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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. Ok, so why are some of Stevie Wonder's songs so very awesome.. and others are just horribly cheesy. It's like when he got to the 80's everything just went downhill... Anyone else have any thoughts on this... I have really been pondering it... (yes I have a lot of time on my hands... )
  2. ...I think this is the anti-new years..
  3. umm... in hamilton there is the Peir 4 park..it's very pretty!! There is also the bruce trail that runs from hamilton to Niagra.. you could talk about that
  4. yeah... I can't get onto the 2nd page of active topics.
  5. I hate the word Module.. eww.. I also hate the word Rubric.
  6. woohooo I am probably going to be there... boogie down
  7. Will!!! you rock and it's always fun to see ya around at shows all I have to say to you is.. GOOD GAME!!! many hugs!!! woohoo!
  8. I totally miss them. I liked how you can listen a long as you make the tape...
  9. Hey Baj! I'm sorry to hear about Tara's Grandma.. but I'm happy that you are having a great time woohoo and hugs my friend!
  10. Meghan my dear!! it has been a pleasure getting to know you over the last few months!!! I hope I see WAY more of you around! U rock lady!! BIRthday Hugs!!!!!
  11. I like anything with lots of energy/dancibility.. Jamiroquai is a good choice Or James Brown
  12. ...I am very curious about where U find your pictures.. lol very fab-u-lous..
  13. Karin.. I am sending you MANY good vibes! I Hope your friend is OK and that he's healing up just fine
  14. Happy Birthday Cary!!! I am a bit confused as to how old you are right now cause there was a 38, a 39, and a 44.. anywho.. I give U many virtual hugs!!! wooo hoooo You will always be the original Cary to me..
  15. I AM SOOO IN! Love this band.. can't stop listening to thier CD. Go see them!!!
  16. so you don't know what triggered your anxiety?? I have used Rescue Remedy in the past, it really works. U can get it at pretty much any health food store.. just ask them there
  17. well.. She was GREAT.. yes a bit too mellow at times.. but over all a great live preformer. She had really cool light effects and a shadow puppet show in the background... it really enhanced the experiance.
  18. sweet sounds like a good way to spend my monday night
  19. It's hard cause United Steel Workers of Montreal are playing on this night as well!!!
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