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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. Damn! I was looking forward to Plaskett on Sunday...and hopefully checking out the Frontier Index for the 1st time. :(

    Double high-jackery.

    Tell your sister that what the thunder said wants to see her and about 40 of her closest friends at the Drums and Tuba show @ the Montreal house next week.

    Drums and Tuba w/ what the thunder said and the Unioninst Ministers next Tuesday Sep 20th @ the Montreal House in Pete's Borough!

    We'll be on @ 10sh.

    Can't wait to meet 41 new people.

  2. MM is a bit of a knob and self-promoter, but he is on the money in telling anyone who will listen that Bush and his administration are a bunch of under-educated cowboy chronies and are screwing everything up.

    He's gotta rant. The American voter he is trying to reach doesn't like liberal thinking or language for that matter and therefore need these ideas pounded through their skulls if their going to take notice.

    More Bush buddies counting money found here.

  3. Just because a band evolves into major megalomania does not absolve them of lameness.

    Can you say Las Vegas?

    Mick Jagger's contrived stage prescence was completely irritating when I saw them, and I have little doubt it pervades all shows in recent history.

    Waving his arms threw the set with an involvement level close to what I would be in a university lecture on mushrooms.

    Showy and animated, but little to do with the context and therefore after about 5 minutes pretty much annoying and what most could do without.

    my $0.02 is all.

  4. I wasn't around on August 29th and missed this thread.

    Thanks Will

    Interesting alienation of some folk that may or may not need it.

    I feel the the same way about DMB. Upon Dave Matthews' release of Some Devil, a great album I was sold that Dave should move on.

    DMB is just not all that forward moving anymore, but then again maybe progressive is an after thought when you approaching 40.

    He seems pretty inspired though and likely has some cool stuff to do.

    DMB should go the way of Phish. Everyone trying to go it on their own and due to their good musicianship and good attitudes towards putting a band on a stage they'd likely succeed on some sort of personal level. Maybe not as much as the Trey, Gordon, Paige, and Fishman projects, but they'd be fine and wouldn't starve without DMB I'm sure.

    I say pack it in and let the legacy take on its own life.


    PS The Stones are a lame lame lame show.

    PPS The Stones' albums are undeniably some of the most important rock albums ever made.

  5. Meeting some of our differently abled friends at the show.

    Talking to Gerard by the porch and seeing his eyes lighting up as the stage started to take shape. He showed me his farming hat and was real nice and exciting to be around.

    Two people who's names I didn't get:

    One dude with a beard whose name I tried to get, but for his own reasons had to walk away. He was a little shy I suspected, but not the case as I found out later. I worried that I or the entire event might be a little overwhelming as both were teaming with energy.

    I see this mysterious friend a half our later helping out with the garbage collection and he stops to bust into a move while Inglewood Jack was playing. Dude could groove and was definitely not afraid to ham it up for the people he knew...awesome.

    One gal came up to the stage as we were playing and I couldn't get her name because of the rock, but I did hear here say "it sounds like you're making a CD" and with eyes closed trying to capture what she felt in the moment "it's like perfect crystal jazz". This touched me most of all as all I ever want is for our music and vibe to move people and to have them feel free to say it. She looked so happy and I was proud of us.

    Thanks Jay and Kayte for bringing about the special circumstances that allowed my heart to grow when these moments ran me over with what a beautiful thing life is when we see an opporunity and charitably share it with everyone who will appreciate it for what it is.

    Much love and respect.

  6. We will be back. Soon I hope.

    This was a truly great weekend, for the band and if our first real trave-gig is any indication of what is in store for us we'll be happy kids for a while.

    Inglewood Jack rocks. Gotta great thing going for yourselves guys, looking forward to making music again. The jam off the top of the day was a definite highlight.

    I think the Northern lights that presented themselves as we left the Black Sheep might have stolen the show.

    My fiancé Sara had never seen them and I was doing a happy dance as she exited the bar and I was the first to get her to look up.

    More to come as my thoughts gather.

    Great pics Booche.

  7. I would personally say that the word Jam is so amazingly versatile that it in no way can describe anything specific about a band or genre.

    Reggae usually consists of 2 to 4 chord patterns repeated and repeated and repeated....they be Jammin.

    Charlie Parker and Dizzy would have a riff or head that they would book end some improvisation in. They'd stretch the range of their instruments while re-inventing how one phrases and never change the chord which they were extrapolating. They be Jammin too.

    I could teach my friend who's never played before a single chord that they could strum for 25 minutes while I blew notes over it. We'd be jamming.

    To jam is to play music that is somehow unscripted or rooted in feel, where the musician uses whatever skill they have inherent in them to produce notes and ideas they feel are valid at the time.

    It can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If the ideas are coming out freely it's jamming. Some jams lend to jazz, some lend to blues, some rock, some folk, most a hybrid of many styles.

    Finding the styles within the improv and saying the band is a jammy-jazz-funk-rock kinda thing is much more useful than the Jamband moniker alone.

    Jamband is a good starting point for describing a band that will throw caution to the wind and just see what emerges when they venture into uscripted pieces or section of pieces.

    Some Jambands are more daring than others, some jam and write out of the jams, but never fully improv in front of an audience. Some play covers and jam sections of them.

    [color:purple]I'm sure it's clear now.

  8. 101 posts doesn't seem like monumental effort here.

    I noticed that when I supported other topics I got more responses on mine.

    Like talking to someone once and them being more responsive to you because you now have started a more formidable relationship than just the "hi how are ya? type".

  9. Jon Stewart has tact and has a good handle on sarcasm.

    Michael Moore is like that guy in class who liked to point out that he thought the test was easy when everyone thought it hard. Maybe he did, but there is an aspect of his argument that is condescending.

    Personality goes a long way with everything and Moore shoots himself in the foot by talking too much and too often when he's already on the right path to making a point.

  10. What's the band name?

    I think I've missed this.

    Where can I hear it?

    The board has worked for me in promo ways, but it's like my guitar player said "you will ALWAYS care about your band more than other people will."

    Point me in the right direction brah.

    Sorry you're frustrated. Getting people out is a bitch! Just the way it goes I thinks.

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