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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Wow, thats rough when you look at it that way. Wonder if the Fan/Rogers kinda forced him into it? My first thought was that it was obviously for more money, but now that you mention it, that IS sad.
  2. I dont doubt Chuck is a super nice guy, as much as hes a goof, hes a lovable goof. Its cool that you guys know him too. Ive alway wanted to meet him. I missed my chance though
  3. It's good for Chuck - he loves Chicago. The Bears are his favorite team.
  4. Nooooooooooo!!! Chuck! All honesty, I havent listened to his radio show in over a year, but man, was that guy whacko. Seriously, absolutely nuts. Not in the cool way either, mostly in the innocent, embarassing way. He'll be a tough void to fill on the airwaves, thats for sure. At the very least though, Toronto will forever have an ambassador in Chicago. He will never say a bad thing about the city, thats for sure. Wow. Sad news. In a way.
  5. Yes, is that the one your giving away?!?!
  6. They're just waiting for the right time to produce. Its their new hitting coach's method. "I dont care how they do it in the big leagues, this is what my whiffle ball team does and its nagged us 3 world championships in a row!""
  7. Awesome Tricky! I just played Rockband the other day, the drums are frickin hard yo! Some suggestions: 1.Make sure the kit is only available to those who play on "Expert" 2. MAybe only make the kit is available to those who get the high score drumming....cuz its drums and your giving away drums...duh.
  8. Same shit with me too. I find that if I close down the browser and try again it works. But seriously, that's waayyyyy too much friggin work. I also notice that it only happens with the bigger threads.
  9. Love Eatmores! Cadbury Hazelnut bars are great too. The best though, and Im not sure you can call them chocolate bars, are those extra thick Reese's Peanut Butter Cups that come in packages of two, cuz three would just be chaotic. Holy Sweet Jeebus, they are great.
  10. "I dont know much about Cinco De Mayo, I'm never sure, what its all about..."
  11. My list would include TWIB, SportsCentre, Hockey Night in Canada, Tales from the Crypt and CP 24.
  12. Ummmm...Buffy the Vampire Slayer?? Number 2?? As if, that is by far the greatest show of all time, nothing even comes close!
  13. Huh, who'd a thunk it? Looks like the little Asian girl has got this one in the bag after all. We should all be ashamed of ourselves!
  14. Hal Johnson

    Free bird

    Did you trap it? Cuz if we had a red-tailed Hawk in our shed I'd bet the neighbourhood squirrels would stay the fuck out!
  15. What else do you expect the shark to do? Leave the bait and attack the surfer? I find it 100% believable.
  16. Oh, so you have a contact at the hospital then??
  17. Bryan Colangelo, GM of the Toronto Sports Mess!
  18. Understatement of the week! They had the best record in baseball for, like, a ten year span! We were really lucky you know. They might not ever win again in our lifetime. And to think, they won twice! This years team needs to watch this video and get their asses in gear:
  19. Classic sissypants move. Be really annoying and act like you dont give a shit, then as soon as its obvious that your shtick aint helping anymore or that you've met your match, fake an injury.
  20. If by "cardiac arrest" you mean "Limo"...
  21. Wouldnt it just be grand if they reunited for Hippyfest? It would be like in a movie.
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