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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. Pretty soon you'll have over the top, entusiastic, funny, happy musicians and music promoters everywhere...

    That'll probably suck...

    I'll second that fellas.

    It's nice to have promo guys that don't give the cold shoulder until you figure out whatever THEIR protocol is.

    To defend Del though ... that was heavy handed shit SS, but it seems that you were pushed to point you didn't want to be.

    It might help if you guys find something to agree on next time you're posting away.

    Hoping all this blows over.

    As for shitty shows...I hope not....we had a solid crowd out at the Elmo last week and danced 'til close. Jay and Will were GREAT to work with and are promoting a solid vibe in T.O.

    Peace Brahs


  2. It's been a strange week kids.

    It seems that every 3rd comment on the board is pointed and geared to agitate someone else.

    I had a friend go to a show on Tuesday.

    The band took the stage and I suppose the lead singer was a little put off with the noise coming from the back.

    The man says "Those of you in the back, you keg steak house people need to know that some of our music gets quieter at times."

    The entire audience is put off by this and the general vibe just starts going way downhill. In my friends words

    "the whole room was surly for the rest of the night everyone was short with eachother, it got to the point where you felt like you had to misbehave."

    Between this weird event and the board's fiesty-ass ways this week I'm wondering if people need a vacation or something or just need to not take every single opportunity to lay into eachother, or need to hit the bong and unplug for a while.

    Dunno ... just trying to get to the bottom of the weirdness...maybe if you don't have any other evidence of super negative vibrations you can just throw some nice words in this thread to combat what's been up. If you do have evidence that something in the world is out of whack then offer it up too.

    Le Deeps

  3. yeah, i don't know how to describe what is so great about them either. maybe its their demeanour (sp?). not every show is as energetic as the next but they all have their moments. that new "belgium or peru" song is a good one too.

    If I had to try and pin it down...

    I would say that they have that haunting kind of sound that keeps you interested and wondering what will emerge. It rarely pops like a solid jammier band might, but the anti-climax seems to be what the indie ilk is all about so it's well done.

    The lead singer's voice crackles and keeps the ear into it. Solid melodies, not a lot of fronting, and cool arrangements, and good harmonies.

    They push their sound around quite well too without bastardizing other genres; moving intrumental sections that stay within the confinds of their abilities and their melancholy country roots thing.

    Good stuff and I wish them a lot of luck.


  4. I've never seen the inside of mine though.

    I'm sure it's breath taking mind you, but there is a distinction.


    PS Poor BF....I think we should make friends with him. And then corect his grammer uugghh I mean grammur...uuugghhh gram (forget...

  5. Does anyone know of dry/wet foods that are a little more animal friendly i.e aren't minced horse?


    PS I got the same wet/dry advice from my vet...they need both and IAMS is a little shady on the UTI front!

  6. Just a thought that I had on building a community with this great site.

    One thing to consider is that if we are looking to expand the community of jambanders it's a little counter productive to offend at first glance.

    First impressions being what they are and all, we should choose these things and our language in a way that at least opens the door to most prospective participants if at all possible.



  7. Just picked up Jaco Pastorius Big Band (word of mouth revisited). WOW!

    This album features re-recorded songs originally by Jaco. The album features an unfair amount of great bass players.

    Victor Bailey, Christian McBride, Marcus Miller, David Pastorius and Victor Wooten to name a few!

    For the unitiated Jaco Pastorius f'n rules one of if not the first players to rip the frets out of his bass fill them wood filler and change bass playing forever, his phrasing and sheer balls with which he played influenced, inspired, and guided countless bass players during and after his time.

    He died early and under often confused circumstances. Turns out he was likely bi-polar and his mysterious behaviour evetually lead to his death.

    Very Brief Biography

    He can be heard as playing bass for

    Weather Report

    Joni Mitchell (Mingus album)

    His own independant releases.

    I'm listening to the genius of this playing and seriously moved by the composition and new levels he brought the instrument to which I am dedicated.

    Thanks Jaco.

    Dig this action kids!!!

    It's important stuff and you likely will hear hints of all your favourite bass players in what he's doing.


  8. As a musician who'd like to play the states I really resent the American vs Canadian slant on this thread.

    Given that the rhetoric is coming from a known moron (BF) and a man with a gaped ass avatar (truly classy in a low life kinda way) I suspect that those who may stumble on this thread in the future will be able to read through a lot of this without believing the quarrel is that deeply seeded.


  9. Do we have a "member with the most tiring version of logic award"?

    BF my friend you are either bored and trying to annoy or should really try somewhere where people have more time on their hands.

    Ass ass butt butt crap shit.

    Beside the point I know, but fuck it eh buddy?


  10. I do not mean to offend when I pull out the Zionism word. I do not do it to get a reaction or to put people off. I am in no way Anti-Semitic.

    I have to many other 'issues' to have hate in my heart. I am just saying that the fight for the 'holy land' lives on 1000's of years later. It is my belief that it is one of the biggest things that fuels the hatred of the terrorists.

    Look at me with the 'blog'. I am not getting paid so I will try my best to never do it again.

    [color:purple]Yes please, be sparse with the words you are so to the point.

    This thread is something to behold.

    I spent the last while reding the preamble to this thread...if you haven't done that yet, please do.

    Noam Chomsky the mindless blogger (dude...read a book).

    I can't believe you're hanging your ass out this way by opening your mouth....it's amazing. There are a lot of things to learn from the good minds around here. You threw this post out so you could get some answers, but you seem a little preoccupied with defending yourself when you should be finding your thinking cap and allowing the free education to flow inward.


  11. I went the Newark root. It's real easy to get in by train, but it may have beena hassle had I been looking to party and neede to get back real late.

    Hotels were exceptionally cheaper though.

    BOOK IN ADVANCE....I called the weekend b4 and had little options in the downtown core!


  12. Looks like we're in...just got off the phone and it seems that we'll be playing the CTMF on Labour Day.


    It's been a good year for me and the boys and if you haven't seen us yet please make a note of it on your CTMF list of stops.

    Could be an afternoon blast of funk and excitement if we can get some support from the hungover masses!!!!!!

    Newest sounds.




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