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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. We should have a "Kanada Kev loves what ever is fucking convenient forum"... You a fucking Sensei? Don't make barf. Enjoy watching us twist in the wind... it won't be for long.
  2. Classy fucking shit. But I prefer to stay away from assholes.
  3. Turds. Fucking go enjoy yourself in your own forum and leave us Sens fans to our misery.
  4. Habs fans are fucking assholes. Seem to be taking a page out of the Leaf playbook. You'll get what you deserve: Nothing.
  5. Anyways... enough from the pee-ons. Volchenkov is expected to play... which is insane, and says alot about the character of this team. They may be short handed... banged up and bruised... lacking chemistry... lacking confidence... but there is no doubt in my mind that these guys are trying, as the writing seems to be appearing on the wall, we should expect some of the built up frustration to come pouring out. It will be satisfying for me to see.
  6. I don't think you would wear those pants if you weren't primed to take the criticism in a place like Toronto. Snappy is a protangonitial Zen master in training.
  7. 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months... all important milestones, each with their own unique hurdles to overcome. Good luck. I love weed... I'm quite content not having to quit... planing to smoke when I'm close to dying, so for now I'm only just cutting back.
  8. Fucking right I do... at a 1/3 of my day, it's a pretty important relationship in my life... I'm not starting it off on the wrong foot.
  9. Did the Habits play tonight? Who the fuck cares?
  10. We have 14 guys who are either UFA or RFA's next year... and thinking that one or two goalers might be on their way out too, I think it is safe to say we are in a rebuilding phase. That being said... I expect more cross checking and sleugh footing from this team... fucking muck it up already!
  11. Glad it went well for you guys!... thanks for the pictures and the upcoming show posting.
  12. Well, anything goes... and most stuff already has... it's fucking Rich Stadium... Good place to go to blow off some steam... Booche is our leader. He's so angry. You'll also find most people around here are really disappointed Leaf fans who are as oblivious as Teflon... you'll find far more than a few who will cheer for numerous rival teams as if this was 'normal' or a 'honorable' thing to do, and hide under the idea that they are "fans of the game", yet bring nothing but negativity to it (actually... Kev is positive to a fault... but this is kind of hippie central...but I digress)... just cause the Leafs suck and haven't been to the playoffs for four years, have their aging Captian contemplating leaving, have most of their salary put into 3 underachieving defencemen, the most passionate/daft fans in the world, and a managment system that puts the premium on maintaining it's sellouts by fleecing it's lemming fan base above the primary goal of the league... winning the stanley cup.
  13. Don't you have some baby laxatives to ingest? It was a 4-0 final... the Pens scored in the first minute by over powering our defence... well it was Redden, and unfortunately, most every fan is used to Reddens patheticness by now... and after that we only managed to get 26 shots on net... mostly from the outside... and our inability to even hit the net is really sad at the moment... Donovan on the 2-1 comes to mind... 2 minutes of 5-3 with the game on the line and no real pressure... what do you want? Blind enthusiasm? Fuck that... You look at SJ and Calgary, when Calgary was up, San Jose looked like they were controlling the play, just couldn't beat Kiprosoff... the Defence could pinch and keep it in, and it was only Iginla who made any real in roads into the San Jose zone after Calgary established the lead... Ottawa could barely keep the puck in the Pittsburg zone, and it seemed like Pittsburg got the puck stuck deep in Ottawa's zone on every second shift until the end of the game. Fuck. Our Zone clearing effort, visually, was down right awful. Also, I don't know the odds of someone falling face first into a slapshot that was taken 40 ft away, but it happened, and is probably as long as the Sens making it to the finals and winning with what they have on the ice right now... I don't expect lighting to strike twice for this team this year. As far as giving up... I'm looking forward to next year, and I'm going to be rooting against the Habs because of their rival factor against the Sens... and yes, I will watch the Sens ship go down... And no, this does not mean I'm jumping off the bandwagon just cause a couple of trolls show up to kick us when we're down... I just don't think I'll have to change my tune until I see Redden submarine Malkin or Crosby, and someone remove Malone s teeth with his stick.
  14. 3rd on Commodore... he certainly doesn't look right in a Sens uniform... Camera caught Murray chewing him out pretty good after that goal... There's no magic quick fix for a defense like this... I'll be glad if Redden and Meszaros prove me wrong, but I won't hold my breath... I'm still proud as fuck of these guys... they look pretty banged up, but they're still hammering away... the future is still bright in Sens land... though a few storm clouds may be raining on us right now.
  15. Well ain't this a shit storm... bunch of cock suckers. I'm looking forward to the off season... we got lots of cap room. I hope we make a series of this... but Antoine Vermette is not going to be able to do this by himself.
  16. Juices flowing here. If they're going down... I hope they go down fighting... and if they need to, take a couple of shots at their fan base as a whole. Go Sens. Kill the Penguins... and any other team that gets in your way.
  17. I see very little galvanization... Volkuns stoppped 43 of 46 with 10 minutes left in the third! Go Cats. Philly's owning NJ
  18. I think the Flyers game tonight against the Devils is more meaningful for the Sens. If the Devils win in regulation, the Flyers will be eliminated guaranteeing the Sens a spot in the playoffs. edit: sorry, meant to say: flyers will guarantee themselves less points than the Sens if they lose tonight. Still, it's a win and your in, and I don't think a team that has backed into the playoffs has ever done very good there, so I'm hoping the Sens just control their own destiny tonight with a smart, solid, and passionate game tonight.
  19. I'm going all in and saying that the hit to Alfie is going to galvanize the team and they are going to be a force in the playoffs this year... now this is a predition: Finally, Guys like, Vermette and Meszaros are going to realize what kind of risks they have to take on the ice in order to play at a higher level, and are going to step up their games and provide the depth this team so desperately needs... the kids are getting a front row seat to some pretty gritty hockey, and a dose of NHL reality. That and all the savvy veterens are going to want to go down swinging especially after seeing an upper classmen take a career threatening injury (clean hit or not) either that, or the kids freak, and we wait for next year.
  20. Fack... it's like they think scoring 10 goals will get them 3 pts... tomorrow is going to be huge for the Sens... if they can control their own destiny, they might have a bit of a confidence boost going into the first round...
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