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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Anyone else get really really annoyed at the "get in the hole!" yell after every approach, for every shot, for every player? Drives me frickin nuts. It's like the "with the pass" from blades of steel, only not as charming.
  2. When I get bored @ work I sign Daveyboy up for as many fetish websites as possible.
  3. I spent many a years visiting P-boro while my smarter friends were at Trent. Have to admit, twas a fun little town. Is that cool record store still there? Moondance? Moonwalk? Moon something....
  4. Oh Fista's got that covered. I dunno, Im good either way. You know what they say about cities, they have their good points and bad points.
  5. Not yet. Personally, Im waiting for an Australian skank to pipe up and make an offer.
  6. Damn! Good job Kev, and thanks for trying to hook us up. Unfortunately I couldnt make it, but shit, some day!
  7. But if your on viagara its not a good idea to do a head-first slide. Trust me.
  8. Some leaf fans, chack that, lots of Leaf fans dont deserve any sympathy. There's still many out there that believe sweeping changes are necessary, but jump to the defence of guys like Steen and Kubina and whoever else you can name when you mention they suck.
  9. The Leaf's problems arent anything a little Viagra cant help.
  10. I answered yes cuz if God is real then he likes me. If he's not, its still good. But if I had answered no....
  11. I saw that yesterday too! Started thinking about how bad it would suck to have a raging stiffie while wearing a cup. And not all players wear cups either. How do you conceal a boner in those tight pants?? Weird.
  12. You guys should have just told me you were wondering about this stuff. I can just ask the Magic 8 ball next time Im over at Mousepads place. It'll tell you what's what.
  13. Doesnt ESPN own part of TSN? If so, how long before you hear the song down in the states? Eh? Watch hockey explode now, im telling you that song has magic powers!
  14. Ya, but there's lots of JP's friends hanging around that town too.
  15. There was a sign outside our school that said something like, "Commencement, June 30. Year books on sale..." and some other stuff which I cant quite remember now. MY friends and I noticed the glass casing was unlocked one friday night (while we were on some fungus) and we re-arranged the letters to say something along the lines of "Sex party, 23 cents. Men come for free." It stayed up all weekend.
  16. Just kidding - I already knew that. In fact, Im freakin Jealous! Oh, and Fista, I thought we were supposed to run all these types of decisions by our shrink first???
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