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Everything posted by Gr8FuL

  1. doesnt make much sense to put time and resources into gettign the hub back, with a perfect alternative here thats up and running and alreadya great site. With an east coast forum or extension or whatever it woudl be all us east coasters need to keep up to date on the "goin'z on" for live shows or whate have you locally. Think about it mclean, it just makes sense, where are you going to find time to run and maintain jamhub, and keep doin all that you're doing??
  2. Gr8FuL

    Cold Soups

    Oh man they dont soudn very tasty to me, cold soup? thats like ice coffee, Blah
  3. Gr8FuL


    Nutella is Soo gross, i didnt even know ppl really ate that
  4. Linda's leaving? Damn thats good news, maybe less metal/UNheard of thrashers and some more quality tunes/artists coming our way.
  5. The woods aren't all that bad Mcloon, you're jsut a city boy hahahaha. Soil testing for a Geologist huh? Likely story.....i've ben doing some soil testing of my own.... and all looks real damn good haha. Elwoods is like hanging out in a hallway, brutal place to check out a band that draws any kind of a crowd. I dont use Narcbook, so i'll keep chekcin up the lefty sight for Deets on good times. Anything happening on the sunseeker front or is it just a thing of the past now?
  6. just noticed your signature? thats current right ?? Bringing the Dr back to town, Sweet. I am 150 % stoked for this. Not too into the ideal gas law, but sloco and the Dr more than make up for that. what boat is the ride on? that gigantic old school looking river boat? serving booze on the boat? bnads playing inside or outside? On the boat? fill me in on the deetz. Its the first show i've been pumped for in a while. You should look into renitn the Bellisle marina for smoe shows too jay, word is buddy isnt able to do much wiht it and rents it out for nothing, just figure i'de let ya know. Cheers Facker
  7. Wasted opportunity indeed...... I didnt know they turned down your services...haha thats ridiculous buddy. Sucks your potential venue op fell through, but if the folks at A-Khord keep doin how they do(haha) then they should be closing anytime now, possibly leaving the door open to you folks at Lefty to grab up at a steal of a deal..... Keep up the good work Jay, i wasnt bashin on you for wantin to keep the hub alive. Come out to the country and have some beers if you every get a minute haha I've been missing your mom too... hahaha
  8. it did its the "A-Khord" now, its a beautiful bar inside still with a nice big stage and a new acoustic stage, but nothing too intersting goes on there, mainly bands and acts no one has heard of, or interested in. Itxs a shame too, because its the nicest room in the city as far a bars go for hosting live tunes, when it lost Jmclean, its went WAY downhill. Mclean - Fuck startin up jamhub again, get another bar on the go so the city can be rockin once again!!
  9. the dude from I mother Earth? haha thats Hilarious, "get my drink bitch"
  10. Jamhub sucked as of late, but i guess so has the ENTIRE scenen, in my city atleast, Saint john has totally gone down hill since the venue "Neptunes" closed, when that bar was open there were fair cover charges, great bands booked EVERY single weekend. Now not so much if at all, and when somethign good comes along its way over priced and in a shitty lil "Dive" most times. it should be left to die just liek the scene that was thriving not so long ago.... (fuck did i just rant about a fucking Msg Board??) hahah
  11. If they didnt let folks into bars arond here in tie dyes alot of bars woudl go under
  12. Matt mayes is a douche, wrecked shit in my apt at a party, then kept playing his own song, "Cocaine cowgirl" over and over and over in my cd player until i physically had to toss his ass out!! true story.....
  13. I think it woudl get alot more use now once folks realize its back. Can i be El Presidente or even official mascot of the east coast forum? haha
  14. I'll miss that "MiNdTrIx" from jamhub, man he was cool shit!!! All the best, funniest posts and put downs were ruled by that guy!!
  15. Esjay's a DICK!! so the hub is gone for good? not just being fixed up? someone east shoudl get on a new site. It won't be me though, cuz i dont care enough and hate most things, ie music, fun, i coudl go on and on
  16. Its a damn shame! I was a member on jamhub for Years. I can't believe they'd just let it go to shit like that. So many ppl used it as the 1 stop to find out "the goings on" as far as live shows in the area. It was a great F'n site for a long time, sorry to see it go.
  17. i'll have to check this out, i have the gray album, (the beatles white album and jay-z's black album mixed up)
  18. Gr8FuL


    I couldn't agree more!!! Ol'Hickster, caught 16 trout on saturday, (kept 5 to eat,while Havinbeers, they were delicious) it was unbelievable, with the water so high i didn't think we'd get into much if anything, was i ever wrong!! haha We'll have to get out when you come back.
  19. who's trey? the drummer from greenday?
  20. i thought he was really dead.....
  21. it does suck, missing some really "key" shows, but worse than radio head? is that possible?
  22. havinbeers(goes with out sayin), building a new deck and gazebo, boating/canoeing/kayaking(sp?) , lots of camping/cottaging,FISHING, no idea for antyhnig music related, just have to see what comes about.
  23. with close runner up:
  24. Gr8FuL


    who's with me? I dont know whats it's like where you all are today, but its beautiful in my part of N.B today,and looking promising to stay that way all weekend! i'm leaving work early (ie right now) and will be havinbeers in the sun/fishing all weekend!! Hope everyone has a good weekend and to those havinbeers, hell even those who aren';t, Cheers! Josh
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