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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. Thanks Esau.

    Sorry I missed the original post on the topic.

    Those requirements set down by the CRTC seem pretty progressive for nurturing Canadian talent while providing them with access to this powerful new medium.

    Can someone explain why SOCAN would like things to remain as they are?

    I'm a little ignorant to what they do and why they do it.

  2. This editorial is pretty interesting and in my opinion right in saying that the future of sattelite based entertainment should be debated in the house and not by the CRTC. If only to make the rules that much stronger.

    Canadian content's shakey future.

    Mind you they only playing f'ng BTO, Guess Who and Steppenwolf despite the fact that these bands are for all intents and purposes dead. Radio is about as useful as TV (Weather and Public Access).

    Support College and University radio!

    Should Candian culture be protected as it was in the 60s. Yer damn right it should before it slips away completely.

  3. A note sent to the band (what the thunder said) from our friend Iain.


    Y'all made me dance more than I ever thought I could, and made Saturday the highlight of my summer.

    Thanks to everyone who danced, made music and made my summer, you mean the world to me and show me why I am.

    The funniest thing happened on Sunday though. When I got home I noticed that one of my blue sandals had changed colour! It turns out I was wearing one blue sandal and one brown sandal.

    Incredible I know, but I guess at 6am when we left there wasn't enough sun to tell the difference. Anyways to the fellow owner of a continuing joke I've been telling everyone that I own the first ever pair of "Friendship Sandals".

    As cool as that sounds we can still trade back.

    And to Mike, aka El Bhago, I would love it if you could bring me that nasty ditty of a t-shirt so I can shamelessly plug your band to all the highschool students across Canada, I know my mother would appreciate it.

    In peace,


  4. I have no faith that corruption down there will fade to a point where the rightful person takes away the position of President.

    The whole scene is in a bad way and the media rarely reports the truth.

    I am not sure they'd be ready for a female president with a national health care agenda. [color:purple]WAYYY Radical.

    I'd like to hang Chad wherever he is right now.

    They should start pushing for a pencil and paper vote now if the democrats will stand a chance in '08.


  5. Met Mr Slippery and Del and Deb.

    Caught up with MarcO again.

    Played one of our best sets on Saturday afternoon and then the 15 or so of our friends and relatives that came out to support us danced the night away. Playing tunes and camping with your friends = :) .

    Mr Something Something and their interactive afro-fest were fun once again. The Masses were solid. Jomomma was great too. Great bands to dance to. High Plains Drifter was a nice way to start off a foggy (mind-wise) Sunday of music.

    Truths and Rights and Burt did a great job of shutting Saturday and Sunday down.

    Awesome time. Still smiling.

  6. I once got fired from being a Residence Assistance @ u of Guelph for providing some students with low quantities of green.

    Dime bags at the most and always from my stash...not a dealer @ all.

    Turns out the putz that ratted me out was this dick who's girlfriend had to sleep on my floor one night cuz she was afraid he was going to hit her again. She was 4"10.

    Asswipe didn't even go to the school and he was one who I'd helped out with a joint before I knew he was such a low life. He got pinched for not having a guest pass so he was true to low life form and ratted me out.

    There was 6 weeks left in the semester, I had mono and was re-located to another res, despite the protest from ALL of the kids in my hall.

    Weird time in my life, those days were!

  7. I saw RL on stage with the North Mississippi Allstars at Bonnaroo '04.

    It wasn't until I watched the Roo `04 DVD that I realised that NMA were so conneccted to RL and the Delta blues heritage.

    It was in the top 3 performances I saw at the fest and in hindsight it was a beautiful tribute from the youth to their mentors.

    RIP RL

  8. I have a bass-synth pedal that if I crank it enough could shake the Grannies on their bridge.

    Positive vibrations in granny nether regions could avert confrontation.

    On the other hand you could have horny Grannies on your hands (pun completely accidental but pleasingly perverse.) :blush:

  9. Sweet ass.

    Your welcome Esau.

    Sat 4:30 at Come Together. We're pretty freakin excited. It'll be our first outdoor festival ;-).

    Been working hard to put a good show together for you guys and girls.

    The prospect of playing to such a musically educated crowd is daunting'sh. We're stepping it up to keep up with the veterans of the scene. We were sounding relaxed and tight on Wednesday @ our show in Gelf.

    The fact that we'll ALL likely be under some combination of last-long-weekend-sun-weed-beer-friends-being-around-sweet-vibrations o' plenty influence makes the show as inviting and easy going as practicing in the basement.


  10. I just saw Bird on Monday...weird that it was his B-Day. It was a pretty good film. Long mind you, but Forrest Whitaker plays Bird well. Clint Eastwood directed it.

    The film really lacked depth in its investigation of his music though. It seemed to never expose how truly revolutionary his phrasing was and what it did to change jazz forever; other than a quick conversation between Albino Red and Bird where Bird talks about Cherokee and how he went inside the chords and found out how to replace the notes within the chords making the tune completely new while preserving the essence.

    I too have been listening to the original recordings of Charlie Parker as of late.

    Also been checking out a double CD my guitar player bought me. It features Thelonius Monk and Miles Davis on separate occasions at the Newport Jazz Fest (not playing together.) The years escape me right now, but this is an awesome set of recordings.

    The MC at the fest in combination with the booklet that comes with the CD do a great job in explaining the serious confusion around Thelonius' music when it was first introduced to the public and goes on to show what vindication (sp?) the Monk appearance at the fest was for both Monk himself and the progressive jazz scene as a whole.

    Pretty cool stuff.

    I LOVE Thelonius.

  11. Good luck getting off of his list...

    He's the jerk from this thread... and this one, too.

    It's funny how you have this outspoken idea of how people should deal with others when it comes to internet use yet you quickly run off at the mouth and throw insults at people that I suspect you wouldn't if they were in front of you.

    Considering you were completely off the mark when you decided that JS had grabbed email addresses for the 2nd time (he didn't; he did it once, repented, and stopped) you may want to invesigate your thoughts on the man.

    Look at the number of opinions for and against receiving the emails and the number of opinions against it.

    It seems to me that if the community feels that the malice in grabbing exposed emails off the board and using them for music promotion is open to discussion you may want to leave it to debate and not character attacks.

    Try a little tenderness.


    Just email him. He'll remove you. Good band. Nice people.

  12. [color:purple]This story makes me miss my hyper-republican, extra religious Grandparents in North Carolina.

    Ohhh the racist jokes we shared and the feeling awkward around them I'll never forget.

    How I basked in their asking me if the weather had run cold yet at the July family reunions down south.

    [color:purple]Sniffle :crazy:

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