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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Ooo wait. I picked the wrong post you were replying to. Velvet - I would prefer the plan be cooked before it's implemented. What is the plan? I scoured over both the Green and Lib platforms and saw little, if nothing, that would HELP Canadian industry go green. Instead, these plans rely on a wrist slap and fines. Straight up, without the cutesy 'Birdy is an Albertan' comments, do you think we should be concerned about job loss and further hits to the industrial sector? If so, is this concern heightened knowing the recession we're all heading into? I'm not the only one talking of the potential for great harm done to our industrial sector should a carbon tax be imposed. Don't post comments like i want to ensure Albertans get their oil cheques. Nothing could be further from the fricking truth. I want to ensure people have a job.
  2. Holy f a c k Why does everyone have to be so mean? How does a living wage for Canadians help poorer countries from being flung into widespread poverty? I for one liked the Green Platform, aside from a few things. Living wage being one of them.
  3. You asked. Right, I did. In context of those who propose a carbon tax for Canada. Where is the plan like that being developed for coal-dependant communist countries for Canada who is heavily dependant on oil? THIS is what was missed by the Greens and Libs in their platforms. And this is what still remains unanswered.
  4. I think Bokonon was just trying to prove a point against the idea of a 'living age' proposed by the Green Party. It shouldn't be misconstrued(and isn't fair) to assume she just would prefer the poor to rot simply because she doesn't agree with it. And in my opinion, is too often the opinion of lefties out there.... seems a bit like a refusal to consider other alternatives as a way of support. A living wage (and let's be sure to differentiate between that and minimum wage) shows great potential for increased dependancy and to demotivate people from going to school, trying to get ahead, bettering themselves, etc. While I can easily admit that it seems like the be all, end all cure for poverty, it does little to help the human spirit. If we want a nation full of license plate punchers, sure, let's do it. But if we want a Canada full of culturally-rich, educated, intelligent citizens, than no.
  5. Ahh, it's not an excuse. I'm not just going to jump on board of any and all policy because any policy is better than none. When in this case 'none' isn't really even 'none', just none to those who propose a carbon tax or a cap and trade. There's other ways as explained by me and as explained by Bradm of reaching out on the side of the environment. I'm no opportunist and just because it's there, doesn't mean it's good. So zing away my friend!
  6. Bradm wasn't running for office.
  7. i'm plugging my ears and i can't hear you!
  8. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    No, I'm not. I'm no card-carrying Conservative. I outlined my reasons for liking Dryden, which I can admit are ridiculous. He's got a bit of a trudeau-like appeal though which could be good for the Libs. I could easily envision myself voting for Frank McKenna should I be convinced the Libs would get a minority gov't.
  9. I don't think i'm ever going to make it past level 13. Ever.
  10. YAY! Bradm for mayor! I am soo all about the responsibilities of municipal governments and the power they have to make green decisions. Hell, I'm even in the process of forming a local citizen green lobby group here in Chatham. I think your idea is A++ and by far the best option on the table.
  11. I thought this article was pretty interesting, written by the Globe and Mail's Andrew Steele. He brings up some solid points.
  12. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    And sorry! Just re-read what you wrote. I'd like McKenna to come back. Or Ken Dryden. Something about an NHL'er being PM makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
  13. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    Doubt it! He's young and ambitious and now, if ever is the time for the young and ambitious Liberals.
  14. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    I think Brison would be an ill-advised choice. Floor crossing, insider trading, a leadership platform similar to Dion's campaign platform. Dalton McGuinty while I think could probably do a fairly good job doesn't want any part of it.
  15. I think you need some kind of photo ID then.. health card?
  16. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    He didn't want his life to be consumed by politics. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2006/01/30/mckenna-liberal060130.html
  17. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    Ghandi wouldn't have even tried.
  18. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    Does Frank McKenna want back in? Betcha he's regretting what he said in '06.
  19. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    I don't think Bob Rae could win back Ontario for the Libs.
  20. Birdy

    New LPC Leader?

    Who's it gonna be? Out of pity, I sincerely hope Iggy nor Bob Rae are named hero of the day. If the Libs learnt anything from Chretien/Martin they must surely have learnt that these internal power struggles are a major contributing factor to their party's demise. These times are pivotal! In yesterday's Globe: In today's Globe:
  21. I think the most common definition of the word economist is he/she who is an expert in the study of economics. He's no nobel peace prize winner, but he is an economist.
  22. Birdy

    yayyyyyy God

    "Since God knows everything, God has notice of this lawsuit."
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