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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. how about tittie talk?

    I kept hearing your voice in my head all night: "Damn straight, I'd show Kevin my tits!"

    It was an awesome show, as expected. Quite a bit rowdier than the last time I was at the Orbit, but nothing like the Ottawa crowd, that's for sure. Tried to find, ya Deeps, but after I randomly asked 2 long, brown haired strangers, "Hey, is your name Steve?", I gave up. Why are people so damn suspicious????

    anyway, the rendition of the Doors tune will be priceless to hear again. It was kinda like shopping at IKEA -- you get everythng in parts and then have to assemble it at home. LMFAO!!!! Kevin's stage banter is almost as good as his playing!

    And Kev-O, too bad we didn't get introduced to you either.

    Got a little too tired to make the trek sister....sorry 'bout that one.

    At least you paranoided the locals ;-)


  2. Pity the band who gets labelled a jamband.

    Hear here. Or Indie for that matter.

    It's some scary schtuff to get pigeon holed into any category.

    Good...not good.

    That's about the extent to which real music appreciators will go in classifying a band.

    In a lot of cases it seems that the Indie diehards have their mind made up about Jam music. And vice versa.

    I must say it is really up to the fans to stop being so closed minded.

    Ask only...do I dig it? And further to that allow yourself to dig new sounds brothers and sisters.

    I would like to commend the CTMF folk for diversifying and wish them all the luck in attracting some attention from what I've seen as a tough market to introduce new sounds to. Both sides (Jam and Indie) I am talking about here.

    It'd be nice to see some promoters take the initiative and book diverse shows. Take a risk get a smaller venue see what will happen!

    It may blow up a couple of times, but I gotta believe people are able to handle it. Aren't they? It would help MUSIC in general.

    I know my band is dedicated to helping to rip down these walls of uselessly competing cultures.

    Willing to take a financial hit for the cultural good. We're a little young still though and maybe that is where the idealism comes from.


  3. Thinking about a thread to get some noise going around here.

    Price is Right - if it evolved Bob would implode

    Peaches - you have an allergy dude

    Lottery - go with the scratch tickets


  4. The man's making a whole fucking pig AND a lamb and you're bitching about veggies?

    Why don't you and your Café Aquarius friends just bring your own vegan date squares and drink your Yogi tea and talk about your feelings.

    You can sip tea from my.....ughhh rrrr.

    My feelings are hurt...a lot.

    Cafe Aquarius closed down you heartless bastard.



    PS Are you a Guelphite? ... PM your answer...

    taking away from purpose of thread over!

  5. PS OK now you can tell me to fuck off.

    Deeps...if you truly knew me or what I was about' date='(or even took the time to find out) you would know that I would never tell you or anyone else to f@ck off or anything else along those lines;ask those who do know and I'm sure you'll find out that I am infact the opposite of what you might think. I welcome other peoples opinion as they are entitled to it. I might not always take anything from it but I'll at least listen.

    The reason I posted those 2 quotes was not meant to show how I feel personally but more as a summation of why I think people are or can be jerks. Also one must keep in mind what is happening or has happened to cause someone to lash out in such a way to offend another.

    People need to learn to accept that everyone in this world is an [b']individual with their own thoughts and ideas and if we are going to persecute people for that than we are in serious trouble. Just because you may disagree doesnt mean you need to degress to the point of grade school bully to get your point across. Subtlety is almost a lost art

    Didn't mean to single you out at all man or imply that you were one way or the other just stating that their is a tendancy to defend cynicsm in general...actually as I was going to bed last night I realized that my post may have had a weird angle on it due to quoting anyone at all. I thought because you didn't actually say what was in the quote that it was a decent example to utilize.

    No harm intended brother.


  6. I am what I am and that is my evolution, what others percieve of me is their evolution~Ram Dass

    I am only alive out of spite~ Barstool Prophet


    It seems that a lot of folk defend their right in the world to be mean-spirited. Smile at a person on the street and some will be confused or even annoyed.

    I saw a shirt on a person the other day that said.

    "Smile, it confuses people!" Love it!

    I am a natural born cynic. I used to not like people until they proved they were worth it.

    My life has improved 100% since I realized that if you put EVERYTHING on the GOOD TIP it will pay off in massive positivity thrown your way and opportunity instead of unresolvable conflict.

    It took losing some friends and pissing off some loved one for me to realise the err in my ways. Not a pretty road that was paved witha lot of tears and confusion on both sides.

    In my experience defending being negative is just a defense mechanism for when I was afraid to evolve into something I didn't naturally come too.

    People, ALL people, hold on to their frustrations and angry ways like their some rare find or something. Strange.

    Though you may be naturally pre-disposed to hate or cynicsm, in the end you will have cheated yourself of opportunities and friendships that could have enriched your life.

    It's science it's a fact!


    PS OK now you can tell me to fuck off.

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