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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. Heeey everyone.. My friend Holly just told me that it will happen around 10:30 pm tomarrow night. I am hoping for some clear skies!
  2. Oooh I love this dip... yummmmmmmyyy I have no clue how to make it though.. My guess would be.. delciously...
  3. Sarahbelle


    Anyone seen Fido?? it's pretty funny. IT's about the not so distant future when everyone becomes zombies when they die, and how they somehow manage to make zombies kind of like pets/slaves because of collars that prevent their flesh-eating tendancies.... heheh it's good
  4. Happy Birthday Marge.... Love ya lots... U are awesome and i'm so glad ur part of our little jamband scene... it's always great to see you whether it's for a weekend or just in passing at a show (((HUGS)))) and have a GREaT one!
  5. Happy B day brian.. I hope U ate some seaweed soup and got a cheesy happy birthday song played just for you Woohooo!
  6. oohh march 7th.. United Steel Workers of Montreal at the Sliver DOllar
  7. i feel sorry for that poor, poor child.
  8. awwww how sad. I saw him at Grateful Fest last yr... he was awesome! what a shame...
  9. I actually really really like the music from this movie a lot... I remember the Moldy Peaches from a few yrs back and thought they were funny and good.. The movie is GREAT.. I loved the writing and the actress that plays Juno is really good... each to their own I guess
  10. wicked... I loved Highway Freeker I was wondering what happened to them. Glad to hear all is going AWESOME
  11. Awesome news Brian! Congratulations. Are you guys going to have a crazy korean wedding??? h ehehe YAY!
  12. how much were they Cary??? it's during my break week so I might be able to make it!!!
  13. so sorry to hear this guys. I'm glad that you are making the best of it, and that your puppy is ok My family got robbed when I was away... my mom is sill not over it, and she lost a lot of 'heirloom' jewelry that her aunt and mom (RIP) gave her.. sigh.. the nerve of some people. I'm glad U guys are ok too.. *hugs*
  14. Oooh Laura is actually a friend of mine... my old roomie used to be her roomie She's lovely and talented
  15. a well respected man.. The Kinks... (really it's from the Juno Soundtrack )
  16. Ooooh anyone comin from tha hammer??? after 7 pm??? come on peopleee
  17. yeah it was GREAT to get out and dance and have a bit of fun.... what a great turnout
  18. yeaaah behind every winter is a spring waiting to happen It will be here soon guys...just hang in there (don't get me wrong I am SICK of slush and snow.. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww)
  19. wooohooooo Happy birthday Jay... U rock a lot, and I'm glad that you do all you do and still remain so down to earth and friendly and kind... Birthday HUGS!!! Sarah
  20. hahahahahaaa lol I don't have any pics.. but thanks CS for this awesome and hi larious thread..
  21. Sarahbelle


    reaaaallly U don't like the beans?? I love the beany goodness of chili. I Like to put veggies in it too.. like carrots, mushrooms (the canned kind.. I don't know why I like them.. but they are great in chilli) Corn, celery and maybe some squash. I usually put cumin, chilli powder and sometimes a touch of cinnamon...lots of garlic and onions... I feel like no matter what U put into chilli it turns out great evertime...
  22. Happy Birthday Brian! Hope U have a wicked day
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