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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. My sentiments exactly. Happy birthday buddy!
  2. The fan, particularily Gord and Don, have had really bad luck with this over the years. First it Pat Marsden (who had lung cancer) then it was another one of their show's staff who's girlfriend was murdered and that was all over the news too.
  3. If'nwish. Talkintojerksabouttheirmortgageswhiletheydontknowmyrealfocusisonwhatsuitimgonnacallnextwithmynext8card.
  4. Playincrazyeights (at work)
  5. That's really sad. I alwyas liked Dave Steinhart.
  6. The most important question here remains (unless maxwebster beat me to it): Can I still get my Salvia fix on the cheap and easy???
  7. Candlebox and Ginblossoms? 1994 called. It says we can have 'em. Boooya.
  8. Does anyone really go to a concert and say, man, the band really ripped it up tonight, but holy fuck that guy playing with his cell phone ruined my night? Cuz if they do, that's fucked in its own right. Edit to add: untill I go to a show where,lets say, 33% of the crowd is talking on or playing with their phones, I will not understand what the fuss is about. IE, until it becomes an actual, "hey lets go here and use our cellphones", You wont find my concert going experience ruined.
  9. My point is that they will come in under these pretense, but that they are foolish pretenses (excpet for the cashing in part). They will be reduced to nothing before too long. Fack, Im negative. Oh well.
  10. C'mon Whitey, unless your a glutton for punishment, who would really bring this kind of misery on themselves? Every major media outlet (and the minor ones too) disecting your every move? Taking over a team full of untradables and useless 4th liners? Never really being sure if the bottom line is to make the playoffs or bring in an aging superstar? I pitty the fool who's gonna take this on. Then again, like Badams says, whoever brings the cup to Toronto....theres probably a few suckas out there who are willing to think its them.
  11. But has Fleury faced anything close to Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Lidstrom?
  12. Looks like the wife and I are in too! Havent looked at the seats yet... LSF row G? They dont look too bad on the seating plan.
  13. Strange. Thats almost on par with "not being drunk enough," while driving through a school zone. Tough break dude! Guess its time to move back to Onterrible!
  14. No kidding. Starting to look like even a Det-Pitt final would see the Wings dominate. (just cause of depth and experience). But, really, wtf do I know?
  15. Send me $30 in a PM and I'll tell you...
  16. Get'r done! Good luck buddy.
  17. Its gonna be nuckin futs around here over the next little while! Hey Schwa - wanna bring our git boxes down to the Aud and play for beer money?
  18. They cant give away tickets to Marlies games. The only way to draw in the Toronto crowds is to put a winner the ice, and if that means a bunch of journey men, then so be it. Its what they have to do. It sad, but they cant "afford" to even re-build the Marlies!
  19. Keller Williams? http://www.kw.com/kw/
  20. The soundbytes alone would be worth the price of cable.
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