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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. I heard Zaun on the fan today, he says his contract talks arent going so well, all he really wants is whats average for a catcher but Ricciardi is being difficult. Also, hes representing himself, which is a bit strange. Given the poor market, Id like to see Zaun stay for a year or two, I guess. Sucks that theres no one good out there, Catcher is my fav position, and theres nothing to get excited about.
  2. My theory is that these europeans did not play nearly enough street ball before entering the NBA. They play by the book, lacking any flair and or pizazz. Hopefully they'll catch up, but it looks bleak at the moment
  3. I like Zaun, but he doesnt throw out many guys. And how old is he? Problem is theres not too many good catchers out there. I guess theyre looking at the guy from texas. Be interesting to see who they get/what they do.
  4. Well now I feel kinda silly. Mosh pit was awesome, eh guys? HAvent had that much fun bumping into people (literally) in years. De anza jig was really cool, and Nature boy did it for me.
  5. I thought it was an awesome show, if not a little rushed. Still nice to see after 5+ years of missing out on these guys. Anyone remember mosh pits? Cuz I forgot about them untill Damn blue collar tweakers broke down. There we were, a bunch of out of shape assholes kicking the snot out of one another, just fantastic. Anyway, just thought id post for anyone who cares, who couldnt make it.
  6. They are officially one of the slowest teams in the league now. Itd be nice if they got some speed to compliment the power, but oh well. They dont like to play small ball anyway. I have a feeling Zaun will be whathisfaces colour man in the not to distant future.
  7. I thought youd never ask. Think someone can review it for Source?
  8. So if I really like what I percieve to be jam music and find a site that is obviously devoted to "jam" music I cant be put off by an article about something that has nothing to do with it? Cant I find a review of PAnic at the disco somewhere else where its more relevant? Im all about listening to and liking different types of music, but I do also appreciate genre specific web-sites for the simple reason that I know what Im going to get. Mayhaps a better sports analogy would be if, say, you worked for the Habs website, but decided to write an article about the chicago bulls. Would you not expect some sort of negative reaction? The article was well written and interesting though.
  9. I look at it like this, cuz well, Im Hal Johnson for fucksakes: It's like sports. They're all different but people tend to pick out and stick to certain ones. In Canada were all about the hockey, in the states its essentially football. By going to a hockey website and talking about football, you will no doubt endure some flak. Granted, there will be people there who like football as well, but for the most part, they will say slag off. Maybe even more so, its like writing a piece on field hockey in an ice hockey mag. A good sport in its own right, but those who like ice hockey really couldnt give a shit about a version played on grass were everyone shoots the same way. Really, you shouldnt be surprised at all by the flak. You are afterall working for a site with the word "Jam" in it.
  10. Every time he scores a goal I like to think its because of me
  11. Blazo, just come with me, I dont have a ticket either. Im sure your smell can get us in. Anyone else going? We should drink heavily together before or after the show.
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