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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. "Look, let's get this thing clear. Paris Hilton is super intelligent!" "No, she's not."
  2. 1) a really nice cool breeze coming in the window, especially welcome after a long muggy week 2)
  3. pssssst ... its the Police doing Police songs ... well, except for that one Slip cover they do ...
  4. i just finished listening to it all and its pretty good. sounds like it's done with coresounds or some other small stealthy deal, with lots of chatter/clapping. but hey, it is what it is and i like it. worth the 45min DL.
  5. she's in she's out no no, she's back in ... and she dont look too pleased about it ...
  6. i got it. its a 2'06" single file. sounds pretty good on my comp here. thanks for the link.
  7. and it was a Dr. Pepper too! (check out his t-shirt) bizarre.
  8. and that damn squirrel that's trying to build a nest in the birch tree on my front lawn.
  9. im sorry you had to see that. sadly, i see that too. but assholes exist. and everyone knows they are assholes. karmically, buddy pays for his inconsiderate behaviour by having to live the life he leads now - one filled with thoughts directed at him by complete strangers that he is indeed, an asshole.
  10. wow, most of those eleven films are awful.
  11. that's because you blew one of the editors of Now Magazine a year or two ago. who hasn't?
  12. sure ya can. just roll a couple from the 'burbs on the way into the show and take their tix
  13. have had this for a week or so now. really digging it too. we played "guess the band" with friends the other night and nobody got it. its not at all what you would expect. for sure, much more like MMW than the Beastie Boys, but not.
  14. twinrix, malarone, deet and a bednet, and purell. very cool should be exciting.
  15. my gawd, they'll have to play baseball or go to the mall now to make friends. how olden days. this is funny. very funny
  16. being Scottish means we are genetically predisposed to never throw anything away, no matter what its condition. because someone, somewhere, someday might find some use for it ...
  17. phishtaper


    all this quoting is makin' me head spin ...
  18. phishtaper


    i think its very likely ...
  19. i need to quote this, just in case you change your mind
  20. try this. it's on campus ... bit of a trek from king and vic, tho'. run by Mac students.
  21. [color:purple]really? i thot everyone had heard Summer of '69
  22. i sure hope Ryan Adams plays Summer of '69.
  23. We have a Manor in Guelph too, but it ain't no steakhouse ...
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