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Posts posted by timouse

  1. Interesting, I wonder if that would be legit enough?

    I was thinking of buying the bulb, keeping the receipt and then taking a dated photo showing the headlight in working condition. I feel like I'd have to fight with them over it though...

    oh how we hates the man...

    CH, get it fixed, and take your reciept to the police station. they may be able to work things out. i got nailed once with a headlight out, but instead of a ticket they gave me a "48 hour Notice of Report" that basically meant get it fixed and come show us within 48 hours and all is forgiven.

    obviously the cops aren't that forgiving anymore :(

  2. timouse, if you and niffermouse will make the trek, you get to call the weekend (and the spare room, taboot!)

    how're those vaction plans shaping up???...you guys planning to get "All Good in Osgoode" on the front or back end of that trip....?

    not sure about vacation plans yet...we may wind up heading to winnipeg to see my grandma, she's not doing very well lately and we may be running out of opportunities to visit :(

    we will absolutely keep you guys posted, and if possible we can do a SoOn > winnipeg > mousegoode > SoOn run...

  3. I was always kind of a fence-sitter with Vince...i loved some of the covers he brought into the band (rain, tomorrow never knows, baba o'reilly, all too much, etc...) and his originals kind of grew on you. i wasn't sure about samba or long long long long long long way to go home, but as the band grew in to them, they became solid tunes. and in hindsight, "all too much" was pretty prescient :(

    i was disappointed to learn that he basically became keyboardist non grata after his suicide attempt on the HotDog tourbus...it amazed me that he continued to play continuously with DSO and other Dead cover bands, obviously the guy just wanted to make music. everyone that ever spoke to him seemed to come away feeling that the guy was the real deal, a genuinely nice person...

    hopefully he woke up this morning in the Great Beyond and had a wake and bake with Jerry :)

    RIP Vince...

  4. very soory to hear about your misfortune, AP. the guy that i work for was deported from the states in the 70's and still gets grief every time he tries to enter the US. he was working illegaly in california when his workplace was raided by the INS.

    ironically they were looking for mexicans working illegally. when they found out that he was canadian they lightened up a bit bit still gave him the boot :(

    call your MP, there may be a way of clearing your record. otherwise you will experience chaos every time you try a trip to the US.

  5. Timouse, you said something about a commune?

    Anyways, congrats Super Freak. Exciting times!

    yes, and people who know how to raise chickens or are interested in learning are welcome to sign on :)

    niffermouse and i are currently trying to work out how we can escape from SoOn hamster-wheel existence and ultimately be able to provide for ourselves and any other like minded souls...

    congrats super freak and dancin' man on the new addition to your family!

    d_rawk, have we met in real life?

  6. retailers dream about the day that RFID is in everything...no more tedious checkout, just push your cart through the archway scanner, empty your wallet, and scuttle off :) never mind privacy issues. i've already heard about wal-mart tracking return visitors using RFID. you buy a a pair of shoes from wal-mart, then walk back in wearing them next week. ding! the shoes register on the scanner, and they build a file of what you buy.


  7. this gets a bit gross. if that doesn't bother you, then do carry on. I didn't even know that Toronto's sewage slugde was going to the states along with the garbage. apparently Toronto sludge is particularly smelly as compared to other cities (sorry toronto :P ).

    the explanation that i've heard is that the bacterial cultures in the water treatment plants are as old as the treatment plants themselves, and that Toronto's sludge got particularly funky once the animal tissue waste from the abbatioirs got in. the same bacteria that help make rotten meat smell are happily living in Toronto's sewage treatment plants. :(

    Michigan landfill rejects Toronto's sludge

    May 31, 2006. 04:24 PM


    A Michigan landfill site is turning up its nose at Toronto’s treated sewage sludge.

    The Carleton Farms facility will no longer accept the waste after Aug. 1 because locals who live in the area are complaining about the smell, spokesperson Will Flower said Wednesday.

    “We came to a business decision not to accept sludge at the landfill,†Flower said.

    The landfill had been reviewing its sludge intake since April, when a group of residents raised a stink at a public hearing.

    But Toronto works committee chairman Shelley Carrol said she only learned of the decision today.

    “If they’ve got a hard date, I’m kind of surprised we haven’t got it,†Carrol said.

    She could not say where Toronto would take its sludge after August.

    Flower said the landfill was giving 60 days notice to allow municipalities, including Detroit and Toronto, time to find someplace else to dispose of the sludge.

    The landfill, which is seeking to expand, is also facing a $25,000 class-action lawsuit over the smell, but Flower said it had nothing to do with the decision.

    “We have an obligation to work with our neighbours and protect those neighbours,†Flower said.

    “In this case we are foregoing economic opportunities in exchange for preserving a good relationship with our neighbours.â€

    The change takes effect in August, although the landfill will continue to accept Toronto’s trash.

    Toronto Star article.
  8. What other names/words have a silent "ck"?

    I mean I don't understand why he is not reffered to as cock-burn.

    Sadly I can't avoid thinking cock-burn and not co-burn whenever I see his name.

    He certainly is a wonderful player/musician.

    i always wondered why he didn't opt to change it. i guess it's part of his whole persona, championing the oppressed and trampled on. i would expect that he took his share of trampling as a young kid :) a friend of mine went to school with his daughter in milton, and she was happy to not have that particular last name :P

    maybe he was inspired to stay inside and practice guitar. he sure can play...

  9. he still has the bottle uncracked...

    surely that's worth a threatened lawsuit' date=' settling of course for a lifetime supply of beer in exchange for your not going public (ooops) oh well....

    .....put StoneMtn on retainer and see what he can get for ya!!![/quote']

    or call these guys.


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