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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Atleast we won't have to face the Leafs in the first round. :confused: ::sigh::
  2. You were trash talking? :confused: With Detroit doing what they're doing... you could do better
  3. That guy sure knew how to infield fly. I'll miss him.
  4. Is Tony Whitt still a back catcher?
  5. I wish. Not in the cards though... drink fun and have safe kids! ::Say hi to Bryson for me Mr. Rat::
  6. Keep your head up Hal... CTMF is right around the corner! You help with the funny around here... and that's a good thing!
  7. Haha... that was great... a problem I wish the Sens could have.
  8. Gerber looks retarded when he's calling out Volchenkov on the ice... 2nd time I've seen it. And yes... Redden looks big time retarded... I'm off that guys bandwagon... time to slide him to the 6 spot.
  9. Saw some of it... it was cool... Was it from the Dylan tour where he opened acoustically?
  10. Who the fuck plays hockey at 3:00 in the afternoon. Feels like a beer league game. I'm not going to put too much stock in this game... man we're getting killed by the people we traded away. We also don't play till Thursday... seems like we're severely unmotivated for this one.
  11. I actually had "There will be blood" all cued up and watched that during the intermission... good flick... I can't believe all the racism on Justin.tv... sad really.
  12. 27-0-2 when leading after two periods.
  13. 3-1 Roller is having nightmares right now.
  14. Anything from the last decade or so?
  15. I don't make the rules... I just turn it on and get the local blackout message... I have the channel... sportsnet east... but no dice... stupid leafs... Ollie set me up with the feed... Thanks Ollie! looking really good right now!! For one team.
  16. Yeah, if this thread is any indication... it's going to be ugly tonight... 1 hour and counting... chances are it's going to be blacked out here in Greater Toronto... er... I mean sudbury... so I'll be stuck listening to the radio... Anyone got any online streaming hints that actually work? Roller? Or have I insulted your team to much today?
  17. I have some built up anger from an uncomfortable living experience, and hockey has been my outlet. I don't care if we lose... I'm just going to go down fighting!
  18. Yeah, the UPCOMING playoffs and recent absence... it was Roller who brought up the past... and looked oh so Boochespiteful doing it. You try to make a point about the current Habs team, and then like Zombies from the forest they all come running out screaming "'93... greatest history ever..." while completely lacking any dose of reality with the serious problems a fully heathly Habs team will have this year... talk about sheep. My point: You guys are in for a world of hurt... the Sens... maybe... but it's not quite as clear yet... I like where the Sens are going... and you like where the Habs have gone.
  19. I love it when there's no commentators... I mean if I was at a game, and someone was doing a Bob Cole... I'd politely ask them to stop. If anything is should be an option with SAP (that secondary audio thing that put NBC into spanish)
  20. Yeah I certainly do. He won a Stanley Cup ring with the Rangers. Yeah, he and Kypreos had to step up and show Messier, Graves, Leetch, Gartner, and Richter how to play.
  21. Oh... is that what this thread is about... I must of misread the thread title: SENS @ HABS... Geez... get off your ivory tower Habs fans... seriously... if the Quebec Tranportation Ministry built it... it's not going to be up there too much longer!
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