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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. Another episode in the Yacht rock saga is out


    Jokes as always..

    This whole yacht rock thing is really changing my game. I mean now I cruise to work listening to Kenny Loggins and Mike McDonald tracks and hide it from others like I'm smokin' crack or something. For god sakes' don't loose the smooth.

  2. Keith_0216_article.jpg

    Beer ad actor faces porn charges

    Robert Norman Smith

    A 40-year-old Toronto comic better known as the obnoxious Scot who berates the bartender and pub patrons in television commercials for Alexander Keith’s India Pale Ale has been charged with possessing child pornography and making it available over the Internet.

    Robert Norman Smith, 40, was charged yesterday after detectives from the Toronto police child exploitation section searched his home on a warrant Tuesday. He was charged with two counts of possession of child pornography and one count of making available child pornography.

    Det. Const. Eduardo Dizon said the charges stem from an ongoing undercover investigation that has already resulted in charges against another man.

    Police allege that a preliminary forensic investigation of computers has found more than a thousand electronic files, including movies and still images, and that the collection was available to others online.

    Some of the images involve children as young as a year old, Dizon said. Police want to talk to anyone familiar with Smith or his activities.

    Dizon said the images are graphic in nature, “to the extent that the average person walking on the street would turn away immediately.â€

    Smith, who toured briefly with the Second City comedy troupe in the late 1990s, is well known as the iconic, unruly Scot with a thick accent, kilt and white woollen sweater in the advertisements for a Nova Scotia brewery.

    In the commercials, he berates a pub patron as a “spilly talker†for spilling precious ale and tries to incite an uprising when the bartender runs out. One critic described the character as a boorish cross between William “Braveheart†and Trainspotting bar brawler Begbie.

    In a more recent ad, the Keith’s character attempts to revive bottles of his favourite beer from a snowbank outside a house party.

    Officials with Labatt Breweries, which owns Alexander Keith’s India Pale Ale, did not return calls to the Star yesterday. Smith, who is married and the father of two young boys, studied in York University’s theatre department.

    Earlier this month, as part of the same investigation, police laid similar charges against Robert Alexander Hagon, 22 of Toronto.

    torstar news service



    This is not cool. So sad. I mean what's the deal, it seems every week someone else is exposed as a child porn freak or diddler. Is it that more a re being caught with the advent of technology or is it that there are more child porn freaks out there these days.


  3. Alain Toussaint, Buffett and the Meters and the Wild Magnolias...are you kidding they are alegendary rare funk band. I didn't even know they still played! WOW!

    I'm going into debt! FAK! :o:o:o:o:o

  4. Columbia house is way different than a credit card company.

    I mean com'on, how long will it take them to figure out that your name is almost exactly the same as a dude at the same address. With even a modicrum of investigation you will get burned.

    i mean they know where you live?

  5. Cheney's victim suffers heart attack


    Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle

    CORPUS CHRISTI — The Austin attorney shot by Vice President Dick Cheney suffered a minor heart attack early this morning when a single birdshot pellet migrated into the organ and caused an irregular beat, doctors said today.

    Harry Whittington, 78, has been recovering in a Corpus Christi hospital from a gunshot wound he suffered during a hunting accident Saturday on the Armstrong Ranch in South Texas. He is now expected to remain in Christus Spohn Hospital for another seven days.

    "The good news is Mr. Whittington has a very healthy heart. However, some of the birdshot has appeared to have moved and lodged into a part of his heart and caused the atrial (fibrillation) and what we would say is a minor heart attack," hospital administrator Peter Banko said.

    Dr. David Blanchard, director of emergency medicine, said doctors were unable to pinpoint the position of the pellet, which remains in his heart. They say they will not attempt to remove it through surgery.

    "As far as I know, the BB is in a fixed position and is not likely to travel," Blanchard said. He said the remaining pellets — as many as 150 — in Whittington were not in a position to threaten his heart.

    Blanchard said Whittington suffered a "silent heart attack, one with no symptoms, which was noted by physicians at 6:30 a.m. this morning. A catheterization procedure was performed at 9:30 am."

    Banko said that White House staff and medical staff were notified of Whittington's condition around 10 a.m. today.

    "White House physicians treated Mr. Whittington on the ranch, and have been in involved in some way in his care," said Banko.



    [color:red][color:black]If this gets anymore serious, Cheney might actually get stern talking to....

    So much for the "just grazed him theory". i think John Stewart said it best: "Peppered him? Yeah that's right the vice-president almost seasoned him to death."

  6. Thanks for all the good info guys. I'm almost there. I got EAC working and tonight when I get hoem I'm gonna get the FLAC conversion thing on the go.

    Agreed FLAC is the way to go. But don't you need a plug in for winamp to play them, without converting? And does the average I-Pod or similar device read FLAC?

  7. So I'm going digital with all my music.

    In doing so I intend to go a s high quality as possible.

    I'm ripping everything using exact audio copy with variable bit rate.

    The second part of the equasion in encoding. I don't want to go MP3, to lossy even at the best quality.

    I want to go SHN or FLAC, with all of it.

    Can anyone recommend a good encoder? I can only find MP3 ones or those that decode shn to Wave but not the other way around..

    Info appriciated. :)

  8. All mushrooms are poisonous.

    Quite right' date=' of course. It's the toxicity that induces the effect.

    Is it true what I've heard, though, that citrus will cut the toxicity to some extent, and thus the effect, if things get out of hand?


    You are right on the citrus thing too. I've seen that works, interstingly egnough it also has acalming effect when on LSD. Personally experienced it. Interesting.

  9. All mushrooms are poisonous. It's the poison and your body elimintaing it that gets you high. That kid in school poison himself by eating too much.

    And I think Dr. Evil Mouse is right it's the fact that the awarness and education (not propaganda) is not present in many teenagers and young adults, that is the problem.

    I also agree any substance that alters you nevous system should be treated with the utmost respect and regard and you need to do your homework before you decide to take it. It should not be treated like entertainment.

    Like skydiving, it could be potentially dangerous if you don't do your homework and treat the activity without caution and respect for the possible ramminfication of bad decisions.

  10. Well I may be ruffling feathers but, I don't believe any drugs are bad.

    Allow me to explain: A drug is a substance, it is inanimate, it has no sentient or concious and makes no deliberate choice. It is void of judgement and has specific intention. To call something bad really means; it's bad for me or a group of people like me. The drug itself is niether bad or good, it just is.

    How people react to the drug, use or abuse it, alter it etc.., is the issue not the drugs. It never has been.

    I mean if soemone could smoke crack once every year on a certain day and not hit it again, is it a problem? Probably not, but 99% of the population can't do that, so our lack of judgemnt and self control are bad or unfortunant not the drug. As such things are legislated to "protect" you form yourself, as you are not to be trusted with yourself. This is the theory positivist law; "It's right or wrong because it is decreed".

    Also to put this incident in perspective: Ectasy was sinthesized in 1911. And in those years If there were more than 100 death worldwide total, directly related to MDMA, I be shocked. the reality, is that this is drop in the bucket.

    More people die from crossing the road and eating poorly in that same time, I'm sure. Howevver this view is unpoipular as the emotional response people feel is palpable and needs to exercised.

    I am not trying to belittle this death, it's a tragedy, but it is not an epidemic. It is a freak case that may or may not have been related directly to what was in that pill.

    I think we loose sight of the scope of what we're talking about here by getting wraped up in the illegality and the "it's evil" label.

  11. I don't know what the chemical is but there's something people substitute into one type of bunk E's that makes you feel like you need tons of water... but then you can't process the water... you compulsively keep drinking and its actually the water that kills you

    I'm paraphrasing but its something like that

    The something your talking about is one of two chemicals.

    The first is called DXM. DXM is an active ingredient in cough syrup like Nyquil. When extracted and put in a pill, it makes you feel relaxed, slow and dreamy. You feel very lethargic. DXM on it's own is not really a problem in moderate doses, except that it's not the high you paid for.

    The second (to which you were reffering to) is called PMA (not sure what the abbreviation means), anyways this chemical in small doeses, can produce feeling of energy and euphoria, whoever in larger doses, can raise the interal body temperature. If one is not savy and keeps dancing and drinking water this can be a problem. Especially if your body weight is low.

    If you recognize this (and you should by the fact that you'll feel a little warm to the touch and may be sweatting more than usual), the idea is to not eat another pill, go bananas on the dancefloor, and pound water by the jug to cool down. If you do this you'll be drowning yourself and affecting your brain function while at the same time heating up your body even more by dancing. The strategy is to drink water moderatly and slow your activity until, you process the PMA.

    Now if you're agirl of thirteen and have no clue and take another pill and another, you could be fucked!

    (P.S. When testing ectasy with the Marquis Regent test, if the pill sample begins to smoke at all, it contains PMA.)

    That is my experiecne.

  12. Ectasy is not the culprate here. Lack of judgement, lack of knowledge (on the girl's part) knee jerk media culpability and the "just say no" mentality are to blame.

    P.S. I find it very hard to swallow that it was the pill and the pill alone that kiled her (assuming she took only one.) Even if it was filled with heroin, drano and rat poison there is not egnough volume in one average sized ectasy tab to kill you, you need way more. There are other extenuating circumstances I'm sure....but ""13 killed by ectasy" makes a better headline and sells more papers.

  13. Ladies, I recommend you post your rental at all the colleges and Universitties in the dowtown core. Go to the schools and plaster thier bulliten boards. I didi this when I was in need and I got results. Plus you get younger. more hip people.

    You can also register with the housing department at these schools and they circulate your rental space.

    Good luck.

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