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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. It's been done ... The drug is made from monkey cum. They keep these monkeys locked in a room all day, you know. And then they make them jack-off. And then they take the cum and they boil it or something. And that's what the drug is made of. I used to be straight but now I'm gay, I think the drug made me that way! Here's the plan. You go over there and fuck them in the ass while we sit here and masturbate! Kids in The Hall, Brain Candy, 1996.
  2. true, whereas with only one leg, you can win it as many times as you want!
  3. gosh, i wonder what Freud would say about one Mr. Dan MacRae ...
  4. I only have one leg you insensitive bastard! better than only one ball ... or, is it?
  5. how does your dog deal with fireworks? ours used to be good, but over that past couple of years, she freaks.
  6. you know, co-workers dont really appreciate it when you share that with them ... or, so I discovered last week.
  7. I'LL BE THERE!! nice ... BLUE ORCHID HOTEL YORBA HELLO OPERATOR and im hoping for MY DOORBELL HARDEST BUTTON TO BUTTON If you aren't in the pit, ya might as well not be there!! Bring it on!!
  8. there' date=' fixed it for ya.[/quote'] a simple line item on a Haliburton spreadsheet, no doubt. just above "collateral damage", "executive consultiing fees" and "world domination".
  9. oh come on, if y'all were Bush and Scooter was your buddy, you'd do the same ...
  10. #250 Must-Play Songs in the car on the way up to the cottage on Canada Day Long Weekend! 1. Tragically Hip - At the Hundredth Meridian 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  11. #249. Songs that mention movie stars 1. Drive-By Truckers - Steve McQueen (Steve McQueen) 2. Elton John - Candle In The Wind (Marilyn Monroe) 3. Rolling Stones - Star fuÇker (Ali Mcgraw, Steve McQueen) 4. Madness - Michael Cain (Michael Cain) 5. Wilco and Billy Bragg (lyrics by Woody Guthrie) - Ingrid Bergman (Ingrid Bergman) 6. America - Right Before Your Eyes (Rudolph Valentino, Greta Garbo) 7. Pony Up! - Matthew Modine (Matthew Modine) 8. David Essex - Rock On (James Dean) 9. Tom Petty - Zombie Zoo (Boris Karloff) 10. Luke Doucet - Judy Garland (Judy Garland) 11. Neil Young - Pocahontas (Marlon Brando) 12. Rough Trade - Highschool Confidential (Marlon Brando, Anita Egberd, Mamie Van Jorne, Dagmar)
  12. nice pics, tasha! thnx for posting. was a great night!
  13. [color:purple]that a pete best tune?
  14. it strikes me that most responses are of the "those bad racists" ilk, without acknowledging that each of us has some racist (etc.) tendencies inside. i do and think things on occasion that i'm not all that proud of, whether its making assumptions, or even just casually checking on my wallet in my back pocket because of what someone walking nearby happens to look like, etc.
  15. you're thinking too much, MarcO and as for the showers? ... bring 'em on!!
  16. i hope they have that wading pool open she's gonna be a scorcher tonight!!!
  17. well, that's the point. why does it have to be scientific? science is only one paradigm of thought (obviously, the hegemonic one) and it is contextual of current methods and theories. expecting someone to prove the existence of the soul (or God, for that matter) is just as problematic as expecting someone to prove its non-existence. i would venture in a kuhnian way that there are many things current scientific thought still cannot 'explain'. the implication seems to be that if something cannot be explained by current science, it is relegated to the dumpster of religion, and should not be 'taught'.
  18. do we have souls? has anyone ever observed a soul? upon what evidence do people base their belief in the existence of the soul? ironically, my sig below seems fitting. im just saying that sometimes gaps in current scientific understanding are more the problem than a belief in what is immeasurable (at this point in time?). am i a creationist? nah, just a shit-disturber fun thread.
  19. nope, Canadian assistant crack whore is the worst fwiw, norm and me share a b-day
  20. does one have to be in the tent to be official?
  21. oh yee of little faith, much eastern holistic medicine wasn't discussed in peer-reviewed journals for decades because it too was not thought to be "science". still ain't in many circles.
  22. i caught the tail end of a south park last night where it was explained that "Earth" is in fact a TV Reality Show, created by aliens a few million years ago by artificially placing various species together on this planet. makes as much sense as any other theory. :crazy:
  23. totally agree 100% ... seger's the man! his tunes define lazy humid summer nights.
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