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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. The same thing happens to me with the Sens thread. Ive had some really insightful comments about how your team is doing too, I just have no where to display them anymore! I tried asking the rest of the skanks cuz the twelve song album game doesnt work for me either, but no one knew anything, not even Bradm. This is big.
  2. Dude! That'd be awesome. Id def make it for one of those nights. Lets hook it up!
  3. You forgot overtones of gangsta rap and sex melodies.
  4. Jaimoe - by the time a catcher reaches the bigs he can call a good game. Even if the new guy doesnt do it as well as Zaun, his ability to throw out runners or at least keep them from attempting to steal as much should be enough to make him their every day. Zaun will get his fair share of starts though.
  5. Ill agree that he calls a good game - but not good enough to keep him as a starter.
  6. Zaun's the type of guy the MLB would LET take steroids. Seriously, no one would care at all.
  7. Allright! Happy birthday buddy!
  8. Stewart is a career 298 hitter. He stole more bases last year (11) than Johnson has in his past 3 or 4 seasons as a Jay. Johnson is also very injured so having this type of depth is SMART. I have a bet with cully that Stairs hits 260 with 14 HR's this year. Again, smart to have Stewart. Hill can only bat 7,8, or 9, I just think hed be better at 9 cuz he'll get on base more for the top of the order. He could maybe bat 2nd someday. I like the Stewart deal b/c the Jays OF is oft injured. I also think he has something left in the tank. We'll have to see how it plays out.
  9. Potential line-up? Eckstein Stewart/Rios Wells Thomas Rolen Overbay Stewart/Rios Barrajas/Zaun Hill Thats a lot of bat - here's to hoping not everyone shits the bed again this year! and for Fun: Haliday Burnett Marcum Mcgowan Janssen? Not too shabby Gibbons and Ricciardi first casualties from a slow start.
  10. I think he'll make the club for sure. They're selling it as though he'll platoon with Stairs, but I dunno. he's either gonna beat out Stairs or Johnson outright for the starting everyday gig. I really like this move cuz even though he's old hes got some speed left in him and he hit 290 last year. Either way, awesome depth move, but Johnson wont be happy.
  11. I wanna know which one of you jerks is Plomox. Where ya been Plomy??? No comments on the big day? Just kidding, Id rather not know.
  12. Shannon Stewart! Hes good. Remember?
  13. Wow. Seems kinda dumb to me...Gill aint gonna be able to help Conklin with what hes in for.
  14. Hey man, listen up. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. You know that new Depeche Mode album? It sucks. You know what? That new Cure album? It sucks. That new Happy Mondays album? I don't know if there is one, but if there is, it sucks. I can say this 'cause I know. 'Cause I'm a Doors fan. And you know, if you want to be a Doors fan, you know what? You might already be one, and you don't even know it. You know, sort of like being gay, you're walking around, you know something's up, you just don't know what it is. You see, Doors fans aren't made, they're born. I'll bet right now, in Africa, there's some guy madely beatin' on a drum; he's one. Or an old lady on a bus, suckin' humbugs; she's a Rider on The Storm, and she don't even know it. I do... 'Cause I'm a Doors fan. And if you want to be a Doors fan, don't just go buy a greatest hits album. Greatest Hits albums are for housewives and little girls. You want to be a Doors fan, you gotta do it right. It's very scientific. You gotta buy Waiting For The Sun. It's their third album, but really it's their first. We call it the departure point. Okay, Quick quiz: Who's on bass? No bass. That's right. The Doors had no bass. You see, the gypsies ad no homes. Don't let that scare you, let that free you. Let that liberate you. 'Cause when you're free-flying with the Doors, man, you don't need no safety net. If you scream, "Viva la Doors!" loud enough for your landlord to start thumpin' on the walls, then you might in fact be a Doors fan. There's one way to know for absolute sure. Get an eight-track tape of LA Woman -there's only a few in existence- and steal a car. Even if you own one, steal a car. Get in that car, play the tape, full blast, and drive West. When the tape ends, get out, and go to the nearest bar, and start to play pool, or pinbball, or possibly even foosball, and wait to get into a fight. Afterwards, get back into that car, and drive till it runs out of gas. Then, torch it. And if, as you're standing there, watching those flames, if you can still hear the Doors sound, you will have become a Doors fan. You wanna know how I know? You wanna know who told me? Well, last year, Jim fuckin' Morrisson told me, that's who. He came to me, 'cause I'm a Doors fan. I'm a Doors fan, man... man, I love their sound. I like the Doors. - B. McCulloch
  15. Wha??? Wha??? Holy fack. You guys must be right about the part 2...wow.
  16. It is. And for the record, i dont have a hate-on for Mats, just the team in general and his unwillingness to help. (I know, I know...)
  17. This guys with me: http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/columns/story?columnist=burnside_scott&id=3263932
  18. Listen Marco, not everyone lives and dies by Mariah Cary.
  19. Mxims music spin off mag titled Blender once cited Primus, the Doors, and Blind Melon in their top 25 worst bands of all time. That should say a lot about their integrity.
  20. But its a good anaolgy, aint it? Your right, but Im sticking to my guns - Mats can help a little and hes chosen not to. Him staying here does nothing for this team.
  21. Its like the movie Alive. Can you imagine if the two guys didnt set off to find help? Guy 1: "sorry guys - I aint fuckin leaving, no way uh-uh. Were dying on this mountain as a team!" Guy 2: "But your our only hope for survival! We WILL surely die if you stay! if you leave, you can always come back and be with us in much better circumstances. So go Mats - now's your chance to be a real hero! Dont think were gonna love you more cuz you want to be with us while we eat the asses of our fallen comrades. We are relying on you to stop the carnage!
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