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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. phishtaper

    yayyyyyy God

    LOL, im not sure i'd wanna be on her plane ride home because surely its going to be hit by lightening ...
  2. she's funny. and so very very beautiful ... you know, if ya like drag queens ...
  3. im thinking about launching a class action suit against all record companies for the time Ive wasted having to pick away at that damn cellophane wrapper that they use to hermetically seal their cds. i think my right to access a product i purchased was temporarily violated with each cd. let's see. by my accounting i buy 50 cd's a year @ 2 minutes per frantic attempt to get to the music = 100 minutes of my life that I will never recover. because my time is valuable, that's easily worth $9,250. assume a million others are in my boat. that's $9.25 Billion total. who's in??
  4. i think everyone is missing a very important point here ... Henry Rollins has a show?!? i really enjoyed Ani at Hillside this year. she seems to have mellowed with the birth of her daughter in January and we were treated to the kinder, gentler side of ms. difranco. of course, untouchable face isnt exactly a kid-friendly, festival kinda song so hopefully the danforth show will have a bit more angst.
  5. nice. thanks guys. how crowded was it? and no thorazine? (that bassline makes a mule show for me.) did they have a poster? and did anyone get me an extra one?
  6. hey! somebody split their lip wide open here! you all need to be a little more sensitive! hehehehe
  7. but some people go thru a lot of tissues while watching YouTube ...
  8. you are right, bouche, there werent that many critical updates, but cisco clean agent seems to think i have not yet done everything, despite the fact that windows says im fully updated. double ugh.
  9. im waiting for neil himself to send me my tickets ...
  10. i have now had to restart a field laptop im updating 18 times. and it was fully updated at the beginning of august. each time requires a manual log in to the wireless network at the university. good thing I only have 4 other laptops to update as well. ugh.
  11. phishtaper


    interesting link, MOBE, and its typical of the sort of pseudo-science that I alluded to earlier. the Soffritti study discussed in your link actually receives a great deal of attention in the systematic review I noted, as it is often held out as the strongest evidence that aspartame causes cancer and was reported as "proof" by media worldwide when released. The European Food Safety Authority and the US National Toxicology Program requested study documents and original data from Soffritti and performed replication studies. The EFSA determined that Soffritti's study methodology was highly flawed (no randomized trials, use of non-standardized rats, no control for diet or natural age-related tumours, sloppy dose administration, lack of acceptable experimental animal cancer control); his statistical analysis was simply incorrect, and/or he reported unsubstantiated conclusions, and; he over-estimated his measures of cancerous cells. Soffritti then published a follow-up study which inexplicably offered different conclusions from his first yet was supposedly based on the same data. Soffritti also offered theories of government conspiracies in the regulation of aspartame, which reviewers found to be unscientific and dubious. The financing of Soffritti's research has also been questioned. Consensus among the EFSA, NTP, the US National Institute of Cancer as well as boards from various other national cancer agencies concluded that the Soffritti study is very problematic, could not be replicated, and offers highly disputable conclusions. In other words, take it with a grain of salt. This is why full systematic reviews of all evidence are necessary. For every Soffritti study, there are hundreds that provide opposite findings. But, hey, word got out that aspartame causes cancer ...
  12. i bet that wakes them up ... and who said yours were light and breezy, bird courses, DEM?
  13. Nice. RNB, I sense we have similar music collections, which - if your friends are anything like mine - isnt necessarily considered a good thing.
  14. im sorry i have to miss this one too. nothing better than a kick you in the face mule show. sucks its not on a weekend. im gonna go blast some mule.
  15. #297 Songs That Remind You of Autumn 1. Bob Dylan - Fourth Time Around 2. Red House Painters - Make Like Paper 3. Led Zepplin - Ramble On 4. String Cheese Incident - Waiting for the Snow to Fall 5. The Gourds - Moon Gone Down 6. The Who - I'm One 7. David Sylvian - September 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  16. i heard orwell was into farm animals
  17. im reserving opinion on the dispute because I dont know any of the details, but 3 + 3 + 3 + 3.5 isnt at all "petty", in my mind. my most recent contract only gave 3 + 3 + 2.5 + 1 ATBs. long gone are the days of double digit hikes. edit to add: regardless of the specifics, I wish everyone a speedy and fair settlement. i hope you are back to work soon, traveler. strikes are not fun.
  18. dunno man, that's one might big "tongue", ollie. i hope you've managed to see a doctor sometime over the last 17 years, or at least a gynecologist.
  19. so, a "good" article has to take a side? it was one of the more informative articles Ive read so far, and answered a few questions I have. in my mind, that does indeed make it "good".
  20. phishtaper


    interesing video. i had no idea rumsfeld was involved. i'd be interested in knowing when the video was made, because studies on the effect of aspartame on brain neurotransmitters were actually published as early as 1986, and although most found no problems, at least one indicates increased levels of serotonin in mice, and flagged greater potential problems with developing brains (ie., baby mice). the human corollary, i guess - don't feed your kids artifical sweeteners or you may turn them into e-heads. the recent systematic review I noted looked at the relationship between aspartame and incidence of cancers, and did not explore effects on the brain in any great detail. who knows, maybe rumsfeld is involved more than we think and aspartame is indeed part of an evil plot that is turning people into conservatives. thanks for the vid, starhead.
  21. y'all can have your iphones and ipods and izings and iwhoozies. i'm sticking with my MacIntosh - a whopping 128k RAM, 8 MHz processor, a 400k disk drive, a device called a mouse, and all in one sleek beige case with a huge 9" monochrome display. beat that!!
  22. there was an article in the star last week about this people getting incorrect cards too. it suggested elections ontario didnt really care. i'd telephone your existing MPP to ask for help.
  23. #296 Songs with names that are also corporate-slogans (and the corporation who uses it) 1. Aquarium - Zoom Zoom Zoom (Mazda) 2. Bob Seger - Like A Rock 3. Alice In Chains - Real Thing (Coca Cola) 4. Th Rolling Stones - Start Me Up (Micro$oft) 5. Led Zeppelin - Rock And Roll (GM Motors - Cadillac line) 6. Justin Timberlake - I'm Lovin' It (McD's) 7. Aretha Franklin - Think (IBM) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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