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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Yeah it was a great ride... And we have a better team for the playoffs this year... I gotta think a big plus is Commodore finding his legs and providing a Chara-esque like approach to the sens game that they were missing. We're turning the corner and picking up steam at just the right time. And I know... deep down... Booche knows about Kovalev and the playoffs... he's not going to change... but it's going to change the team... just ask Carolina.
  2. That explains some of the negativity I suppose... Glad I can have fun with it then.
  3. Or you could grumble like a Leafs fan writer and...
  4. Welcome to Canada, where accomplishments are viewed as a negative.
  5. Montreal getting rid of Roy = Boston getting rid of the Babe... Welcome to your Buckner years.
  6. The leafs were way better than the Habs over the past decade... if you live in glass houses... you shouldn't throw stoned. Atleast we have some hardware, and way more division championships over the last decade... turd.
  7. Les Canadiens are in for a solid dose of reality tonight. The absence of playoff experience is going to show... for the team that missed them last year (translation:peaking too early), and they are going to get rolled over by a team that is just waking up for the 'real' season.
  8. Another small step in the right direction. How many pts. are we out of first?
  9. A small step in the right direction. Thank goodness.
  10. Wow! Congrats you two! Good luck with the move!
  11. Happy b-day Carrie! Hope you had fun at the show! Looking forward to partying with you in the summer!
  12. Denial aint' just a river in Egypt. *sigh* 5 minutes left and I can't listen anymore. It's hard not to feel as if the wheels have fallen off this thing.
  13. oh... I have a ps3, and it doesn't support avi, but does a nice job playing back mp4's... I'm using a program called ps3 converter... it works, but it seems to take alot of time and system resources to do it... any better ones anyone can think of? Kentucky Fried Movie, and Top Secret are on the viewing agenda for tonight!
  14. Awesome! Thanks buddy! That's exactly what I'm looking for! I'd check it right now, but I'm just converting some files from avi to mpeg, and it's taking up all my resources... iTunes don't stand no chance of loading through this... I'll try it out later and report back as to how helpful that link you gave me was. Peace,
  15. I have a couple of questions about iTunes that I couldn't find answers too surfing around online and thought that maybe a few people around here might be able to answer for me... a) How can I get Itunes to reorganize files on my hard drive according to how I've reorganized them in itunes... I've changed a number of song names, and their genres and I would like the original file names to be changed and organized on my hard drive. One thing I liked alot about real player is that it could do just that... reorganize the folders based on genre>artist>album>song, and the song file would change to what I have changed the song name to within realplayer I've used the consolidate library feature, and as far as I can tell it only moves files into the itunes folder from other folders (i.e. downloaded folder on c: drive to Itunes folder on f:, but it doesn't seem to fix the file names or folder structure and How can I transfer my ID3 tag info from Itunes on one computer to Itunes on another... when I took my backup drive with all my songs from my first computer and took it too my other one, I could import the songs, but I could keep my song ratings or play counts or last played information which I like to use... is there anyway in itunes on can transfer their collection to another computer and keep the Metadata? Thanks for any help and links you can point me too!
  16. Every Touchdown Farve Threw Thanks for the memories Brett!
  17. bump... I'm liking my picks... even though I'm on the outside looking in.
  18. I don't think Bettman chose them to win this year anyways. Hope he's okay... that looked wicked nasty.
  19. [color:purple]I LOVE THE REFEREE'S Game sounded super exciting... Giggy playing great, Gerber playing great... but the refs are playing a game of their own... clearly. I'm going to shut up now... I'm convinced all this horseshit reffing is going to swing the other way for the playoffs. CONVINCED!!!
  20. How the fuck do Pittsburg get an instigator and a thrid man in, and WE get the penalty kill?!?! That and the glaring mistake on the phantom offside call, and this reffing crew is making the list! Oh wait... no 3rd man in... and Phillips doesn't go for retalitating?!?!... these refs are FUBAR.
  21. That rule was retarded... goal stands. Looks like it's Murray time for the Sens again... starting to play with a little mojo halfway through the first... Hope you fuggers in row 'O' are enjoying it! edit: This was before Vermette got in a fight after that domino hitting effect... and Phillips Malone and Malkin had a threeway... this is starting to look fuggin sweet!
  22. I've been on the reffing for years. Shit don't make sense... and they're suppose to play it by the book! Still... I have to blame the Sens on this... Van Massenhoven doesn't ref every game against the MP's.
  23. It's a trap!!! Time for the Sens to wake up... Emery played pretty well... stopping 34 shots... still looked bad on a couple, can't do much though when you only score one. Fuggin refs have given out 40 more penalties to the Sens than their opponents... The sens just can't figure out the new reffing... gotta love Anaheim not giving a shit about taking penalties though. 340 times shorthanded and counting... And what's with the icing rule? Clearly they've changed it to speed up the pace of the game... seems like they side with attempted/missed pass more often than not now... I can't figure out half the time if it is or isn't an icing. Another facet of the game that the Sens are losing hands down. Ah well, one way or the other, the Sens are still an interesting team... I have to cross my fingers though... alot has to change in a hurry before there will be any talk of playoff success.
  24. He's going to ride Price like they did Patrick Roy... gutsy move, but atleast Price can see his future squarely in front of him. If he wins, they're all geniuses, and if they lose, well... Huet wasn't ever going to be seen with a Stantley Cup over his head... not as a starter atleast. I think Montreals real problem is if Kovalev doesn't show up for the playoff, will anyone else? And will there be purses?
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