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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Hey guys, Just got my internet set up here... just in time to read all about the Sens brutal decline in the last couple weeks. I've only seen a handful of games in the last few months, but it hasn't been pretty... play is all over the map. I'm happy about Paddock and Lows release. I don't think there will be an instant change in the teams play, but I think it will improve steadily. We got some good peices, but there seems to be absolutley no chemistry on the team. I read somewhere about how the big 3 are burnt out... and it shows. It's strange, but this will probably end up being a good thing for the Sens... Murray's going to have to play a tight trap and tight games to solve the defensive issues... whatever the system is, and if the team latches on to it, it should be pretty ripe by the time the playoffs hit, and hopefully not going into the playoffs as a percieved powerhouse will pay some dividends... Trying to be optimisitic, though I know the brand of hockey the team has been playing recentley will get us nowhere fast! Good to be back online... hope yer all doing well... Oh, and as far as that Hossa trade goes... it will be nice to face the Pens sans Colby Armstrong... (if it wasn't for Jordan Stall, I'd say the Pens gave up way too much for the playoffs this year)
  2. Is that official?... if so it would be nice to put it behind me... until then, I gotta assume we'd be close to, if not, the top of the list of places he'd want to go... with the contracts moving we'd have some flexibility to sign him to the 3 years he's looking for.
  3. Holy fucking shitballs. The support this guy is getting from fans at NHL.com has been amazing... makes me realize that I'm Hockey fan first and a Sens fan second Hope he's going to be okay!
  4. Talk about TSN turning point... I know I'm chiming in late but Little Tits = That was fun to watch... The purse thing... really puts Ray Emery situation in perspective.... Cute.
  5. Whoooooooooooo-Hooooooooooooooooo! What a HUGE trade! Finally a legit scoring left winger whose name isn't Dany Heatley... and a tough stay a home Defenceman with experience who won't expose Redden so much and allow him to be more creative with the puck in his own end. I'm so excited I'm going to write out possible lines! Heatley-Spezza-Alfredsson Stillman-Fisher-Neil Foligno-Vermette-Kelly Schubert-McAmmond-McGratten Phillip-Volchenkov Commodore-Redden Richardson-Meszaros I'd bench Donovan... that guys stinking it up gud right now. Okay... now check this out: Heatley-Spezza-Alfredsson Stillman-Forseberg-Fisher Kelly-Vermette-Neil Schubert-McAmmond-McGratten ::drool:: Yippie!! Ok, now I move to Sudbury... see ya'lls when I get the tubes again! GO WOLVES!
  6. That was one for the ages... Fuggin awesome! (I guess that means if Green Bay hit the field goal in overtime against the Giants........... )
  7. He's the right guy to groom the team for a stanley cup run... weather or not we have the depth to achieve that reality has yet to be seen. I'm voting that they are keepin Alfie out of the line-up to help drive home the point that other people have to step up on this team... depth means that you can beat the saddest teams in the league even when your top two players are out of the lineup. This hard nose approach will either turn the 2nd and 3rd lines into mice or men... just exactly what those lines are is hard to say.. :susel: and it's not Reddens fault entirely... it's the forwards not getting back, and not being able to get it out of their zone fast when it does get in... Redden would find them if they would just get open down ice... don't get me wrong... I'm not saying the Sens are shit... nor am I saying they are the best when healthy can't be beaten... I'm just saying they have some growing up to do, and Paddock is just kind of forcing the issue, cause if they don't mauture quickly, we won't be getting back to the cup this year. Alfie is fuggin awesome though!
  8. Even though we still have a few pts. on Montreal, I think we are clearly trying to catch up to them already. The Sens depth is going to get a crash course on how to play to win in the next couple of weeks... might be sink or swim. Should be an interesting couple of months.
  9. Clearly Peddie has to go... then you wait maybe 3 or 4 years, and then you may get a cup. Until Peddie goes, I have no need to kick a dead horse... this will be my last post in this thread until PF day.
  10. Sens seem to be in tough... but I still got my rose colour glasses on. Reddens playing pretty well... I've seen Phillips have as rough a time this year getting exposed 2-1 deep in their own zone on turnovers... I think the problem lies with the forwards this year, thanks to the cry of having more secondary scoring (not getting back in the zone thanks to another year of getting away from Jacques Martins system, and yes... it's exposing a lack of depth this current roster has), which is why a top 6 guy that can shut down (ala Phalson/Draper) would be pretty useful about now... that would open it up a bit for guys like Fisher and Vermette to fill in the secondary scoring. But all in all I'd rather be peaking in a couple months and get all this injury, trades and drama bullshit out of the way, than peaking now. Edit to add: I think the Donvon trade was made to hopfefully fill that gap, but unfortunately it's not looking so good now.
  11. Ouch... yesterday was painful! Give credit to a Giants team that played a solid game and executed. Hope they have what it takes to solve the Pats.
  12. It kind of read like: "I used to serve like that all the time... then I got into the Booze." or something silly like that. That serve totally counts as an Ace right? It would be really hard to pry it out of the ground and get it over without hitting it twice!
  13. I wrote this big long post and it got zapped... In agreement with Booches' last comment in can be summed up as this: Insanity is a perfectly natural response to an unhealthy environment. Clean up the Leave upper management, and success may follow... leaf it as is... and there will be no Stanley Cup parade down Queen Street... JFJ could be a decent GM if not for the Bullshit he's gone through... Leave Management has probably done more single handedly at contributing to the Leafs playoff futility than the other teams in the league do.
  14. It's not over... but I believe we are watching the Tony Romo Implosion.
  15. If they're calling that holding on 32 of the Chargers... the Refs are dinks. What a great run back nullified by a phantom call... great to see Peyton get blocked and tossed out of bounds though. It's going to be interesting seeing Norv Turner's head explode in the 2nd half... I'll be rooting for em however... can't stand Mr. Peyton Perfect.
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