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Everything posted by Dr_Evil_Mouse

  1. I can't believe I just discovered that in a golf thread of all things (I must have been bored - golf just doesn't work for me). Hey, Paisley!
  2. I have to say, the Tommy from Hull, on the second night, is absolutely killer. The band had definitely hit their stride.
  3. Here's a good start - 2007 List . I think there are others, but I suck at using the search feature here. Or maybe it's getting late and I'm tired.
  4. You kidding, Schwa? Sounds like a smokin' show (the H-S-F gets great press especially), and that was just the nudge I needed to get me going with an etree account (thanks as always, Brad!).
  5. Wainn. Can't get there from here; can't find a torrent of it anywhere, either. Suggestions?
  6. What they said ^ . Hopefully it's still in full swing.
  7. Damn - wish it could be a little bit more east of TO. Sisters Euclid at Hugh's Room, Dec. 6
  8. Ditto. Plus he has such a great little bit in Spinal Tap .
  9. This should be interesting - tickets sold out faster than for any other event before at Roy Thomson, apparently. Debate: Blair vs. Hitchens on Religion
  10. Julia was among the first people I met out of this whole crew, back in the Gypsy Co-op days, and I remember how her vibrancy and love of life made such a deep impression from the start. There's no imagining this kind of loss, nor how you've been able to hold up. The love of your friends is there for you; draw deep from that well.
  11. What a guy. I read a great article in Canadian Geographic recently on ragtime in Montreal through the 1920s, and what a hard time the musicians had - mainly because the RC church was coming down on them so hard. Cheers to the pioneers!
  12. The benefits thing would be bound to be really, really complex, along with lots of other legal issues, but isn't life already pretty complex to begin with? I find it funny that church and state never really had anything to do with marriage until early modernity, when they jumped in and claimed authority over it (which church has finally been getting elbowed out of). Polyamory works for some people, and there's no legal red tape around that - though I imagine the people that want the legal recognition or sanctification for it, in terms of polygamy, have their reasons. Islam (and some kinds of African Christianity) makes an interesting test case. The stated rule there is that a man can only take on more than one wife is he is able and sworn to protect them all equally (and yes, this only works in one direction). No doubt this is very rarely the case. A secular legal apparatus around that might stand a better chance of ensuring that kind of protection.
  13. I'm confused by that. Please explain. But in the meantime - this is what freaks me out today: BBC's Panorama claims Islamic schools teach anti-semitism and homophobia [i'll gloss over the fact that Arabs are also Semites.]
  14. Dang - there are a lot of songs I'd love to hear you do again.
  15. I'll be hosting the Sunday open-stage at the Branch in Kemptville, 3-6. Bring an appetite - they do an amazing buffet (the chef has been profiled on CBC and elsewhere). The Branch (The website's a little behind - the Gram Parsons open-stage was a couple of weeks ago). Booche, I'm looking at you...
  16. I was really glad to see this had been done. The chapter in Sacks' book is brilliant. At one point they nearly lost him because he'd found his way into a New Age movement that treated him like some kind of super-enlightened being, because his inability to create new memories left him in a totally blissed-out state - all the while his tumour was growing and slowly killing him. I can't wait to catch the movie.
  17. Only if you want it to continue to kill this website. ) . To be fair, I first saw that it was your birthday over there. Met you here first, though . Happy bday!
  18. If I weren't cursed for getting gigs, you know I'd be all over this .
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