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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. when the sacrilegious few were screaming out "Sylvia Plath" and other tunes he wont play anymore, i was so very very tempted to scream out Summer of '69 ... good thing i didnt ... otherwise everyone would have blamed his no show encore on me. i'd still go see him again, no question. was a great little show in a great little venue.
  2. unless its raining ... and guess what the forecast is calling for ...
  3. phishtaper


    Jambi Stinkfist (ext.) 46&2 Schism (ext.) Lost Keys Rosetta Stoned Intension Right in Two Wings 10,000 Days Lateralus (ext. w/drums) Vicarious
  4. phishtaper


    GA floors baby! but, to be honest, it was actually better to be further away than up close. the (frickin') lasers that hovered over the crowd were amazing from the back. upper deck will be great for that. bring earplugs, tho'. it was blasting!!
  5. im looking for a pair as well if any kind soul has some extra's.
  6. 245. Songs with false endings (ie. songs that come to a complete stop or otherwise make you think the song is ending when it in fact isn't) 1. Marillion - Quartz 2. Phish - Reba 3. The Beatles - Hello Goodbye 4. David Sylvian - Orpheus 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12
  7. isn't it the Enmax Theatre?
  8. phishtaper


    ... at Copps last night. was LOUD and a lot of fun. their light show ranks up there with the best. very impressive.
  9. i would have figured Sam Brownback (Sen R-Kansas) would have been top five as well ... the man who consistently opposes gay-rights and stem cell research and who voluntarily spent a "night in the Louisiana State Penitentiary in an effort to highlight the success of faith based initiatives." cool list, Kev. gotta love Don Young's porky bridge. money well spent. :crazy: sorry kiddies, no books for you this year. already spent a quarter of a billion dollars on a bridge for 50 people.
  10. fwiw, they had 6 front row seats available at the box office just before the show.
  11. great pics, Tasha. thanks for posting.
  12. really enjoyed it last night too. his voice didnt seem weak to me at all, so im not real sure why he didnt come back out for an encore.
  13. phishtaper

    Baba Ganoush

    i saw Baba Ganoush open for the Dead once.
  14. my raisin bran muffin from Williams this morning is stale. but im eating it anyway.
  15. are those prices for real? "Six payments of $798 for a solo, Ten payments of $898 for a couple!" that's $4800 for a single or $8900 for a couple? wowser! for that price, i'd expect some pretty kick-ass food, my own sleeper car, and a chance to sit in with the bands.
  16. the broadcast was short and the band sounded pretty good. just two songs live and about 5 min of rather awkward interview. (i like dave bookman, but this wasn't his finest hour.) im really looking forward to the show tonight!!
  17. basic chemotheraphy is a just combination of toxins. so yes, one could make the argument that in context, everything is potentially good, even nicotine. bottom line, though. cigarettes contibute more to society via taxation than they cost via healthcare, so there is considerable inertia to maintain the stauts quo.
  18. 244. Songs mentioning a particular room of a house/building in the title (kitchen/bedroom/etc.) 1. The Grateful Dead - Attics of My Life 2. English Beat - Mirror in the Bathroom 3. Robert Johnson - Come On In My Kitchen 4. R.Kelly- Trapped in the closet (sorry I had to) 5. UB40 - Rat in Mi Kitchen (What Am I Gonna Do?) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  19. Guelph has been doing this for years. Its really not that hard. Initially, people were confused and resented having to sort their garbage into three streams (recyclables, compostables, and waste) but compliance now hovers around 98%. Diverting 70% of household garbage to compostable and recyclable may seem like a lofty goal, but city stats and a quick survey of bags for pick-up in my neighbourhood indicate that we far exceed 70% diversion with very little effort. In fact, our "waste" bags only need to be picked up every two weeks, while recyclables and compostables are picked up every week. It's amazing how little "waste" we actually produce when properly sorted. Two issues have arisen. The system is intended for households, and non-household organizations are not obliged to participate on their own and arguably, they produce considerable more waste than households. And two, recent political and financial decisions (not) made by a former city council have shamefully resulted in the community still being obliged to sort, but ALL three streams are shipped to the US for incineration. Ironically, we were a victim of our own success and we burned out the original composting plant and political infighting has led to inaction.
  20. when meg strikes a pose and drums with one hand, that's the best! i love the white stripes and nothing any of you say will change that! look for me on the 5th, riding the rail!
  21. LOL, thanks guys. Who would have ever figured that the politics forum would be lighter than the cavern? Keep 'em coming!
  22. check that your TV is tuned to aux, or vcr2 or whatever. if thats not it, it may be the function keys you note. on this vaio, it's fn-F8 once to share between laptop and TV, fn-F8 again to go full TV (and only this will display moving vid's) and then fn-F8 to go back to just laptop. it took me a while to figure out that i need to hit the fn-F8 twice to get moving vid's on the tv. i use a 3-way 1/8" cord that splits to 3 RCA's (L, R, V) into the TV (aka a camcorder cable).
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