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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Toronto Acquires: – Olaf Kolzig – Jamie Heward – Andy Rogers – 4th round pick Tampa Bay Acquires: – Richard Petiot :confused:
  2. Too bad they couln't have thrown in Pony.
  3. That hockey buzz page is ridiculous.
  4. Thanks Booche. Jim Kelley: Still time left for other teams to respond, but Calgary just shoved itself to the front of the line for teams stocking up for a Cup run. Olli Jokinen comes with baggage having never played a playoff game, but he’s big, strong and great on faceoffs. He now has the best team he has ever played for around him. Matthew Lombardi and a first-round pick seems like a high price to pay, but the pick won’t be that high and it’s a lot less than Phoenix paid to get Jokinen. Phoenix was going nowhere with or without Jokinen, so they made the best move they could in a sorry situation.
  5. Yikes, check this out: Jun 24, 2000: New York Islanders traded Olli Jokien and Roberto Luongo to the Florida Panthers for Mark Parrish and Oleg Kvasha. (I still cant find his current contract)
  6. I thiiiink he is....wasn't he Pheonix's big pick up last year?
  7. I think it's a brilliant move on Burke's part. Shows Pogge he better learn how to play or the Leafs are willing to go with the crap of the crap.
  8. [bradMesque joke]Who did she trade him for?[/bradMesque joke] I prospect who didnt work out. Her dad is more upset about it than she is though, lol.
  9. on a completely unrelated note, I just found out a girl at my work here was boning David Clarkson of the New Jersey Devils while he played for the Kitchener Rangers. She's smokin, too!
  10. Wait! Sportsnet reporting Woznieski is going to Pittsburgh for someone of the same ilk! Trade deadline day coverage just legitimized!
  11. McGuire can go on for a pretty long time.
  12. It's pretty nuts that he still has a job.
  13. Which game are you going to Jaimoe, CAN-US? I'll be driving up with Schwa, so it kind of depends on how early he gets us there, but Im in if we can swing it.
  14. No kidding! To me, it's a fantastic idea for a tourney, but I don't see it getting any bigger in the future. Pitcher's arms are too important to their MLB teams, and I think that turns a lot players off. Mind you, this article does a bit to put things in perspective for all the cry-babies dropping out: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/notebook?page=bbtn
  15. Right, but come the big dance you'd want the 33 yr old as a booty call incase the 19 yr olds drink one too many Strawberry Daquiries puke on themselves and pass-out by 11:00pm.
  16. You mean you didn't hurt your leg?!?!
  17. >>>>pre-slap vibes to C-Towns<<<
  18. I know I wont be giving him anymore vibes! (What? It was the only pic I could find on google images that fit.)
  19. Hey Scotty, happy Birthday buddy!! I guess hockey this sunday afternoon is almost a foregone conclusion, huh?
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