pryor and Eric Clapton. I always knew Phish ate a lot of e (personal info), back in the 90's, but the coke thing just seems so alien for a guy like Trey. I guess it goes to show anyone can be fall hard. I also can't help but think that Trey's drug use in some part played a role in ending Phish. I also don't get why Phish would reunite after breaking up and getting back together and breaking up again. I mean it'a only been 2yrs. The notion of reunino tour, usually happens at least 10yrs on. I like the fact he admits it was affecting him on tour. Was he perhaps speaking of the 70Volt parade debacle? Would make sense. Also I agree with the "pharmies" killed the scene thing. Having been on and off Phish tour since '95 I saw the wave of Pahrmies come and with it all kinds of thuggish vibes. I don't get it all. When everyone was on psychedelics it was all good. Back then the only thuggish vibe was from the occasional nitrous tank fight. But those were here and there and the N2O had always been a part of the scene. I do also think that parmacuticles are less prevelant in Canada. They are morte prevelant inthe US as narcotics are generally more expensive and harder to get. (with the exception of COKE and Meth, and Meth is a pharmacutical derivative.) What's so sexy about cocaine? Anyone?! I never got the attraction. All hype and no bang, as far as I'm concerned. If you wanna get rocked candyflip already!
  18. From my experiece in investiagting this type of thing you need to take several things into consideration. 1. Plan waaay ahead, like 4-6 months or more. THat way you can navigate any potential hold ups, scheduling and promote properly. 2. If you are booking an American band, you will have to get thier work visas in order, so the can pass the border. This costs $$ and takes time. 3. YOu need to ask what thier rider is: Larger bands all have riders. This is a list of what they expect to play. Gerenally this lays out what food/drink they want, hotel rooms, and other essentials. Read that part carefully often the rider can cost you more than the actual performance fee, depending. 4. The best case scenario is finding a band you liek that is already coming to Canada or looking to tour Canada. THat way you don't pay for the immigration and they usually play for a lesser rate as they are on tour. 5. To get this info, go to thier web-site and go to the contact section and ask the responsible person for thier rider, list of availability and fee scale. Finally if you are serious about booking the Slip PM Jaydawg he's helped book them many times in Canada for the Evolve festival. I'm sure he's got the inside track.
  19. Whaaaaaaaa! The American gov't is doing something progressive and rational! I must be hallucinating.
  20. This is a very cool graphic animation of the history of domination int he middle east. Man people just can't stop fighting of a bunch of sand...... Imperial History of the Middle east
  21. My firends were just married in Halifax last August and another firend of thiers got ordained on-line!, and was legally allowed to perfom the service. So this is just more ultra right wing knee jerk "gay people are icky" boasting and grandstanding. 'Casue if you are gay and want to get married, it is not hard to be approved to do so.
  22. Killer! Can't wait. I wonder if the board will perfferated into 100 litte squares. Hope so.
  23. [color:gray]Yeah I agree with you on this. I really think that our only role in the Afghan Quagmire should be "Peacekeeping" as directed by the UN. And if the UN leaves so do we. No matter the consequence. Really it is not our nation, our war or our society. Yeah, the Taliban was evil, but so is the current state of affairs. Really no better and probably more dangerous. All in all it is not our place to force a change in society or shove democracy down a nations throat. I think that a defensive postion that maintains a modicum of social order is the only role Canada should play. We should not be out on rekon missions and trying to round up Taliban or insugents. Our postion should only be reactive and protective. The sad news is that in some parts of the world democracy doesn't work and isn't the way. Especially in a part of the world that has never had it in thier history. And if democracy is to happen, only the people of the nation can make it happen, by thier own initiative. It can not be imported and proped up by nations like us and the US. It's time to pack it up before we totally discrage this country's good name.
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