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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. Is anyone else going?? I'm going with my Mom and my Sister! How is she live? I've heard both good and bad things.
  2. I had a fun night.. sooo many people, good to see everyone again, and many people I haven't seen in a while. What a drive home though!! geez.. woohoo!
  3. awwwwwwwwwww I'm soo sorry man!!! U can still giv-r from a chair in the frount row!!!! yeeeaaah!
  4. I vote Ani Difranco.. I know she's not really a 'rock' godess but she sure ROCKS at guitar!!
  5. wooooooo hoooooo!! can't wait until tomarrow night! I'm ready to boogy down!
  6. I like the idea of a 'buy nothing' christmas. Make some cookies/muffins (U could even make the 'specail vareity' if U want.. heh heh) Give some IOU cards to your mom or something Offer a back massage to your friends/family Knit someone a hat/mittens Make Doggie Treats for the pets in your life Make a photo scrapbook of your family Make your own wine/beer... lol that's just a few fer now!
  7. yaaaaaaaaaay alcohol!!!
  9. wow Lookin great greg... it always feels strange but good when U cut your hair How's it feel so far??
  10. Give Up-Postal Service some how this album is the perfect Noevember music
  11. that really hurts..... we are slowly killing ourselves with the way we live everyday. The thing that gets me is we think we are so separate from it... All of that shit is just going to get into our bodies and kill us... arg it's so frustrating that it feels like there is really nothing you can do about it.. everything I do is just contributing to the death of the earth... K I am being very negetive here and I'm sure there is some way to slove it.. but it just seems like everything is going in the wrong direction.. when will we stop and see what we've done?? ..morning rant is now complete...
  12. yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyy *makes a drooling noise like homer*
  14. Man.. these guys were rockin it up.. I was really surprized at how few people showed up. U guys missed one of the best shows I have seen in a while.. Thanks to everyone that showed up and made my night fun anyways..
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