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The Chameleon

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Posts posted by The Chameleon

  1. It has been a long time since I visited this site and WOW.....HOLEEEEE FAAAK!!!

    The collection is mindboggling expansive from what it was!

    Really diverse to everything from vintage Qucksilver Messanger Service from '66 to Soul jazz Legend Ruben Wilson in '96, and everything in between.

    I had no idea the expansiveness of this site.

    Now all I have to do is get stream ripper to rip from media player and I'm in there. No bit torrent needed!


  2. [color:brown]So I got tickets to this special studio taping of Bachman-Cummings, to be aired April 20th. Cool performances, interesting stories and some nerw tunes to boot. Burton Cummings is stil a bit of an egomaniac though...enjoyable

    3/14/2006- Randy Bachman-Burton Cummings @ Glenn Gould Theater CBC, Toronto, ON

    American Woman

    Shape of my heart (Sting cover)

    805 (Moby Grape cover..just first verse)


    Takin’ care of business

    Ain’t No More (new tune)

    Stone Free (Jimi Hendrix cover, with Burton Cummings on drums)

    Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet (Swing/Jazz ballad arrangement)

    These Eyes


    No Time

    All Gotta Go (new tune)

  3. WOW! y'all missed out ('cept mulemomma).

    I was there in first row balcony. What a show.

    Awsome sound, great vibe and killer band. The audience energy was high as well. Really liked the amount of material from his "Nighfly" album that he played. The opener "Green Flowewr St." was funky as hell. In fact every tune was even funkier than on record.

    The band was top drawer as expected. Really liked the addition of Wayne Krantz on guitar. Nice outside and diminished licks, sounding very Scofieldesque. Burnin'! I've only ever seen/hear Wayne Krantz in his own trio setting in NYC. So seeing him with Fagen was a real bonus.

    As for the drums...WOW. Kieth Carlock is a beast!. I saw him with Steely Dan on thier "Everything Must go tour 2003", and loved him there. However seeing him in this setting was a real treat. Crackin' backbeats that would give Steve Gadd a run for his money.

    As for "Ready Freddie" Washington he was laying down the bottom end hard. he;s another New York session bassists. Top shelf and has appeared on a zillion dates. Fagen knows how to pick the cream of the crop. Freddie Washington's Studio Credits

    So far best show this year hands down. Fagen also got two standing O's. That bold for a Toronto crowd. He also did a two song encore, whcih I don't think he has done on the tour yet.

    A bargin at twice the price! It's the kind of show that makes you want to go home and practice!

    I can't wait for the much rumoured Steely Dan summer tour with Micahel McDonald opening. I'll going to follow that one for sure, no matter the cost.

    By god that'll be smooth.

    [color:red]All killer and no filler!


    I feel sorry for all those peeps in Ottawa that missed this tour. I wish I could go to another show today!

    P.S. The last tune "Viva Rock'n'Roll" was a Chuck Berry cover. You don't see that everyday.

  4. I think Jaydawg is one handlebar moustache away from turning into Jimmy Buffett.


    And that would be a bad thing???

    No not at all. In fact i'd love it and I will here and now volenteer my services as guitarist/slide guitarist in a Buffett inspired band.

    We'll all wear mesh shoes and sip [color:blue]boat drinks while wastin' away to [color:blue]magarittaville until [color:blue]a pirate looks at forty [color:blue]somewhere over China. Don't worry you can hear it on the [color:blue]coconut telegraph.

    Serriously though I'm down. Jaydawg grow that 'stache, ill bring the reef.

    sail on salor! :):)

  5. This reminds of those couples you always see dating and breaking up, the getting back together and breaking up again.

    Just shut up and play or don't..

    just get on with it. Also what's wrong with the childish ways. Humour was one thing Phish had that no other band did. It tough it was innovative. I mena you don't have to bounce on trampolines for the rest of yourlife but let's not though out the babay with the bathwater.

    Bitches! }:(

  6. Best thing all night by Stewart:

    "For those keeping count Three 6 Mafia one Oscar, Martin Scorsese 0!"

    Unbeleivable, if you've ever heard any 3 6 mafia albums they're pretty hardcore.

    The are one of the orgiantors of horrcore rap. Rap that is very descriptive about killing and torture.

    They also have amny tracks about selling crack!

    Egads! Who though they'd win. But I guess money and marketing prevail? Any either way a song is a song and if it sells or is good for a film whatever.

    I just wonder if anyone from the academy has ever heard a full 3 six mafia album? :o

  7. I would love to see fareed haque group and/or garaj mahal.

    Also, when the hell is WEEN going to play in Toronto?

    Big thanks to all the promotors that put their asses and sanity on the line. I'm really glad that you guys are out there making an effort to bring us live music. HIGH 5's

    here here! WEEN needs to return to Toronto soon. it's been a couple years since the last Koolhaus gig.

  8. For my money I'd love to see these acts in Toronto ('cuase that's where I'm at)

    [color:red]SOUND TRIBE SECTOR NINE !!!!(this is long overdue!

    The METERS/Funky Meters (whichever!, just bring the groove)


    Umphreey's McGee (headlining set somewhere)

  9. Way to go Pat, sock it to Kenny G's lame smooth ass.

    Altho I agree, some of Metheny's chorused out recording can venture into the too smooth to be good catagory. And unless we're tlaking yacht Rock too smooth is a bad thing.

    Funny story: In my second year of University studying Jazz at YorkU, we had to choose a jazz tune to transcribe. So the teacher went around the class and us to call out what tune we chose for approval. When it came to this one dude (newer immigrant guy, who hopefully knew no better), he said proudly "Kenny G- Breahless"...A hush filled the classroom and the teahcer said "That's not acceptable, pick again, that's not jazz!" and the guys was like "but..but..but". Theacher: "I'll explain the Kenny G factor to you later, it's one jazz's dark little secrets, like getting herpes with a one night stand."

    Absolute gold. I laughed so hard I cried! :o

  10. Skips occur when the sync was lost and the drive had to reposition again and started on a slightly different position.

    Laso EAC is suppose to be able to rip scratched discs, due to it's variable bit rate and high quality read.

    Thanks tho! :)

    I can try another one, but the reason I was attractedto EAC was the high quality rip. Is there another that is comparible for lossless audio? I don't want sacrafice quality.

    Thanks for the info Esau.

    "Supposed to" & what it actually does are two different things remember. Try a different ripping program & compare.

  11. "Sometimes EAC ripps audio with little breaks in the track. Then I have to go back and re rip to get a clean copy? Am I ripping too fast or something?"

    i have found that is usually a result of the original burn being too fast, or there might be scratches on the disc.

    i do remember, when i ripped my cd collection, it was usually the first or last track in the cd that it would create skips through.

    Yeah this"little braks " thing s makes the program almost useless.

    I don't think it has to do with the disc either. Some of the discs were brand new out of the package, with no scratches at all. Laso EAC is suppose to be able to rip scratched discs, due to it's variable bit rate and high quality read.

    Thanks tho! :)

  12. Hi Audio peeps,

    I posted a while ago and was on the cusp of converting my music collection to losseless digital format.

    Well I'm on my way and have FLAC frontend happening along with Exact Audio Copy for ripping. It's formatted too, however it has some glitches, that I'm sure are a result of something not set right so, here's my questions:

    1. Sometimes EAC ripps audio with little breaks in the track. Then I have to go back and re rip to get a clean copy? Am I ripping too fast or something?

    2. Can you make it so that EAC dumps the ripped audio in to a folder of the name of the album?

    3. I have got CDDB working with EAC, but it only writes the song names to the file, it omits the album and artist name. So then I have to go back in an edit the tags, whcih kinda defeats the purpose. How can I fix this?

    Any advice would be great, I've been trying to fix this problems for a while now, and ya'll were super helpful last time.

    Mad respect!

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