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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. Yes GoodRev, "Song for my father" is a Horace Silver hard-bop classic, and we love to twist jazz stadards all around.

    [color:purple]A BIG PURPLE FONT THANX TO BRADM for coming out and taping our show. The scenen needs more BradM's. (not literallythat would be creepy, but certainly figuratively!).

    I'm sure we'll be back to Ottawa soon. :)

  2. WORLD PARTY. No Way. I totally forgot about those dudes. I thought they were dead. They had some cool tracks though.

    Nice unexpected addition. I like the fact that Bonnaroo, suprises me by diggin' deep for artists, beyond the obvious.


  3. This does look cool. The Stooges were one of the most original and hardest bands of thier time, save only the MC5.

    However, is this really a Stooges reunion, or simply and Iggy Pop tour with Iggy playing Stooges material? I mean the article does not mention anything about Ron or Scott Ashton's invovlement. The Ashton's brother's guitar and drum work were key in the Stooges sound. Jack White is certainly a welcome edition, but let's have some original Stooges other than IGGy invovled.

    Bring it on! :o

  4. If you are not a biker and do not owe biker's a tonne of dough or drugs, you have nothing to worry about.

    I know many Hell's Angel's personally, and this is totally the deal.

    This is not random or a public saftey issue on the whole. THis is a calculated and isolated takedown.

    The media nd police will no doubt use this to demonize all biker's.

    What they do not realize is thta just because you are a Hell's Angel or Bandidto, does not mean you are a criminal. Some of them are, and some of them just like to party hard, tatoo people and maybe sell a little weed. Others are much more nefarious. Biker's in clubs have a choice of how invoilved in crime they get. It is not maditory to do so. It is maditory to pay 10% of earning to the club. How you get your earning is up to you.

    I hate the way police try to simplify this issue. It is not helpful.

  5. sorry - didn't mean to come off as such a douchbag - really bad day at work, sorry.

    also, noticed that you said,

    "I know mnay ways of approaching this type of dominant chord, Just wondering what others do?"

    so I guess you wanted to see if there was something else there that you weren't aware of.


    No worries, everyone has a bad day frm time do time. I understand. I just wanted to see what other people to theory wise on this board. Once I saw some answers I thought, I'd share what I do. This was meant as an exchange of info among musicians, not as an excersize in intimidation or one upmanship.

    It's all good. :)

  6. Interesting responses.

    I do a number of things some of which ahve been mentioned.

    You can also play bebop dominant scale. Bascially a majhor scale witht he b7 and maj7 scale tones.

    Or you can, play a melodic/jazz minor scale starting fromt he 5th degree, in this case "G". This will give you an Lydian Dominant sound.

    Or you can apreggiate a minor 7b5 chord one whole tone below the C7 9so B7) and you get an aletered sound.

    Finally you can also play Aeolian minor on it.

    Options, options..

    cool to see what y'all do.


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