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Posts posted by Deeps

  1. I agree.

    Their prescence and the aggression that years of expanding bizarre military culture and general redneckity has fostered remaining in Iraq is definitley keeping the gas can next to the furnace, but them leaving without the the UN Peacekeepers immediately arriving as the US military departs is a brutal idea.

    I don't know if the UN would spear head a peace keeping effort in the wake of the U.S. completely disregarding the international procedures and ethics the UN was founded on. It would set a bad precedent.

    The pompous bullshit that a portion of the US eats and breathes has really got to end.

    World Leaders not so much....righteous tunnel visionaries...mais oui.

    Can I get some freedom fries with my sequel to Viet Nam?

  2. yes, get your troops out of there.

    What would this solve?

    They've been bombed back into the stone age and the entire country is so amazingly unstable wouldn't the different fasctions within the country just go after eachother in civil war? Seems likely and also quite endless.

    The whole situation is F'd but it is a fact of our global communities' lives.

    What are alternatives to leaving and hoping it works out?

  3. Not so much jammy as solid song writing, great voice, good vibes and sweet sounds.


    She will be sharing the stage with Jeen O'Brien.

    This will be a great show for those of you in the area who are looking for a relaxed primer for the upcoming CTMF.

    See if you've got the time...she's living the back in Ottawa for the first time in years and could use the support.

    Bring your girl or boy if you've got one and they'll be some sweet loving for y'all when you get home. Confirmed.


    Take care.


  4. I like this Monday because it really has that today is the first day of the rest of my life feel. Due solely to the surprise engagement party my fiancé and I were thrown on Friday of last week.

    We basked in the various events that the party brought forth for the rest of the weekend. Alone, at peace, appreciative of eachother and our loved-ones.

    This event this past Friday has lifted us and this Monday is saturated with thoughts of our families harmoniously coming together and an increased faith in ourselves and our decision.

    Smiling greatful music loving fools we is. Wooohooo :)

  5. Do you have a worst thread with over 1100 views pic?



    what in hell? is it an ego boost to see your screen name beside a large number of views??

    but I dont think bringing this piece of shit thread back up to the top of everyones day is doing him or yourself any service. He shouldn't have done it.

    [color:purple]Yeah it's an ego boost boss' date=' you nailed it there.[/color']

    I honestly thought it made some sense when I read the thing to state that their is some misinformation in the thread....sorry maybe there is a protocol in terms leaving a thread that has been laid to rest alone.

    Didn't think it would be an issue and sincerely thought that it might help people see something in a different way and by proxy prevent "the door from hitting my friend on the ass on the way out" to quote Del.

    As for the quality of the initial thread....it turned to shite when people, not unlike yourself started throwing insults at people and started looking to pick fights. Prior to that it seemed quite informative and spoke to the ethics of advertising and promoting around here. It provided answers around some grey areas.

    Besides if you want it gone than why not quietly sit back and question my character and let it slip down the board?

    Is it an ego boost to you to throw around suppositions regarding why or why not Deeps says or does something?

    It seemed to me that some people were giddy to use their new powerful "worst post ever" statements and pics and I was just being a goof in defense of myself. [color:purple]Oh and boosting my ego...it really my soul intention in pretty much everything I do.

  6. what part of this thread did you want to "clear up"?

    That people were wrong when they thought Slammer went back to the "email sins" he repented for at an earlier time before the "I don't want to piss you off" thread brought forth the issue again.

    It's not correct, he didn't do it again, and that misnomer spurred on a lot of mean spirited stuff, that people might want to rethink.


    The bullshit juvenile "call out" section.

    Questioning the man's musicianship

    Deciding that he's not worth people's time.

    If they don't that's fine too, but I felt it needed to be said that the misinterpretation exists in the thread and is not caught until a re-read.

  7. Kate is a beautiful, crazy girl and I must say she has brought many smiles with her movies.

    edited to add:

    I don't really care about the size of her boobs.

    [color:purple]Le divorce is genius.

    Movie runs about an hour and a half I made it to about the 20 minute mark and bailed.

    Almost Famous

    Almost Talented

    Almost Able to pick a Good Script Again

  8. It's all in the delivery I think. "Telling people what to do."

    I was at Bonnaroo and Burning Spear took the time to ask the audience to watch eachother's back going in and out. Told us all to take care of eachother. I found it a solid move and one that a lot of the bands that I love wouldn't have done.

    Seems that their is no sense of responsibility among some artists to keep the peace within the communities they create.

    Strikes me as strange and a little selfish. It's in my nature is to nurture though.

  9. I bring back this thread in defence of my friend and mentor Jim Slansky/Slammer of Passenger/Chipotle.

    I would have been there to begin with, but all the uglyness that went down, and it is just that...ugly BS from some that were heartlessly spouting off and some from people who really mis-interpreted some schtuff, but I was not around for a couple of days and forgot to check the progress of the post until recently.

    If you take the time to re-read some of this I think you'll see that when Jim was made aware that the folk on this board were annoyed when the emails (THEY THEMSELVES MADE AVAILABLE) were used to promote a BAND he stopped doing it aologized and NEVER did it again.

    It seems that some thought he was back at the questionable :crazy: at worst practice of grabbing email addresses. He wasn't.

    I talked to the man yesterday, who by the way is one of the most honest, humble and good natured people you'll find on a stage anywhere and I asked him if he realized that he was being accused of going back on his apology. He didn't realize that that was the crux of the old issue being born again and the lynch mob gathering. He Just missed it in the fray I guess and thus did not defend himself.

    Just wanted to see if we could clear this up.


  10. I only was able to go to 2 Phish shows in my life and they were in Saratoga last year as the band was well uhhh dis-banding.

    I've wondered if they ever went out of their way to tell their audiences to be careful with their drug intake and watch eachother's back and such at any time or were they just silent before the masses when it came to the demons that rise when you get 10000+ people rocked off their asses for months at a time.

    Input from those who went to a buch of shows would be appreciated?

    Great article.

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